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Everything posted by Catt

  1. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/br3mbPrYvzi6bsQC/?mibextid=D5vuiz
  2. When the urge for jacking something up hits, 35 steps out my front door is a bayou.
  3. It happens sometimes regardless of what we do.
  4. @Mike L Exactly 😉 If tied properly it doesn't matter which you pull first. I'll often hold one in each hand & pull both
  5. When a Palomar knot is properly tied one should be able to manipulate the length of the tag end. If tied properly you should be able to hold the tag end & main line between your thumb & fore finger & the lure in your other hand. The knot should slide down to the eye with NO resistance.
  6. I get all nervous throwing deep diving crankbaits, they ain't but 10 bucks.
  7. There's no question about it, big swimbaits catch trophy size bass. Fishing can be as expensive as you wanna get or as cheap as you wanna get. Both can catch trophy size bass. Take a look at our members!
  8. Just because it's public land/water does not give you the right to stand shoulder to shoulder with me! Down here its first come, first served.
  9. And you should have already set hook. Feeling a worm/jig bite requires keeping a certain amount of tension on your line while at the same time keeping a certain amount of slackness in your line.
  10. Was the end of your line curled? If it was that's sign your knot slipped. If your line simply broke it would be straight.
  11. This should never happen!
  12. There's nothing wrong with locking you drag down. Lot of anglers on this site do, lot of guys I fish with do, & lot of Pros do. I'm fairly certain most make adjustments with their rods & hookset to absorb shock.
  13. Nope! And I never lock my drag down, not even punching or frogging. I set my drag at 6-10 lbs., never had it slip on a hookset. If a bass takes drag its usually a turn or two of the handle & a lean on the rod. I let my hook, line, rod, & drag work in unison; that's what I bought em for.
  14. @WRB sounds like a jig bite huh?
  15. "Shallow" depends on the body of water. Our marshes or only 2'3' with very few boat trails 4'. On Toledo Bend "shallow" offshore structure is 15-18'.
  16. Couyon (coo-yawn) A Cajun French term used to describe a foolish person. For $1,100 One lure Or a week on Toledo Bend, Sam Rayburn, or Lake Fork. 🤔
  17. In marshes around here it is not uncommon to catch bass all summer long in water 2' or less. Average depth is 24" Bass ain't no choice about where they're born!
  18. If you’re fishing water that has absolutely nothing floating around in it then maybe. Everywhere I fish has Hydrilla, Coontail, Milfoil, lily pads, water hyacinth, reeds, brush, timber, Cypress trees, ect. I highly doubt any bass can pick my line out of that mess.
  19. Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Sounds like muscle memory. The ability to reproduce a particular movement without conscious thought, acquired as a result of frequent repetition of that movement.
  20. Ain't how it works here! We set out duck & goose decoys all time on public waters. We set up deer stands on public WMAs. We put out Trotlines in public waters Game Warden will arrest you for messing with them.
  21. @Mike L Exactly my point I can give you 10 lures for each technique. Learn the technique with whatever lure your comfortable with. One I seldom see mentioned is Deep Diving Crankbaits.
  22. As for spending, Carolann's hobbies are, jewelry, purses, & ink pens. Y'all would be amazed at how much one ink pen can cost!
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