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Everything posted by mrlitetackle

  1. Congrats on the new PB!
  2. Just wanted to say hey, and hope everyone is gettin some good fishin in lately..... as its been quite some time since I have been on here (or fishing in general for that matter!). Been bogged down with school once again, one B.A. .. and now im back for more. Either way, hope all are doing well.... and I hope to get some quality time on the water soon myself! -jay
  3. in your terms, i dunno???? ....never measure them, only putt'em on the scale.
  4. nice fat head on that one....... my estimate = "great bass" ....no matter what the actual weight was! good job
  5. paul. you kill me man! what'a beast, congrats on another wonderful fish!!!!
  6. as its been some time since ive been on the site, and as such i have responded to this very late.......... i did not read all of the responses...yet. but, my immediate response to your inquiry (IMO) is no..... i do not feel that it is cheating, live bait requires skill as well....... just in a whole different aspect as compared to artificials.
  7. fighting the fish for me indeed, its all in the battle..... no matter what the size of the specimen may be.
  8. good find man, very cool logo indeed.
  9. I have one that i cant get the pin out to insert the wieghts! > .....at least it wont fall out then ;D ;D ;D
  10. as always, nice fish Mrs Matstone, keep up the great work, and congrats!
  11. yup...... sure are dinks alright ....nice fish!!
  12. looks good to me bro! nice work.
  13. GREAT fish! yet another win for Paul. !!! good job my man.
  14. never tried the tru tungsten, but i have heard many complaints about the pin falling out. i have 2 of the spro's... look amazing in the water, and i have caught fish with them as well, although i will say that they dont preform (with respect to catching fish) as well as i had hoped for them to. I mean they look so great on the retrieve, at any speed, and still...... the results are not so great (for me at least)... a few fish here and there, but nowhere near the performance that i expected to see from this bait... honestly, i have caught far more fish (in a shorter time-span) on the SK sexy swimmer....... i cant keep the fish off of that thing!!!
  15. yes there is truth to that statement.... you should not close that card, even if it is a burden for you... that card represents your longest available open credit history (in that case, a revolving account). closing that card can have a large negative impact on your credit score. By closing it, you will reduce your credit history to the length of time in which your next oldest card was opened. Many factors go into ones credit score, but length of established credit history happens to be one of the main factors. **my oldest card, which was opened when i was 18, is somewhat of a pain for me to keep open as well...... but, i always make sure to use it at least once every couple of months.... just having it may not keep you out of trouble, if you let the card go idle... the credit issuer (in accordance with your contract) can close your account due to inactivity. or lower your limits, thus minimizing the gap between your total available credit and your outstanding debt... which will lower your score as well. having a larger ratio of total available credit, as compared to total debt is viewed preferably by credit bureaus.
  16. now thats a fatty! great lookin' fish.............. congrats man!!!
  17. great bass man! ...good job
  18. random question that really doesn't matter much to the topic... but do you fish BC's or spinners?
  19. loosening your drag after each outing will prevent the felt drag washers from warping and sticking..(if they are ceramic, i seriously doubt that you could warp them ) i fish an extremely light drag on a regular basis, and still loosen the drag at the end of the trip..... its just a good idea to keep your equipment working well, and really takes no effort to preform.. **also, if your equipment is stored in a place where temperatures are likely to rise, your drag washers can and will expand with the heat, thus increasing the pressure on the components... loosening them IMO, is a good idea..
  20. crazy when stuff like that happens, huh?! ...once, when i was younger, i was fishing at the everglades holliday park with a very basic setup: "kiddie" style combo bobber and the bait was live earthworms.. cast out as usual, and a mocking bird swooped down to eat my earthworm in mid-cast... it was subsequently hooked in the rib cage... i reeled it in, and as i was very young, my father was the one to subdue the bird and unhook it... something i will never forget nonetheless ;D
  21. Sunny has been my favorite show on TV since the first season of it!!! 2 recent eppisodes that i found absolutely great were the: frank gets an intervention and the waitress gets married an older favorite is dee and denis get on welfare ... im a huge fan of the wild and (frankly) sick and deranged humor of the show ;D ;D ;D
  22. used to be Ande mono for me..... i switched to all braid a while back, now im with all suffix braid...
  23. great fish man! who gives a crap about the weight, its a nice one no matter what bro!
  24. i call orlando home myself, and have found some great fishing around here! good to have you on the team!!!
  25. my fav. for braid to mono (as i just posted elsewhere, and will restate here ) i have had no failures with the alberto (or improved albright) knot with my braid to mono connections. (normally 20lb braid to 40lb mono.... in the salt) and i may add, when done properly..... its quite a "pretty" knot...
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