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Everything posted by fishingcajun

  1. I fished the oilmans as well. Had a great practice, released a 7+ fish and a few others. Only managed four fish the first day with 9#, one fish 2nd day. Fished Sammy Gill a short time, then remaining time was Indian Mounds and Housen. We saw very little buck bass remaining on the beds. I will be going back up next week to practice for next oilmans. Sure hope i do better than the first two. Wish i could give a pattern, did not catch enough fish to pattern them.
  2. My report - Fished the upper end of La Nana / United Bay Feb. 21- Afternoon of fishing - Partner and I had each one Keeper fish. 5#+ on trick worm, and 3#+ on R-Trap. Boated another 6-7 short fish. All on outside isolated grass patches Feb 22 - Afternoon of fishing - 12-4:30 and quit with fish biting the last 2 hrs. 6-Bites, 6 fish boated, 3 over 3#, and 3- 14-15" fish, all fishing same area, changed up after not getting bit, started punching the grass with Brush-hog, Might have been timing, but after two hours without a bite working outside pattern on trick worm, R-trap, spinner-bait, etc. switched to something I have more confidence in. Note: Cloudy weather all day, lite rain for short period 3-4 times, I would have thought the fish would have been scattered and not isolated to grass. Feb 23 - Fished ALL-Day, up until 4:30pm, 1-bite ! 1-short fish, needless to say, probably quit fishing when i should have been just starting, Kind of burns you out without a bite all day. fished same area, same pattern, switched patterns, backed off into deeper water, etc. could not find the fish, or at least get them to bite. Note: Blue-Bird day, I really thought it would be better, with the sun out, fish would have moved deeper in the cover!!
  3. Heading to Big Bend, feb. 7-12 can't wait, couldn't save the deer gear fast enough!!
  4. Spring fever is contagious ! Sick of the rain ! Stopped just in time for me to return to work. One more week chasing deer, then TB here I come. Welcome back Catt !!
  5. Congratulations on a good finish. Great report with good detail. Anyone should be able to look for that pattern in the back of their own area and find fish. I believe we had a similiar report a couple of weeks back from slaughter creek.
  6. Went up to the bend last week for one day, got the boat out of Toledo Fiberglass with a new shine and Talon for this spring. 4pm-dark. I didn't catch a fish, partner had six with two really short keepers. 1215 area, shallow grass. Had a few boat around us, same results. Might add, I think it was 2-3rd day after the front, blue bird conditions. Fished a couple of hours early the next day with my brother, we caught a few short fish, then i had to head home. Got a call from my brother later that day, and he had landed his PB 8# large mouth. Caught on zoom trick worm. He was fishing in Sammy Gill, just working outside area of lily pads, 5' water with a good 14' creek and timber leading up to the shallow area. We fished this area the week before, and found a ton of bait and fish just couldnt get any to bite. later work calls
  7. Thanks, its going to be hard to stay away from the lake for a while to go hunting, fall as some great fishing !!
  8. Well, back from fishing the FLW on Rayburn. Had two great draws, Dave LeFebre and Brian Thrift. Accomplished my goal of finishing in top 50 and making a check, finished 46. However considering the low weights for the most part, and another 5 lbs, i could have been in top 20, but thats how it goes. Both guys were great to fish with. The day with Dave was tougher, we fished brush piles in 20fow and not having the electronics to my benefit and fishig the back of the boat, it was tough. 2nd day was better with Brian, fished shallow. I just never got the bites as he did, thats why he is a pro. Oh yes, you guys need to stay out of Slaughter creek and MY holes, LOL . I do know exaclty where one of the points is located, thanks for the tip !! I marked a couple of interesting humps when the water was down in there. A couple of my friends caught some quality fish shallow around 1215 the past weekend. shallow bite is on there.
  9. I found the attitude at mid-lake marine much the same, they will go out of their way to make sure you get back on the water, however i believe they are closed most weekends.
  10. Report from 2nd Oilmans. Well, my fish disappeared from the area I fished for the 1st oilman's. Managed only 1 weighing fish the first day. Changed stratergy the 2nd day and managed total of 6 Keepers on the day. Best five weight was only 9.+ lbs. Did not finish in the money. Crank bait pattern really vanished, ended up flipping grass with creature baits, fished 1215 area. Most productive area was drains or creeks with 10-12 water, fished edges. Like usual someone always finds them for these oilman's tournaments. I team weighed only 6+ lbs. the first day and after bombing the 2nd day in same area, decided to make a move somewhere around cypress bend, not sure if they knew of this hole, or stumbled on it. They weighed a 29+ lbs. stringer the 2nd day and took overall 1st place. Thats a mean stringer.
  11. Sometime things just go your way, thanks all !!
  12. Well guy's. finished up the Oilman's, and did pretty good considering we only practiced half a day Thursday. Friday we caught early on topwater and weightless worms in 3-4' water. This was a drain I picked out on my map and decided to try. we had four keepers for 7am, all around 14-15". We finished out the day working crankbaits around bridge pilens and a couple of deep humps next to creeks. Weighed 11+ lbs. Friday. We had to scratch our early morning shallow bite Saturday and opted to trailer to our deeper bite. We caught more fish Saturday, but could not get the kicker fish to help us out. We only weighed 9+ lbs Saturday. Weighed a limit both days, probably caught upwards of 30+ 14" fish both days and i dont know how many total. We also caught a boat load of white bass. All in all not bad for not having fished in a couple of months. Finished 33rd Friday, 45 Sat. and 30 place overall. Decided to fish the next oilmans in two weeks. Oh, forgot made a check both days and an overall check as well.
  13. All, the oilmans is usually always out of cypress bend, however i did not personally register for the tournament. I just spoke to my buddy on the lake. they have been fishing all morning without a bite. They are fishing some grass beds in Pirates Cove, says its beautiful, fishing 12-20' water, and nothing. Tried a good wind blown point, nothing. Needless to say i am a little worried, since my last trip was a bust. Tempted to shallow in the hottest part of the day and try a little topwater and weightless senko. I wish i had to deep water humps, but everything i checked in July was empty. Good luck in the basschamps skeeterdon.
  14. Headed to Toledo for the Oilman's, I have not been since early July, things were slow then. Looks like its going to be tough. Have not posted in awhile, switched jobs, and have been really busy. Also got selected for the FLW open on Rayburn in October, looking forward to that. Hope a get a good draw !! Anyway, any pointers for TB, feel free to PM me. Prayers or with CATT, sure do miss his insight. This winter we need to pick up our online class' with the CATT !!
  15. Fished TB last Saturday daylight to 11:00 am. Fished Penelton Bridge area. My brother managed 4 keepers that averaged about 3#. He also caught about 3-4 short fish. I managed only 2 keepers for about 5.5#, and only released 2 short fish. We tried a few points early, did not catch a fish. All our fish were caught fishing hard bottom humps in 20 feet of water with 30 surronding the area. All keepers were caught on big texas rigged worms in your normal summer colors. Except one came on a 6XD, but was fouled hooked on the side of the guill. Never really felt the fish hit, and it was at the boat. I was playing around with my hydrowave, who knows. I saw fish suspended off of the bottom and some relating to the bottom.
  16. I don't use a spinning real for drop shot. I have one, but it never comes out of the box. Sounds like you have it covered. I brought five rods, and about the same on the tackle boxes. It's all in the luck of the draw!!. You might draw someone who is fishing for the learning experiance and has the extra cash to fish as a boater, and might not mind fishing your spots. Talk to him at the meeting the night before, of course if you draw Tommy or Todd, you probably can sit back an enjoy !! I got lucky once and had Glenn Freeman for a day, this is his time of the year, really good at deep water fishing. Cross your fingers and hope you don't draw a local that has tree's out, unless of course he gives you equal time at trying to catch your fish. I know they spend a bit more on the entry fee, and the cost of fishing a tournament circuit. Just to clarify I am talking only of someone that fishes one tournament on their home lake, there are a few who do this, and all you have to do is look back at the pairings from previous years and see how the co-angler faired!! But its the chance we all take. Good luck with the tournament, FISH SLOW!' if possible.
  17. Six mile, I have been debating to fish or not. I had some really good fish located, but the Mcdonalds really killed my areas. Tried to stay mid lake and close to weigh-in, and so did another 1000 boats, but thats fishing !! I know as of a week ago, i got an email, there was still some openings. Just cant afford to drop $ 800. bucks at this time. If i had not already fished and Everstart and a couple of BFL's as a co-angler, i would not hesitate, its a good learning experiance. Good luck and hope you draw someone familiar with the lake, or should i say someone that can teach you something new, that will benefit you, if you should happen not to finish in the money. Hint: The spinner bait will get you heads early, but the Ol Monster will get you studs later. If you partner is fishing a lot of bridge pilings, fish a drop shot behind him, wacky style, with a green gourd trick worm. I finished in the money at a super BFL on toledo a couple of years ago.
  18. Sorry, I am late with my McDonald's report. We have been really busy at work this week. Fished all three days. My best hole in practice produced a 5.2, my back up hole in practice produced a 3.5 and 4.5. Day-1, 6am-9am caught 2.0,2.4,2.8,3.02,3.4,3.8, dropped 5+, 4.12, 4.22. Plus 6-7 13-14 " fish. Made the run to weigh the 4.22, got beat with 6 min left. Brother was on same hole, and dropped a 5+. Bite really dropped off with traffic later, and had many drive by anglers, its hard to hide when you are catching fish that quality. Had one - I suspect BFL angler who couldn't take the pressure and finally found him on the hole the next morning with a buoy marker and cranking away. Long story short. Hit that hole a few more times Saturday and Sunday , with no luck. Pressure drove them off of the spot. I did pull up one time and caught about 7 in a row up to 3# on crank bait, then they disappeared again. My backup hole did not produce but two dinks. Thats how my weekend went. Shout out to ***atic for the tip on a spot, did not get a chance to work it. The community, next town over, and a couple of out of state community's all were camped out on it, I suspect that much traffic and its location probably spooked the big-ins anyway. Early bite was on 1/2 ounce Stanley chart/white spinner bait, single colorado blade, white bass and short fish will pound this around the willows on islands and humps for about 30 min. Then worked deeper water with Zoom Ol Monster Red Bug worm Texas rigged, my quality fish came on the worm bite. When wind died to nothing, did some dropshotting with Zoom Trick worm in Red bug, rigged traditional and wacky, and also a Zoom finesse worm in Gourd Green. Caught all three days at times on a KVD 6 Sexy Shad, problem was weeding through the white bass bite, however never caught anything over 2.5 on crank bait. That was my trip !!
  19. Sounds good, I dont have internet access at the camp. I will check back in Sunday PM. Good luck. I will PM you with my cell number in case you have a break down and I am up on the lake. You never know !!
  20. Sounds like you plan on fishing the Mcdonalds now. Don,t blame you, If i had fish located like you have posted on, i would camp out on the place the night before, just joking!! . Anyway, if you do fish good luck. P.S. I am still going to email you from work probably around 13 or 14. to see where you stand, hope your fish or still there. JcFreak - welcome, we can always use another fishing partner scouting and reporting for the forum. I will be up there Wednesday night, have to work on wiring a new building Thursday, but hope to start scouting for MCDonalds after that. Think i will concentrate on nothing but ledges and humps. Picked out a bunch on the map and will check them out. Hopefully i can find one in the area of the camp thats maybe not on the maps. Hope to give a report after the weekend.
  21. Man,, i sure like that offer. I will PM !! thanks
  22. Coordinates please, then we can share the wealth. ha ha I promise you will get checks with four pound fish !!
  23. I will be fishing the Mcdonald's on TB. Fished the Rayburn tournament. Didn't catch a keeper in 3 days. But I also stayed offshore, except for a couple of hours flipping bushes, was tuff for me. Didn't see another angler catch a keeper fish around me in 3 days. Fished out of Shirely Creek, St. Augustine, and Mill Creek Park.
  24. Thinking about fishing the Big Bass Splash on Rayburn. My problem is having to travel from my camp on Toledo Bend to Rayburn every day. My camp is located mid lake on La. side, so i will have about an hour trip everyday. Was hoping for ideas on travel tip and open launches on south end of the lake. I have only fished it a couple of times in last two years and did not do well. Thanks for any help. Please send me PM if you have some secret patterns or spots ! What ? A man's gotta ask !!
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