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Everything posted by mrlitetackle

  1. i have some family in ft meyers..... next time im there, i'll be sure to try it out! thanks for the heads up dan.
  2. ladyfish are quite fun, i agree..... especially larger ones, those things have certainly got some fight to them..... suppose thats why one of their nicknames is "10 pounder" a couple months ago, i had pretty much your same scenario at a power plant near titusville in the indian river..... me and my pal caught a lady fish on pretty much every other cast, with the same situation.... miss one, and hook up on another before you get the lure in!! its about the only day i can remember where we both agreed that we were too hungry to continue fishing!!!!! cause the onslaught lasted for nearly 3.5 hours before we had enough......... sounds crazy now that i see it being said, but yes..... we had simply caught too many fish to continue! so congrats on your day......... they dont happen too often, but i do know how much fun they are!!!!! ...hopefully, you or i will encounter this again soon.
  3. i own 2 of the saros..... both in the 3000 size....... use one for fresh, and one for inshore salt..... i have absolutely zero complaints about the saros, simply and awesome reel for the $$$... and i can say to anyone that i would recommend it! as for the stradic, i do not own one.... but im sure it is a great reel... (i own a much, much, older model stradic 2000 that still get somewhat regular use after like 10 or 11 years or so, ive really completely lost track of the time frame..., thats just a ballpark figure........ works good as new too i might add.) i want to say its a stradic FE, or FG ....??? dunno, somethin like that!
  4. hey, we all know the feeling..... but look at it this way man, you still caught 2 fish.... imagine how bad it would have sucked if you got the old goose egg for the day after those events
  5. Senko..... good to hear at least someone else loves that crap too ;D ive always wanted to try that place, they play commercials for them here in orlando somewhat frequently...... yet there are none around!??!!??! as for the best fast food burger i have had..... has to go hands down to BackYard Burger!
  6. dont know myself if the quality (does that even count for fast food??...i mean c'mon, i eat taco bell ) has dropped for Arby's lately, as i never ate it in the past.... so all i know about it, is what i have eaten of it in the last year.... i still dig the place...too much i might add. dsaaverdra... they dont offer the reg. fries here either... just the curly... its ok with me though, as i enjoy the curly ones!
  7. i suppose that im not too keen on all the internet happenings..... this forum is all i really do on the computer.... besides banking stuff.. so im not aware of any 7 legged spider payments, or that check.... guess i'll have to look it up, cause it all sounds quite humorous ;D ;D ...in the mean time, i'll just wait to hear what goes down with our members story.
  8. i love this thread..... the pics are great from everyone..... thank you to all!!!! i cant wait to see more. ...and fishin daddy, the 2 are great, love them both.... but the 1st is truly wonderful! and wagn... the last one is too good for words in my opinion.......
  9. Sonic is good, but there is something seriously wayyy too addicting about Arby's IMO..... especially since ( as of lately ) on the back of every receipt there is a survey which gives you a free regular roast beef or beef n cheddar.... so its always a lg roast beef, fries, and a reg roast beef.... and the receipt for that has yet another survey.... its never ending with the free sandwiches... (the beef n cheddar is OK, but i feel the cheese sauce just fouls up my crappy fast food roast beef sandwich too much.... ill just keep it simple).... ....and the whole roast burger concept is yet another way to entice the fast food connoisseur into one more delicious, yet horrible eating option that is all just way too irresistible... d**n that Arby's, and their tasty food!!!!!!
  10. Seriously, ive gotta stop eating this so much, problem is....... its just too d**n good ;D large roast beef, with curly fries.......... and tons of Arby's sauce....... AWESOME!!!!! ....just thinking about it makes me want more.
  11. good to have ya, eh!!! the info is great here, and beware...... this place is quite addicting too ( for the fishing type at least ) !!!!
  12. good to hear you're back at it...... and, good to have ya, eh!
  13. just found this and im highly interested to hear how it plays out..... on a side note.... matt, that check is great sh%*!!!!!, and im just as interested in the story behind that one.
  14. i haven't targeted carp since i was very young.... but here is what i always did (not even sure what type of carp i was catching... i was probably like 10 yrs old )... we were always fishing for peacocks (i lived in broward county fl)....and on occasion we would catch LM....... well we would always see very large fish around right after the lawn service people would cut the grass....... as large areas of grass floated on the lake, BIG fish would come up and roll in it... we tried everything we could think of on the grass cutting days to catch these mystery fish with no luck.... one day we loosley hooked a whole slice of bread (so it still floated) and tossed it into the pile of floating grass clippings..... BINGO! ...after that, every grass cutting day was reserved for carp fishing!
  15. ive never used matt's soft baits, only the hardgills..... but thats not in your $$ range specified... so as for something that i have used, im gonna recommend the strike king sexy swimmer... i picked mine up for like 17 bucks... it has good action to it, and i can fully attest that the bait catches fish!!! (..it will hook a lot of smaller fish as well though, so i wouldnt really consider it to be a "lunker only bait"..... though i have caught some nice fish on it)
  16. i dont know personally if one has an advantage over the other, but i do own a ML hardgill in the male BG pattern, and it produces quite well.
  17. dude, your haulin' some massive fish lately!! ....hey, good work on catchin' any..... i myself haven't been fishing in about 2 or 3 weeks due to the many hassles of life...... ..and im gettin more and more agitated by the day, soon enough i'll get back out
  18. nice fish man!!! congrats on the new PB as well.......... and good descision to do some fishin' that day
  19. sucks to see a nice one floatin' ..... and if that truely is the same fish, then........ wow, crazy coincidence how the story unfolded right here on BR.
  20. yup, live rattle snake...... well, not only would i never get that up close and personal with a live rattler......i dont believe the thought would ever cross my mind to catch it, hook it up, and use that bad boy for bait! great job for that guy though... a little risky for me...
  21. not exactly what you asked for, but i will give my opinion...... simple (just reel in).... single hook (not much to foul kids).... cheap (who cares if they lose it).... catches anything that swims (from bluegill to monster bass)..... ..... beetle spin. hands down, classic winner.... that has a place in my book any day of the week.
  22. good to have ya, eh! we all love to talk fishing here, and cant wait for your input as well.
  23. of beastly size or not.... i must say that all of those bass look to be quite healthy, with great colorings as well! ....good job, personally, i love catching the "pretty ones"
  24. never tried that, eh.... i used to take a spoonful of peanut butter and wrap it in saran wrap, then freeze it.... ...then eat as you would assume... ..guess i just love peanut butter though!! as far as the PB and J's go... i love the peter pan honey roasted peanut butter (crunchy style, only way to go)..... i dont know why other companies dont jump on the "honey roasted bandwagon?" ....as far as jelly.. concord grape baby!!!...all the way! and for your frozen suggestion..... the next time i make one, I'm gonna try that bad boy out........ thanx for the new snack idea man!
  25. if bps wont take care of you on the issue, dont be concerned, as RW stated...... in the right hands, a tip top is not an issue at all.... in fact a very simple fix. it should be relatively cheap, and your rod will be good as new!
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