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Everything posted by SoFlaBassAddict

  1. I wish your comments on this thread were pay per view. ;D Winner.
  2. Like the other guys said, you really should have the type of equipment for deep cranks. A nice long rod and low geared reel will really lessen the workload you put on your body. I personally use a 7.5' glass/graphite composite with a 5.2:1 ratio reel. Use an appropriate line size as well. I like using 12lb fluoro for my cranking. I know roughly that that takes about 1.5' away from the lure depth. So keep that in mind as well when choosing a crankbait. The longer rod lets you launch the lure a mile which helps keep it down longer during your retrieve. As far as color goes, I personally like more natural looking baits. Like Lsufan334 mentioned, there is certainly a time when a chart patterned bait will be the smarter choice. I think the action and noise the lure makes is more important than the color.
  3. I recently swapped to LED's on my saltwater trailer and am perfectly happy with them. Even cheap LED's today can get you 20k hours before they burn out. Plus if you bounce over rougher roads, they tend to handle the vibration a bit better than the normal incadescent bulbs. Like Rhino said, they do draw significantly less juice. Worth the difference in price, IMO.
  4. Fish are super shallow here in the earlier portion of the day. They are moving a little deeper as the day progresses, but not much. Most fish I've been catching are hanging just off the edge of the drop offs on the retention lakes down here. No really defined schools of bass on my home lake. On one of the larger lakes in the area here they've been in tight schools chasing baitfish around in open water. Haven't found any that were relating to real structure on that lake yet. Bait of choice for me for the majority of the day has been something small and moving. 1/4 oz - 3/8 oz shallow running cranks around 2" long have been great lately in my area. Swim jigs with a paddletail trailer are effective also. I haven't used any, but with the winds we've had lately a spinnerbait should be just as effective. Like Rolo said, the vegetation is the key to the shallow waters. If you can find good healthy grass, you're in business. There is a lot of dead/dying vegetation on the banks of my lake, so the fish are probably going to be heading a little deeper before too long to find better water. It is really going to be one hot summer this year. Make sure you wear sunblock and dress accordingly. Long sleeves in a comfortable shirt would probably be wise. A pair of good pants would be smart if you're fishing during the hot part of the day. There is nothing worse than burning the back of your legs if you stand most of the day.
  5. Last time I went out to a lake out here in Silver Lakes, a few people were putting in Kayaks at a park on 172nd and Sheridan. Nice large lake. Plenty of fish. Plenty of larger fish in there as well.
  6. I wanted to experiment a little. This one goes into the fail column for right now.
  7. Best thread on c-rigs. I believe it's in the "Best Of" thread. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1120348381
  8. That right there is the problem, KLuo. It could just be because the handle on a spinning reel is longer. I don't know. Maybe I just don't have the same wrist action in my left hand as my right . I'll give it a few more days before I swap it out. I like holding the rod in my right hand, it's very comfortable, I just can't crank it properly for some reason.
  9. Ouch. I heard Drogba hurt his arm. I didn't know he broke it though. Thats just horrible for the sport. Ferdinand hurt his knee again. I haven't heard how bad it was though. I really hope both of them are able to play. I caught on ESPN that Altidore was hurt also. What the heck is going on in the friendlies. I understand playing hard, but man, the World Cup is less than a week away...
  10. Basser223, heres my two cents: You don't need a bunch of rods, you can do whatever you want with three. That being said, it is much nicer to have a few more sticks handy for other things. I've go out with four casting rods and one spinning. I'm very happy with that. I can cover everything I need with those five rods. I used to only go out with two or three and found myself having to retie just to try a different lure or technique out. You don't need to go out and buy expensive gear either. Just buy what fits into your budget. Heres my gear: Casting: MH: Jigs/worms M: Crank rod MH: Pitching/Flipping M: General purpose rod (realistically, I can live without this one) Spinning: ML: Small finesse baits I find that I am a lot more efficient having the extra two or three rods than I used to take out with me. I enjoy fishing more being able to just grab something else that is ready to go. I'm able to catch more fish because I have a bait in the water more often.
  11. Although being unprepared isn't a crime, there are several reports of documents being falsified, negligence, inspection reports just not being done, witholding information, etc etc. Unfortunately, a lot of this stems from a branch of the government. Who knows how far they will search for "criminal" acts. Along with what and if anything will be done about it. In a nutshell, there have been crimes committed, tracking down the guilty parties is a different story entirely.
  12. I've definitely gotta give this a little more time, but man it just don't feel natural right now.
  13. Funny part is, all of my spinning gear is cranked on the left side.
  14. Thats why I stick with cheaper cranks Must have been one heck of a surprise seeing a gator pop with with a lure in it's mouth. Sounds like a halfway decent morning at least. And you aren't joking about surrendering to the heat. It's been brutal the last few days.
  15. How the heck do you guys use LH baitcasters. I picked one up today to try out and I just couldn't even turn the handle smoothly. I was just jerking the thing around. I like the idea of being able to pitch and not have to swap hands, but good god that just don't seem worth it.
  16. Bout time you got into one Nice fish. Surprising that you caught it on a plastic. Peacocks rarely ever eat the soft plastics. I bet that was a fun fight on light tackle.
  17. My greatest fear personally is that this junk gets into the Gulf Stream. Once that happens it's over. Almost the entire eastern seaboard will get hit with oil. It will go from a disaster to an ecological nightmare for a VERY long time. I don't mean to diminish the areas already been hit by oil, but if it gets into the stream, it will become something far beyond what anybody thought possible. When I was in college at the Rosenstiel School down here at UM, we talked about this a lot. Some of the dye patterns that got tested to show what could happen are just sickening.
  18. Most people don't realize it happened. It's not exactly an advertised thing. 10 months of oil gushing out of the well. That could well be what happens here as well.
  19. Ixtoc I - Bay of Campeche My father and I were actually talking about that the other day. Well ran for 10 months before they could cap it. Crazy stuff. http://home.versatel.nl/the_sims/rig/ixtoc1.htm
  20. Regular drop shot/finesse hook tied with a palomar with the tag end passed back through the top of the hook eye works just fine. If it aint broke, don't fix it.
  21. I'd much rather see the Celtics win. I see the Lakers winning it though. They just look like they're on a mission. As long as it goes 7 I'd be happy. I'm not a huge fan of either team. I've never been a Lakers guy, I've always followed the Celtics though (U THE MAN BIRD!!!).
  22. agreed. absolutely amazing skills. (watch arsenal) Oh, and viva dutch!! Always been a fan of total football, these guys are artist. But in all honesty, Spain and Germany will be the big wigs this time. Still can't believe Russia didn't make it. As much as I enjoy watching Arsenal (GO GOOOOOONERS!!), you can't say just watch one team. Chelsea is stacked full of ridonkulously good players. Along with teams like Man U, Tottenham, etc etc...
  23. You're going to see the US vs. England's starting lineup. First match of the tournament for both of them
  24. Great fish, Red. Way to go.
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