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Everything posted by T-2000

  1. Summer is my favorite time of year to fish, but living in MA it isn't too bad.
  2. Thanks for the tip. I don't leave line behind but it does tend to foul up my tacklebox if I forget to toss it after fishing. It seems like this will make it more manageable.
  3. "Hooked up with some fatties."
  4. Thanks for the info. That's pretty much what I was expecting. I'll try to dig up those old threads.
  5. Interesting. Worms are without a doubt my bread and butter lure. I find them far easier than crankbaits or even spinnerbaits. I have a fishing buddy though who usually kills it on crankbaits but can't fish worms or other plastics very well. Different strokes...
  6. I'm still pretty new to fishing, so my weaknesses are great in number, but crankbaits in particular are something I have trouble with. I guess my main problem, and this extends to all lures, is lure control/retrieve. I don't have a great sense of what my lure is doing under the water and I strongly suspect that I'm a little too heavy-handed, even with plastics ( which typically yield the most fish for me.)
  7. Anybody target bass on a fly rod? I'm thinking about taking the plunge myself, and I'm curious to hear from members with experience in this department. What kind of setup do you use? What are some of the strengths/limitations of this approach?
  8. I've been throwing a lot of zoom swimming chunks on a weightless hook. It's been a pretty decent approach for me.
  9. I saw a report from earlier this week that said surface temps were around 56. I haven't personally been out there yet though.
  10. I've heard this before, but I've never had trouble getting a boat. I usually go in the afternoon though so maybe everyone is back in by then. Tuckman, you should definitely check the DFW pond maps in Massachusetts. Just google "mass pond maps" and you'll find them. EDIT: What part of the Finger Lakes are you from? My girlfriend is from Geneva and I'm supposed to go fishing with her dad this summer. He said there are some bass in Seneca Lake and he was talking about some canal out there that had bass too.
  11. I'll second buying a canoe. For a while I'd been looking at Craigslist and stuff trying to find something, and then finally one day that summer I just committed and got a canoe at Dick's Sporting Goods. In hindsight it probably wasn't the best canoe for my needs, but it felt so good to get in the water! I caught my first largemouth about five minutes after launching on the maiden voyage.
  12. How long does the paper have to be?
  13. That does it, I'm going to have to check out Spoonplugging. Thanks for the tip guys.
  14. I picked evening. It's nice to get out on the water in the late afternoon and feel the weather cool as the sun goes down. That said, I'll take any time of day that allows me to dip a line; some of my best fishing has come in the very late morning.
  15. I like "Lunker" by Bob Underwood. It's a different approach to the subject in that he writes based on observations made while scuba diving.
  16. I picked July/August simply because that's when my best times on the water have come. As a student, that's when I get to log the most hours, and that's when my buddies and I can really relax and unwind on the water. Ultimately I have to echo what others have said: any time on the water is a good time on the water. I've been getting skunked in 40 degree rainy weather so far this season, but it just feels so good to dip a line.
  17. I'm a big fan of Zoom worms. The Zoom chartreuse/motor oil C-tail was my go-to worm last year, and it caught the majority of my fish. I have a bag of BPS worms that have never produced for me, but I haven't gotten a chance to fish them much since I picked them up at the end of the summer. Man, I can't wait to stock up on some stuff this year!
  18. Hi folks, My name is Tim and I've been fishing for about two seasons now. Mostly I like fishing smaller ponds that are a manageable size for a canoe. I just moved out to Cambridge, MA from Northampton, so I've been trying to learn some new spots, and I have a lot of places to try! I've read a lot of the articles here at Bassresource but I figured I should check out the forums as well.
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