This is a small (3 1/2", 3/8 ounce) floatering swimmer that dives 0-1'. For the color, I tried to do something along the lines of Aurora Black, and I think it turned out well.
A few more cranks in some new colors (for me):
Blue Glitter Black
Another new bluegill pattern. It seems like all of the bluegill patterns I've tried before had something wrong with them: they were too dark, or not yellow enough, or something that just made them look not quite right. For this one, I took a much different approach while I was painting it, and the result was finally what I was looking for.
Silver Shad with crackle back. I used Elmer's Glue as my crackle medium.
This shot shows the crackle on the back better:
Let me know what you think!