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Everything posted by midnighthrasher

  1. I have a core 100 flipping and i love it!!! killer reel. We'l see how it is compared to the new core 50's. I will be getting two in a month or so.
  2. I need a couple of them. Probably in perch and chrome black back. The 4" is awesome.
  3. Anyone using these? Their tournament worm in black grape is awesome. These are the softest plastics.
  4. Here's a video....looks kind of like a plant on the bottom of the tank: I'd like to see them reversed hooked like a ika falling in 6-8ft of water....
  5. Shimano crucial or compre 6'6 to 6'10
  6. Anyone tried these??? They look so realistic but i wonder what their action is and how they fish. A lake that I will be fishingthis summer is stacked with them. I will be trying jigs, tubes, rage tail craws and i thought these could be my secret weapon.
  7. X2..... I like em in black, green pupkin chart tail or watermelon red and purple flake. Great worm and not expensive. Also if you figure out your color you can buy 100 packs at TW
  8. I would like a 5+ largemounth and a 5+ smallmnouth on my home lake. I am also fishing a few other lakes this summer like Erie, st-francis and hopefully two mountains. Each of these lakes can easily put me in the 6+. So thats my goals 5+ at home and 6+ on the road.
  9. Is it true that KVD only uses 7.1 reels ??? A buddy of mine said that amd i was wondering if it was true
  10. Anyone tried these... They look like a ika but with crazier tentacles!!! http://www.***.com/descpageDAMSOFT-DHYD.html#pImage
  11. If your worried about your rod in your car or van go buy a sonotube or abs piping. Costs like 20 bucks at home depot and nothing will break your rods
  12. Compre casting 6'6 medium fast... awseome travel rod. put a curado on it and prepare for battle
  13. I got 2 crucials...... awesome rods..... and the BEST warranty
  14. You got a website name where i can check em out???
  15. I wade fished for about a month last year due to some unforseen problems with my house. I baught a pair of super cheap waders at canadian tire for 29.99. worked great no problems at all.
  16. you made these or baught them???? either way they look sweet!!!!
  17. That would be awesome!!!!! I got a little friend named " Benelli super black eagle II ' that would probably have some fun too!!!!
  18. Hey glen on their website: http://www.afterthecatchmobile.com/AfterTheCatch/Welcome.html Bassressource is linked at the bottom of the page. Did you help in creating this app or are they just using your name????
  19. I did a tourney with my girlfriend last year and i lost a nice lmb. Probably a 3lb'er. It was a 3 fish tournament and my girlfriend landed the only two other fish we caught. My buddies gave it to me prety hard.
  20. Trade it. i have a e7 and a e5. My brothers got 2 e7's and these are very good reeels. I think you got a lemon. That why you buy shimano for its warranty and peace of mind. Send it back or bring it to bps and get a new one.
  21. X2 i use the 7/0 for 10 inch powerworms and the 4/0 for 7 inch. great hook
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