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Everything posted by mrlitetackle

  1. thats a great site RW, that myself.... and i would assume many others here have frequented. good lookin out... for me, i now use all braid.... strictly palomer knots... with mono (previously) i used the trilene knot.... in the salt, for my braid to mono... i use the improved albright or alberto knot... and still the trilene knot for the mono leader to the tackle.
  2. welcome here..... and as you (correctly) presumed... yes, thank you for the pics!! good job man!
  3. fresh: a drop of oil on exterior parts (line roller etc...) clean and re-lube drag assembly.. wipe down.. thats about it, once every time i may think about it (sometimes 6 months, sometimes a year... yet they all work great still) salt: same as above, but....after every outing (minus the drag, do that about 2 times a year on the salt gear) ....servicing, only if they need it (for me at least)
  4. That is not a good way to hold bigger bass . you are indeed correct good sir...... this would be more appropriate for a larger bass (as i always use 2 hands for the biggun's ) ...and no, its not the same fish as the avatar........
  5. good stuff my man! glad to see the pics.
  6. nice one man!!!! though its been quite some time since i've caught peacocks..... i love it. i used to live in pembroke pines, and targeted them all the time.... now in orlando, and LM are the way to go for me.... but i dare to say it (on this site )..... peacocks IMO fight better pound for pound than LM's do! wish i could get some of that action in again :'(
  7. nice man, never caught a smallie myself....... always wanted the chance though...
  8. agreed..... been a favorite of mine since i was likely 5 yrs old.
  9. N-I-C-E !!!!! very nice ;D ;D ;D
  10. man its a hard deal...... i hope it works for you!!!!! (i need to have some willpower myself with the same issue...)
  11. hey man nice fish..... i post mine right from the computer (as an attachment), and just resize them with microsoft paint....... super easy, even for a "not-so-computer-savvy" person...such as myself.
  12. i think the fish were nice, and im sure it was a great story..... but, i was too interested in the avatar pic that you have....
  13. tonight...... 3 slices of the best (in town, IMO) NY style pizza (Goodfella's.. plain cheese.... when the pizza is this good, i cant foul it up with toppings).... left over. reheated perfectly... (dont normally heat left over pizza... just eat it cold... but this stuff needs to have some respect ) waaaaaaayyyyyyy too good!!!!!!
  14. IMO.... no, you are not missing out. i stick to spinners, while i have had my hand... and patience... in the past with BC's.....................the spinners are my final choice. for me (as an enjoyment fisherman) the spinners keep my "enjoyment level" higher. .....as long as you are catching fish, then trust me.... you are not missing anything!!!
  15. personally, dont know what the cause is.. but sure is a new sight to me.... thanx for sharing the interesting pic dan.
  16. quite simply... good fish man!
  17. Pretty good.......but I hold my booze a lot better nice..... very nice!!! ;D but even the small ones get the same hold..... for me!
  18. thanks to all.... i really enjoyed this last outing, and for all those who enjoy the UL... definitely give this little lure a try (i believe that it is a SK as well, like the bitsy minnow) and as for this( ;D)... ...yah, but...... i hate wearin' the darn things when i dont have to! (the beach bum in me always wins...)
  19. quite the quality bass you caught there..... fine job indeed my man! (great to see some new pics too )
  20. ...dont get me started on beetle spins!!! (i love those things, probably too much ;D) but i was more than happy with the results of this little worm bait ;D glad to hear that you enjoy the UL fishing as well man!
  21. hands down my favorite line for mono.... until about 8 or 9 months ago (when i switched to all braid) ande was my only choice...... fresh and salt. its a strong line, for a great price.... that i have caught nearly all of my fish on in the past.
  22. aNear Goldenrod and University. On Hall road. yup.... im right near there as well, right by full sail.... maybe a fishing trip is in order if your down... Definitely. I've got an OK pond to fish on shore that is near me, and an amazing lake to fish in canoe that is on merritt island. You got anything good nearby? I have a canoe, but it's huge and I can only haul it if my dad lets me use his truck. i have a few near us here, and some better only a short distance..... sorry, man.. i havent been on for a while and did not see your response to this... though, i have a truck shoot me a PM and we should plan a trip....
  23. i will second the costa's..... i own a pair (with my Rx) and love them! ... i have also heard many positive remarks about maui jim's as well though.
  24. Well, its been nearly 4-5 weeks since my last fishing trip.... and ive been hurting for some action.. Life has been keeping all too busy lately, but i finally got a little free time earlier today... So i decided to make the most of it at my neighborhood pond with my UL setup.... Just rigged up one bait (pictured first)... and quite possibly my new favorite UL bait I fished around the pond in about an hour, and caught 11 fish.... maybe all dinks, but on the UL.... it was more than enjoyable here's the secret weapon... and a few of the fish........ (i needed this )
  25. good to see ya back here, and what a way to do it!!! ....yet, another extremely great fish for you! congrats man!
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