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Everything posted by SoFlaBassAddict

  1. Good stuff, Shane. Looking forward to seeing it when it airs. Next time Charlie comes down, somebody needs to get him out of those designer jeans and shirts and find him some fishing clothes....
  2. Oh wow. Sorry to hear that. Glad you guys got out safely. Hope the insurance company comes through for you.
  3. Not that I personally need any, good to see you trying to offer your products to those people who have to deal with a lead ban in their states.
  4. Not necessarily. Spend however much you want, just make sure you enjoy using it.
  5. Watched it for the first time tonight myself. Great, great show. Catching that 13 pounder sure looked fun.....
  6. Put it this way. It doesn't matter where you're fishing in Florida. There is always something nearby that can and will bite you given the right circumstances. I live in a nice area, private lakes etc...I've had the occasional problem with moccasins on the lake behind my house. Snake and weird critter captial if the country. It's just part of the territory with being so close to the Glades. Most of the houses west of I-95 are built on swamp land. As far as where to live goes, pretty much anywhere will give you ample fishing opportunities. I can be at Okeechobee in an hour. Lox in about 20 minutes, or drive the boat to the Bahamas in an hour and a half after I launch it. It really all depends on what type of fishing you want to do and what kind of area you want to live in. Personally, I wouldn't want t live anywhere else. I spent quite a while away when I was on active duty, and can't express how much more that made me love living down here. Great fishing weather all year long. Hard to ask for much more than that.
  7. Make sure you're using the IMG code, not just the link.
  8. I fished the way the article describes for a long time. I've backed off a bit on some of it, but I wouldn't hesitate to put braid with a leader on any of my rods again. It's definitely something worth experimenting with if you've never tried it.
  9. Basically you hate Jersey Shore?
  10. For the price, it's pretty hard to beat XPS. if you've got the cash to spend and want to try out the best, Tatsu hands down. It's really not that expensive when you consider that it'll last you an entire season.
  11. Stupid people. Take that how you want.
  12. I can't speak about the Abu oil, but the Shimano oil is perfectly fine to use in your reels. I've got to assume the stuff that comes with an Abu reel is of similar quality.
  13. Try being a Dolphins fan...... I'd gladly take a loss in the Super Bowl..........
  14. Great game. Hard to ask for much more than what we saw in the Championship Games and now the Super Bowl. Exciting way to end the season. Let the smack talk for next year begin!!!
  15. Agreed. Wasn't the greatest, I still think the Prince halftime show down here was the best ever. Awesome production job by whoever did it. I wasn't able to get up to Indy to help work on this one because of what I'm involved with right now. Great stage, and the effects on the ground were first rate. Well done.
  16. First thing I tout when I read this was, "Huh? What has this guy been reading?" Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
  17. Pats 28 - Giants 19 I'm not a fan of either team. Especially the Pats. I think all the talk by the Giants this week is going to come back and bite them in the backside. I've never heard a Patriots team so quiet going into a game before. Those dudes are focused for this one.
  18. By yourself, you'll be fine in a 36". I can stand with no issues in mine. Granted, it's not decked. I've got a hard floor in it. Nothing more.
  19. Very cool. Looking forward to seeing what's coming up in the future from Ike.
  20. Way to go guys. I'm jealous. Was in my shop all day finishing up the tail end of my first part of a project. Like Mike said, I've been on the end of a Robert Spro lesson. He knows his way around a Bronzeye popping frog. From what I've seen and heard, the Lake is putting out some quality fish right now. Can't wait for my turn to get on some of those.
  21. Hell with it. Since I'm treating myself for a change, I'm going all in on it. Think I'm going with: 705CB Glass DX 744: T-Rigs, lighter jigs in lighter grass. Multi purpose moving baits. DX 745: T-Rigs and heavier jigs in thicker grass. Giving myself a day or so to make my final decisions......
  22. Man, this is once instance where I'm definitely not in the average. I'd kill to be able to fall asleep in seven minutes.....
  23. Hush you. Kids are fun.... Just don't plan on having really expensive toys for a while.
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