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Everything posted by SoFlaBassAddict

  1. It's what happens when non native species are introduced to a body of water without the proper research being done to them. In this specific case, the snakeheads are an apex predator. As far as I know, other than the occasional gator, maybe a turtle, or larger bird of prey, they don't have many predators outside of man. They breed fast, have oodles of fry, and not many things screw with them. Pretty simple math right there. Get rid of them as far as I'm concerned.
  2. Lmao. That's awesome. Somebody asking me if I want Cuban coffee. I mean really?! HELL YES I WANT SOME! What a stupid question! That stuff is like liquid crack.
  3. All I can add is....YAWN. Glad I didn't have to pay to watch it. I was really hoping for more with all the hype built up into the Sonnen and Silva fight. Meh. Disappointing overall.
  4. If you're even mildly concerned about it, just re-tie everything before the tourney. Honestly, how long can it possibly take you to do it while you're checking out your other gear. A couple of extra minutes, tops? Re-tie them, and don't worry about it.
  5. I remember when my Plano boxes were organized nice and neat like that... Darn you bait monkey!!!!
  6. Hard to put it any better than that. It scares me watching some of the shiner guys out on Okeechobee. It's unreal how many big fish are in that lake that us artificial users never see. I'm still looking for my Okeechobee DD bass.......
  7. Ok, my first comment was a joke. But I've got to put my opinion in on this thread. Why do I fish with Shimano reels? I've used them for 30 years and have never had a reason to change. I've still got some of the first Baitrunner spinning reels mounted on rods out in the garage. I've owned other reels in the past, I still do. They all see use. I use what I use because I like it and am familiar with it. Plain and simple. I'll never bash somebody because they choose to use a different brand. Honestly, who gives a d**n? It's a grossly immature argument. Buy what you want to buy and can afford. Then have fun catching fish with it. I fish with plenty of people who use different brands of equipment. In the end, it all boils down to one thing. Having fun fishing. /end thread
  8. Wish I would have checked my email. I would have jumped all over them selling the 68 special again. Ken really needs to just put them into full production instead of just special releases.
  9. I'm personally not a fan of the G series frames. If you can find a used E series Citica or Curado, you're in business. The Revo is a darn good reel as well.
  10. Gotta be one of the best threads in recent history here. Just awesome P.S. I love my Shimanos!
  11. With just the braid, no. Add some mono backing and you'll be good to go.
  12. Make that three guys... Anything under 7 is a no no for my inshore gear. Those red ones are about the best bang for the buck you can get on inshore rods. Reel....eh, big spool, big smooth drag. Take your pick on that one. I like one with a darn good handle on it though. I can't even begin to tell you how many handles I've jacked up trying to stop freight trains from diving into mangroves. It's fine to go on the cheap and use very budget minded rods and reels, it's another thing to buy really cheap gear and have to replace it when you don't like it.
  13. Agreed. But not for what he's looking to use a rod for. No problem, anytime.
  14. The 745 is a phenomenal jig rod. Couldn't be happier with mine. I personally like the full grip. Some like the split. I've never handled a split grip 745, so I couldn't tell you the difference between the two. For the techniques you listed, I think the 745 will fit the bill perfectly.
  15. http://www.2lbgil.com/taxidermy/ Posted in this thread. Never hurts to have an idea for the future.
  16. Ficus berries. Though I doubt you'll have many of them up in Jersey. You can sit under the focus trees down here and just watch them come up and gorge themselves. Pretty wild to watch and to listen to.
  17. I use soap and water. Works like a charm.
  18. I'll rarely turn off all of my brakes now. Usually just have a pair of them on and use the tension knob and my thumb to controll the rest. This is also dictated by line type (fluoro/braid/co-poly).
  19. I've had 100 fish days where you're just worn out at the end of the day. I've had more than my fair share of zero fish days also. Unfortunately those zero fish days outweigh the 100 fish days by a lot. It happens to everybody at some point. There are those rare days when everything you do works. On the flip side, there are days when absolutely nothing seems to work. There's always another day on the water. Don't let it get you down. That's why it's called fishing,mnot catching.
  20. Hell of a fish, Chris. Don't worry, you're not the only one struggling to catch giant bass this year.
  21. Right now it's been a Pointer 78 in Ghost Minnow. Fish are up schooling and feeding on bait. Having to move it surprisingly quick to get strikes though. Unfortunately, they've all been in the two pound range. If they go back into the grass, then I'll probably be flipping a baby rodent, jig, or pitching a worm into the holes.
  22. Never had an issue with a properly tied Palomar. If you rush any knot, you're setting yourself up for failure at the worst time. Whatever knot you choose, spend some time practicing it until you can do it blindfolded. Make sure you use plenty of lube/spit when you cinch down a knot with fluorocarbon.
  23. The 734C is about as versatile as a rod can be. Great rod. That being said, the link that RW posted is a pretty good deal. I'd expect to see that sold pretty quickly.
  24. As much as I like using my ultra light gear, it just won't handle most of the situations I find myself bass fishing in. I'll use as heavy a rod as needed given the circumstances. Especially during this time of the year when I want to get a fish landed and back in the water as soon as possible. No need to give a fish a prolonged fight and over stress it.
  25. Just to clarify my earlier post. I've got no problems with you mounting a fish. It's completely up to you. But by doing so, all you do is hurt your chances of catching a 10 plus pound fish later on down the road. Plus having a replica mount made is an easy process. All you need is a camera handy, and a few measurements. The plastic replicas will also last far longer than a skin mount. You'll generally end up with an exact copy of the fish if you're using a good taxidermist. Either way though, it's a heck of a fish. You should be proud of a slob like that.
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