I think 800 feet is a little optomistic (), but I was aiming for 20' plus. I don't know if this one will hit that, but that's what I hope to reach with the final version. The lip is 4 1/8" long when measured from the nose of the lure body, and the bait's overall length is 7 3/8". Weight is just over 1 ounce.
Big M, I figured G10 might make a better lip material than lexan for super-deep divers, but I didn't have any while I was building this one so I used lexan. The flex isn't too bad, but I think that G10 will definitely be the way to go in the future.
I've also heard that baits with G10 bills dive deeper than baits with lexan bills, because the G10 is thinner than lexan. Is that correct?
I have done some testing with it, and it has a tight action with a pull that's surprisingly light. I'd say the pull is a bit harder than a DD22, but by no means unmanageable. It dives quickly, but I've only tested it from the shore in a pond that's 12-15' deep at the deepest point, so I don't have an accurate readout on how deep it will run. I sent this bait out for testing on Monday, so the tester should have it pretty soon and be able to determine the diving depth.