Last year I murdered the fish. This is the first year I am fishing this particular river. However, all the places I expected to catch a fish failed. The problem is a majority of the fisherman get skunked.
3-4 times a week I walk down the same 3 blocks to the river. I cross two intersections. All of the people stare in disbelief of being able to catch any living creature. This is my first time actually attempting the river. The past times were the only days above 40 degrees. So, It may be my fault.
Other than that, the problem I have is finding fish. Last year was the year I actually became a bass fisherman. I have learned from my experiences. The places I fished were stocked private lakes.
It is more of an experience issue though. More time on the river i think I will be able to catch something. I know the spots to fish, but my anxiety to just get out puts me in trouble. Any day above 50 degrees I will be out there. However, the river is like 5 feet deep maximum at my spot.
Thanks everyone for the insight.