Disclaimer: Some photo's blury since i had camera phone in a ziplock bag.
Launched at Tidelands park on Coronado at 0800, had to pause for "Colors" over on 32nd street.
Little to no wind and a slow out going tide. Took me a little while(about 45mins) to get used to moving with out having the peddles in my Hobie, but I am comfortble now.
Started fishing about 30yds from the moored boats and let the current drag me north along the beach about 150yds out all the way to the Seaforth ferry dock, repeat 10 times using 5" Gulp SW jerkshads in Blue neon pepper?( I think)
Started with this one, at 0920 on a drop shot.
About 40 mins later on my second drift. My first ever Hali! Dropshot.
3rd drift was blanked and broke off on a rock or something, re rigged a chartreuse 1/8oz ball jighead. At first i used the whole bait, but i was getting lots of pulls but no hook ups, so i cut it in half.
4th thru 7th drift , 3 more fish.
8th drift the tidal current has all but stopped. I kept getting a lot of little peck and runs but no hook ups, the i had 1 really hard hit and i set the hook on this, another first.
9th drift was the last true drift and it was my smallest fish of the day.
I paddle back to my starting point and just sit there, no more current. So i cast out deep and start working it back to the yak kinda fast like a jerkbait, line is almost vertical and i get hit hard. The only fish to pull drag today was a nice 1 to 1.5lbs.
After that the mild wind picks up a bit and starts pushing me to the ship lanes. My arms are tired so i give it up and paddle in, calling a successful morning.