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Everything posted by 90x

  1. Alot of my soft plastics have salt in their bags wich I assume give them flavor, but handling them has become a problem. The salt has created small cuts on my hands making it hard to cast and just in general fish. The cuts are painful too. Rigging up a bait takes awhile and every so often I can be heard screaming in pain as water or part of the bait enters the cut. I don't have soft skin or anything like that (I lift weights so I have developed a calasis). Is it just me or do you guys also get cuts from these pointlessly bag salted baits? Thank god for salt impregnated baits!
  2. So within the last 3 days I have gone fishing twice. The first area had loads of lily pads and a couple of docks as well as bridges and grass. The water is really shallow. I saw a few bass. I t-rigged a baby brush hog and tossed it into the pads bulleted weighted. I didn't see much action and it did not look so impressive. I went home empty handed that day. Day two I went to my usual hole. Tossed a jig here and there. Thought i had a bite and set the hook. Lost the jig. I again used the baby brush hog with no success (flipping it into cover). This lake had lots of flooded wood rocks and a couple of overhanging trees. Still nothing. I managed two bass one on a senko ( cant stand this bait!) and one on a buzz bait. I need help with the jig bite and also techniques to use for the brush hog. Also, can anyone offer any advice on where to fish the bait. Kinda got caught up in the baby brush hog craze.
  3. By the way, the lake is called Ford Lake. Not many fisherman. The lake sits on private porperty. I fish in barrington in another private lake with the same amount of houses and fisherman. I am catching 5 pound bass there. Ford Lake has a lot of bait fish as well as bass. There is alot of cover and is well oxygenated. There is much forage in forms of plants. Just want to do my part to preserve the bass and allow everyone to catch quality fish. The main problem is that its private. Therefore, no regulation.
  4. experience, experience, experience. Man I used to suck at fishing. It was like an evolution. Took me two years to become a mediocre fisherman. Now I think I have leveled up. Keep fishing and throwing those baits and catching a fish will become second nature.
  5. so every year I go up to ludington in Michigan. I stay at a house with an amazing lake in the backyard with good fishing and so much to do. However, the lake produces quantity but the down side is quality. I took the jon boat out and rowed to the lily pads at around dusk. I was fishing some lily pads and saw a few bass. They were all pretty much the same size. I don't get it small fish and an abundance of bait fish. The lake is comprised of many floating docks, lily pads, and is a sand bottom with alot of weeds. While bass fishing this past summer, I noticed something: all the bass were the same relative size. It was like catching the same fish over and over again. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help raise the overall quality of fish. The prey fish in the lake like bluegill and perch are of good size and abundance. Is there a reason why the bass are so small (14 inches)? I was thinking about taking a few bass out to create less competition for the other fish. I hate keeping bass, but the fishing is so disappointing.
  6. The solution to every one's problem can be summed up in three words, JUST DO IT! Vague words but a deep meaning.
  7. bug spray has always attracted the fish to me
  8. I have come to a conclusion that can be applied to every aspect in life.....confidence is success. I recently went out fishing and was playing around with some baits that I had never used before. some baits I had different opinions on. For instance, i tied on a buzz-bait. I felt really confident about this bait. I casted it in the water and had a strike (missed the bass, short strike). I did not believe it. I tied on a zoom fluke that I have never really had any success with. casted it and came up empty. Moved on to one of the baits I really love, zoom magnum worms! Caught 3 bass. I have come to the conclusion that if you have enough confidence in yourself and the bait, you are guaranteed to catch fish. probably pretty obvious to you. I however, just started to realize confidences roll in my fishing. I have never been the greatest fisherman. I've caught bass here and there. But I have got so say, after catching one or two bass on a lure, confidence really grows. To me, I reassure myself that I am doing the right thing fishing and outside of fishing. I am sounding pretty weird now, but it is a fascination to me. I have a feeling that the degree of confidence that you have is proportional to the amount of fish you catch. It's like you are transferring some sort of energy to your lure when you fish with confidence lol! sounds kinda crazy, but its the truth.
  9. I realize that there is no way to not get water in contact with your fishing reel. When it rains, I shy away from bringing my bait caster out. Is there a point in which your fishing reel will become damaged due to exposure to water?
  10. the only problems you might encounter are colors bleeding together and maybe scents combining. Other than that, it should be fine. Quick lure kits are great to have. Beats having to sort through all your lures.
  11. dude.....165+fish,two days! I would be satisfied for months!That's what I catch in like 5 years of fishing.
  12. did you like inflate that fish or something? That thing is weirdly huge in the middle.
  13. My family and I went up to a new lake yesterday. We were using a private lake that my friend had connections with. There were about 5 of us fishing. We fished from 8:00-1:00. The weather was perfect. Not too cold and not too hot. We got up there and were waiting for my dad's friends to arrive to get the boat ready. We decided to just try our luck at the shore. My cousin ran to go get his stuff while I chose a spot to cast my buzz bait. First cast a bass followed it, but turned a way. My dad went to go check up on my cousin. A few seconds later I heard screaming. I ran over and he was holding a 1 pound bass. He quickly photoed it and tossed it away. Very next cast another fish. He pulled this one in and it was a 2 pounder. I began to get jealous as my cousin who was 5 years younger than me was out fishing me. I tied on a zoom magnum worm and casted to a log lay down with a tree hangover. I twitched the worm twice and had a fish. I set the hook and brought the fish out. It was a 4 pounder. Biggest of the day. Throughout the day we caught like 15 fish between us. All from the shore. Everyone caught at least 2 fish. Every fish was above 2.5 pounds. There were also fish jumping in the water for the dragonflies. I hook into a fish who could have easily gone 5 pounds. he jumped like 5 feet in the air then wrapped himself around a log and snapped the line. We missed alot of fish that day. I was so excited that we caught quantity and quality. My dad did catch his first 3 bass. Now he knows why I love fishing. (No pictures though. On my dad's cell phone.)
  14. I have changed line many times. I have used multiple knots. Don't know why it happens but it does. jease, dont you guys believe in stuff like this. This happens on its own. I have used multiple rods and reels and lines. What can I say, spinner baits dont like me. Besides, I asked if you guys had any bad luck baits. Cant explain everything, can ya.
  15. I am a devoted follower of the spinner bait. I absolutely love the bait. It is so simple to use and almost always guarantees a fish. The problem or me is that the bait will never stay on the line. Throughout the years, I have purchased masses of spinner baits. Whether they be walmart $1 baits or my favorite booyah, I always lose at least one on my outing. I could throw this bait on a bait caster and my spinning reel. Every time I tied on this bait, the line would rip and 100 feet my spinner bait would fly. Now, I am a firm believer in the Palomar knot. It is my favorite knot and I have complete confidence in it. I cast my other baits with the same velocity as my others. Even buzz baits remain on the line no matter how hard I cast the bait. Whatever knot I use, I always lose my spinner baits. These baits are expensive. I spend about 3 bucks on one. so, losing a spinner bait after one trip is really hurting the bank. To this day, i have never had a spinner bait last two trips in my tackle box. All my other baits have seen numerous trips and outings. Whenever I use spinner baits, they always leave me with a loud snap that seems to scare the wild life and the other fisherman. After the snap, I usually fill with anger. Kinda afraid of purchasing more even though they are great baits. any of use guys have suspicious bad luck with a lure of two?
  16. Luck does not exist in my eyes. You either place the bait and work it correctly and get bit, or your casting all over with no technique whats so ever and not landing any fish. The better you become at reading the water and fish as well as mastering the bait you are using, you will catch big bass. Also, knowing where the big ones are and matching the bait to them, you will catch them. I do also believe in karma. The universe will eventually reward you for your fishing. If you treat nature with respect, the big one will find you.
  17. I went out to Lake Glenview today. I fished from 2:00-4:30. The wind was blowing at hurricane force. I still went fishing. did not have a spinner bait, but I used my buzz bait as a spinner bait. I ripped it through lily pads and grass, no bites. Nearly got blown off the bank. Nice balance practice for me. I then moved on to a senko and a zoom magnum worm in lily pads. No bites. The guy next to me did land a 1.5 pound bass. The SOB threw it right into his cooler. What a jerk. I then move down to shallower areas and fished another worm. No luck but I did improve my worm techniques. Some guy had a fish on. It looked like a giant 5 pound bass. He lost it. I saw him barely set the hook and rather stood admiring it. (All of these guys were using live bait.) Walked further down the lake and saw a couple of kids with their dads fishing. They were using live bait. I was pleased to see fathers and sons bonding through fishing. Alot of the kids caught gills. I then came across a grass mat. Showed off to the other anglers my skipping technique (love skipping!!!). No takers, but what a beautiful day. Upper 70's. We've had 90 weather this entire week. What a nice weather vacation!
  18. I don't know what you are watching, but I find fishing shows entertaining and educational. They are mentally stimulating. I receive amazing tips when I watch the shows. There are lots of commercials, but it is the fisherman's job to monitor themselves. Overall, they are great and a great source of knowledge. Ive learned so much. Come on guys, there's nothing wrong with them. Watch Versus. I learn a little from every show. The more you know, the better the fisherman you are.
  19. I use to lose numerous baits. However, I have trained myself to get those lures back. I have taught myself how to tear and rip lures from where they are. I have not lost a lure in a year. When you get hung up, think logically. Don't just give up. It may take some time but you wont lose your lure. Physics have finally paid off. I recommend pulling the line in the direction it got stuck. Also, tighten and slack your line. You will eventually pull your bait free. Just cant give up. I have been known to rip large portions of trees out. Retrieving a lure is just like fishing: use your head and take your time.
  20. I was in your same situation. The only person who can solve your problem is yourself. When you go fishing, you must dedicate all of your concentration to fishing. Don't have any distractions like music or other noise. Seriously, you must concentrate. Take 3 baits with you: a spinner bait, crank bait, and 1 lure of choice with you. Use The spinner bait and crank bait to locate the fish. After you have located them, fish the area with the one lure that you brought. You will teach yourself how to fish the bait that you have selected. Also, you will get better at your crank baiting and spinner baiting. Do this with all of your baits to understand how they work. If you focus on one bait I guarantee you will learn how to fish it correctly. Remember, give each of your baits time. The only weaknesses of the fisherman is their lack of knowledge about a bait and having so many baits in which you have no idea how to use. One last piece of advice...... SLOW DOWN! Good luck.
  21. I'm 15 and I had the same problem. For me it was 2 hours into the day. At some points I could not even fish and had to leave. I started strength training and it eventually went away. Start working the back and you will eliminate the problem.
  22. experience + trial and error = success
  23. anything is possible, perhaps there's a giant one in the south, that no one could get to. from what i have seen, evolution and location pays a big part. ever see the giant Nile perch in Egypt. Compare that to the perch we fish for. what can you say, there could be a gargantuan bass species somewhere in the world.
  24. sorry for deleting pressed the wrong button. I would like people to see the post. I'm going to post it later again. I copied it so I got it. was attempting to edit the first replies statement of searching for the banjo minnow. I did and like 6 posts came up. I wanted to say that this bait was ignored and not shown to its best ability. Therefore, there is nothing against the rules about this bait as people have not inquired numerous times. In fact, they are hiding any excuse to hide the bait. Come on guys, its a great bait.
  25. Whenever I frog fish my frog always flips belly up. I have adjusted the hook and have tried different rigs. Does any one else have this problem, how to correct it?
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