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Everything posted by SoFlaBassAddict

  1. Don't kid yourself. Miami will have a good team, a very good team. Mike Miller may be signing today. This is nothing that hasn't been done before, just not on this scale. They got rid of Beasley, which opened up some more cap room. Riley is probably going to work some more magic before the start of the year. The biggest fear that Wade, James, and Bosh are going to have is living up to the expectations immediately set on them now. It won't matter who makes up the rest of the roster, they need to win, quickly. Miami fans can be very fickle. With the level of talent, the average joe is expecting a title instantly. While thats a good possibility, you never know what can happen during a season. Historically, players on the Heat have been injury prone when they're needed most. If they can keep a healthy starting five, and have a mediocre bench, the sky's the limit.
  2. I've got a big fat ugly stick fly rod that I use offshore for Pelagics like dolphin, sailfish, and tuna. Good fun rod to use. Goofy amounts of backbone on it. I'm not really worried about it ever breaking. I used to use some of the larger ugly stick rods for deep dropping for large grouper and snapper. For the price and power of the rod you couldn't beat them. I personally wouldn't use one for something that required a lot of feel though. They aren't the most sensitive rods in the world. Shakespear makes a decent antenna though
  3. I absolutely love throwing them. It's a very versatile lure, which I love. Throws off lots of flash from the blade, makes lots of noise, etc etc. Works great for me in and around some of the weedbeds on my lake.
  4. That was arguably the best internet stfu moment I've seen in a while. I just went back and looked at those pics again. Those are some seriously healthy looking fish. That place looks very well managed. Hope you get to enjoy that for a long time, 32251.
  5. Oh, you can't blame them one second for being upset. That wasn't the point of my post. Everybody is clamoring for him to set an example for the children. What the hell are they doing then. Call me crazy, but it seems to me that they're kind of setting a poor example themselves. The guy went against every evil thing that pros are accused of, and chose the opportunity to win. Didn't want the huge check, didn't pick the biggest market to increase his brand, the man just wants to win. All I hear is how hard life is going to be for some of the places outside of the Quicken Arena in Cleveland. Was it that good before LeBron showed up? Thank the guy for the seven years of record earnings you had. The whole city looks like the poor kid that broke up with his dream girl in seventh grade right now. That being said, he may well have had a better chance in Chicago, but that remains to be seen.
  6. Agreed. Nothing is ever written in stone, especially in sports. Fortunately, the times that the three of them have played together, they've looked amazing. Isaiah Thomas was amazing when he was wearing that Pistons shirt. I'll never forget the special Amad Rashad did on just his injuries that he suffered. Sadly for Thomas, his career took a major dump while he was in New York. I'm sure the Heat will end up with a pretty good bench. There will probably be a bunch of players willing to make minimal cash to play for them just to have a shot at a ring. Pat Riley is simply the best person you can ask for to fill out a roster. He's done it before. I'd be willing to bet he can do it again. He's got the ultimate bargaining power now. If you come to Miami, you probably will win it all within the next year or two. Who knows whats going to happen. I do know this though; it's going to be fun as hell to watch. I'm glad I got my season tickets early this year. Thank God for the renewal package.
  7. Really, it seems like the entire city of Cleveland and every Cavaliers fan (to include the ownership group), all have no class. It's simply disgusting how quickly everybody is tossing him into the dirt. Less than 12 hours ago, everybody associated with Cleveland was swinging from his wobbly bits, now they all want to kick him there. Be happy for what the guy did for you for the time he was there. He gave a town nobody gives a crap about some hope for a little while. I'd leave Cleveland too, especially after the showing you all just gave to whatever free agents "might" have come to play there. In the words of Ron Burgundy, "You stay classy, Cleveland."
  8. Good god, thats one serious stringer. What I wouldn't give to have a crack at that lake.
  9. No. 1 Owner Wacky/Drop Shot hook. I've never had a problem using them. As far as the o-rings go, you may want to try heat shrink tubing out. I've found it's far more effective. Plenty of info in this thread: http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1276125383/0#2
  10. Add a new laptop to my list for me, a second laptop for the kids, and a desktop for the kids.....
  11. They did a couple years ago....with a lot less talent.
  12. How's he a coward for wanting to win? He's taking less money. Pro athletes always get accused of always taking the biggest cash deal. There is nothing wrong with wanting to win. Otherwise, why play the game. I think the dude has huge balls for leaving Cleveland.
  13. Read through the link RW posted. Check the articles out, tons of info. The first thing you really need to do, is learn how to use your sounder. Become an expert with it at the settings you like, otherwise having it on the boat is next to pointless. Without a good knowledge of your electronics, offshore fishing becomes much more difficult. Remember, it's not a fish finder; it's a structure finder. If you can find bait + structure, you've probably found fish. Catching them is an entirely different story....
  14. Call me crazy, but the darker wood in those pics, is that PT wood? If so, PT wood is generally a bad thing to use in aluminum boats. Over time the chemicals from the average pressure treating can react with the aluminum causing it to rust and or weaken. As far as the foam goes, closed cell is definitely worth the money. It is kind of costly though. My Jon was made before they really started to stick flotation foam in them. I didn't add any, but it's on my list of things to do.
  15. I believe the PP packaging even tells you to back off the drag a little. It should play out a tiny bit on the hookset. Some people have this bad habit of hammering down their drags to the max when it's just simply not needed.
  16. Well since RW's paying...I'll take the same. ;D
  17. Very true. I was really hoping for a better match. Spain looked pretty lackluster as well. That header from Puyol was just beautiful though.
  18. I'm not sure. Riley has done it with great success in the past though. They had a decent draft. Going to be interesting to see what happens.
  19. I pick up ballyhoo from them quite often. They happen to be one of the few places up in this area that sells good ballyhoo. I haven't found any other places that have the quality that they have.
  20. Gambler 2200 or the Sterling. I just love those boats.
  21. The key thing is that they have worked together before. It was beautiful to watch. If it happens, it's going to be a ridiculously fun season down here in Miami.
  22. Sources are all now saying he's coming down to the MIA. I'm not really sure how good of a thing it really is. If it happens though, it's going to be really fun to watch.
  23. That goal was amazing. The one Diego Forlan hit was from at least 35 out, if not more. Two reedonkulous strikes of the ball.
  24. The best part about the whole ball issue is this. The Bundesliga used it for the entire season. Not one player that has played in the Bundesliga complained about the ball. Lots of them have enjoyed using it, etc etc. I think it's more of a fact that Addidas didn't test the ball in the altitude that it would be primarily used in. I've got one of the official match balls here at the house. It's a joy to use. Lots of travel, accurate, etc etc. A little more thorough testing was probably needed.
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