I have used spinning gear exclusively except for catfishing, the only reason I use baitcasting for that is because of the line capacity and the fact I have a few abu garcias that hold up well to the fight. I am starting to use some b/c stuff for largemouth now, but only because I want to try something different. I am not sure how it will work out, but I will give it a try.
I caught several (I lost track how many) over 100lb blacktip sharks off the coast of South Carolina with a guide using spinning gear for two days. The gear never gave an ounce of problems and those sharks were tough fighters. I spent several years catching musky and northern pike using Pflueger Presidents with no issues. Those fish fight a heck of a lot more than largemouth, weigh more too. You can catch very large fish using spinning gear, it works fine.
What it really boils down to is use what you are comfortable with. I am more comfortable with spinning gear, which is pretty much what I use most times. I don't feel like I am missing too much not using baitcasting stuff.