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Blaine E

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Everything posted by Blaine E

  1. Thanks guys! I know what ya mean about the tight lids. Seen it many times. I still haven't decided yet. Might just go with the 16, since I plan on selling the boat within a year or so. Thanks again.
  2. You are correct the original carpet did wrap over the lip. But then again, how long of life does the 16 oz have? I don't mind to not have the big 20 oz unless the 16 is just going to tear up. I would say I use a boat anywhere from 1 to 3 times a week.
  3. I'm almost done with my '87 procraft restore. Last thing is the carpet. My question is, how much of a difference is there between 16, 18, and 20 oz? I'm a tournament fisherman and do use boats heavily. How much better is 20 oz going to hold up than 18, and so on. Don't have a whole lot of money left due to the restore.
  4. Thanks guys. FINALLY got it. I think it was the water tube. Ended up tying a piece of fishing line to the tube and held it up while my buddy pushed so they would line up. Then had one man turning the flywheel and one man pushing and she finally sank. Darn thing better work now. Ha thanks guys!
  5. We have tried bumping the motor over and over. And it is not to the gear shift yet so it ain't that. It might be the water tube but it looks like that's lining up right too. This has been hours, and this thing still won't get on. The shaft should be lined up, Im looking at the hole and looking where the knobs should be and we keep twisting a tad before every try. Still, no go.
  6. I changed my water pump on my 87 135 Mariner. But when I went to reinstall the lower unit, I can't get it! Me and my buddy have been wrestling this for 3 hours. We had it in once, but forgot the washers and had to take back out. I don't know if the shaft isn't lined up or if the water tube isn't fitting or what, but about 2 inches from all the way, we get stuck! Please help, have to have this put back on tonight!
  7. Thanks for the help guys. And the compression has already been checked along with everything else. Everything checks out perfect except that dang water pump. I'm goin to try to get this thing off, and then go from there. THanks again.
  8. 2 stroke. Hands down. Used an '07 Yamaha 75 4 stroke on the Stratos, and have no complaints at all, but my 87 merc will tear it apart.
  9. I'm thinkin Im am going to have to split it. What happened was, our boat mechanic replaced the tilt trim unit and just to check, he started it up (we have not had it on the water) and he tested the water pump and it did not work. He gave us the impeller and told us to replace it. He did not give us the kit though? He said it should do it. Although, I will say, the impeller on there now is in HORRIBLE shape. The edges are torn off and it just looks horrible. Where is the key located? Also, if I do split it, what did you use to get through the metal liner on the inside? I'm not sure what it is made out of, our how soft it is. Will it give a little if the rubber is cut off?
  10. Im in the middle of fixin up a bass boat we just bought and the last thing to do to the motor is replace the impeller. I took the lower unit off and when I pulled the casing off to get to the impeller, the impeller stayed on the shaft and I can't budge it. I noticed on all the tutorials, the impeller came out with the top of the housing? The motor is an '87 135 mariner. The impeller is absolutely shot, but I cant seem to get it off the shaft and was wondering why it didn't come off with the housing? Any thoughts?
  11. Unless the line snaps at least 8 inches from the hook... Because my weight is always 8 inches and every snap was above the weight. Good call though.
  12. I made the transition to flouro not too long ago and my buddy told me to try Vanish. I used 14 lb and on 3 different occasions, I broke the line on small size fish while setting the hook. Has anyone else had this problem? The line was fresh and shouldn't have had nicks. What's a really durable flouro that ain't gonna cost me an arm and a leg? I really like flouro but Vanish is not cuttin' it for me.
  13. And when we lowered the motor down this time, with everything tight, when the pressure was created, fluid started leaking out everywhere, we cant locate the leak?
  14. I can't seem to find this valve? I'm not sure if it is closed or not. I know that we lifted the motor all the way up and filled it with tilt/trim fluid and on the way down I could feel the pressure build up but it still wouldn't raise up with the tilt/trim. The motor seems to be running. Any help finding this valve or anything else?
  15. I just noticed that the manual lever wasn't engaged. Does the motor have to be lifted all the way up to engage it?
  16. I just recently bought an '87 Procraft/Astroglass 16.6 ft. off a guy. It has a 135 Mariner on it and the only problem the boat has was the tilt/trim wouldn't work. The guy had a brand new tilt motor put in not even a month ago. The problem was, at least I thought, that the goober put power steering fluid in the tilt system. I THOUGHT this was the problem, being that it is a lot thinner than hydrolic fluid. I flushed out all the power steering fluid and then put tilt/trim fluid in, but when I go to try and use it, you can here the trim motor running but the motor doesn't budge. I'm definately no boat motor mechanic and was wondering if there was something I was missing. I'm sure that it could be something stupid I missed (at least I hope). Just wondering what I should check to get this thing going. Thanks in advance.
  17. That's what I was thinkin. Thanks
  18. Been in the market for another boat and have found a Glastron that I really like. Its a steal but the only problem is there is a hairline crack about an inch long in the transom. I don't know a whole lot about these repairs but I was wondering if it was worth it to buy a boat like this and fix it yourself? I don't think its worth a full transom replacement but I have heard of attaching thick aluminum or stainless steel plates and bolting them in. Any opinions on this or is it not worth my trouble?
  19. Alright so this season we are gettin a lot more serious than in the past and I am trying to upgrade my setup. Im looking for have 4 good baitcasting setups and so far this is where I stand: flueger criterion 5.1:1 ambassadeur c3 5.3:1 abu garcia black max 6.2:1 ambassadeur revo s 6.4:1 and I only have one rod I want to keep with me and its an All Star select 6'6" MH. My question is what other sizes and actions of rods should I pair with these other reels and what should I pair with my All Star and what techniques would work best with it? I want to be able to cover every presentation as best as possible. Also, what rod brand would yall recomend for the $50-$80 price range. I had looked at the browning medallions but had heard some bad things about them. All help is appreciated thanks.
  20. Sorry. Touchy subject? I plead ignorance.
  21. Thanks guys. They look real good. Ill be stockin' up a few.
  22. BPS is havin a sale on their XPS cranks and such. Never tried a BPS lure just wondering if anyone has had any luck with any of their products?
  23. Thanks guys. I appreciate it.
  24. So if I didnt own a reel geared higher than 6.4 would I really be missing out on that much?
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