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Everything posted by green

  1. Thermacell works wonders when im hunting so id assume it would work fishing.
  2. Just set the reels on a cushy towel and lay them in
  3. Went out today and had a lot of luck on a bass colored jerk bait with 2 second pauses between jerks
  4. I saw the title of this thread and thought to myself "I bet this guy is from Michigan" and sure enough that was the case. I cant even get a nibble in the lake i fish, but I have done OK in the grand river for smallies using various mister twister grubs. Sorry i can't answer your question.
  5. Well i went out and practiced casting a little bit today, and i think i have figured my problem out. I was using to light of a lure, because when i put heavier one on i could hit my locations no problem. Is there a specific way i have to tune my reel for a lighter baits? does the tension knob have to be looser than you would normally adjust it too? Thanks again
  6. thanks for the help everyone, ill keep experimenting and practicing and see if i can correct my accuracy issues
  7. it really depends on how hard a try to cast but overall its pretty consistent. I think its a release problem but i feel like i release it on time than it drifts left further and further until it hits water
  8. ok, i was told to use a long swooping cast or spool will accelerate to fast causing backlash. Can i cast like i do with spinning set up and flick wrist quickly? also how much different is the release point concerning a baitcaster and spinning reel Thanks For your input
  9. Hello everyone. I just purchased my first baitcast reel, and i am running into problems trying to cast accurately. When i cast side arm (with right arm) my bait is going way left of my intended target, and when i cast overhand its the bait is line driving straight into the water. I have used spinning reels my hole life and can cast very accuratly with them and have never run into a problem like this. I am curious as to if you think my settings are off, or it is just the nature of a baitcaster and something ill have to get used too. PS. I have tension knob set to let bait slowly fall, and have brakes off. Thanks in advance
  10. if your stuck with shore fishing, just go to the grand river for smallmouth, or if you want to go to a lake i would try a smaller lake than gun, the large surface area of lake would make it hard to work with from shore.
  11. I have a problem with forgetting to take rubber tubing off hooks... and i wonder why i wasn't hooking anything
  12. Tubes Mister Twisters and beetle spins
  13. Mister twister, tubes, and beetle spins work great for me
  14. what is a good lb test fluorocarbon for a 2000 size reel?
  15. yeah ive tried both and i dont notice a big difference in the 2 and a two piece is much more convenient for travel
  16. go st croix and you will never go wrong
  17. thanks just making sure
  18. i just started using braid lined, and when it goes through my eyes it seems like it is a lot louder than mono, i was wondering if this is always the case or if im doing something wrong... thanks
  19. just get a daiwa fuego...it preforms amazingly
  20. mr lite youve been a reel (haha reel, get it ) help ... thank you
  21. does the tape leave any residue on you spool when you take it off?
  22. ha thats a good idea... do you fill the spool with just the braid or do you use a backing line, tape etc.
  23. i own a 2000 , and i wont be doing any salt water fishing unfortunatly due to me living in michigan
  24. thanks
  25. what is a good length for mono leader tied to braid... and what knot should i use to connect the two, double uni?
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