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Everything posted by BigbassBecker

  1. They are following and not biting because they know somethings up. Maybe they see you line or you or your boat or the bait doesnt smell right. Or maybe they know your lure is a lure. This is a very comon occurance when fishing swimbaits. This happens alot with the more generic looking baits. They usualy only hit those in low light or conditions where they cant see as good like wind or rain. I use the most realistic baits I can find and it makes a world of diference. I can get some of those followers to bite. sometimes it takes me leaving and coming back with a more stealthy aproach. The best thing I have done when a big fish is following my swimbait is to give it a fast jerk like its trying to get away than if that doesnt work I will kill it and let the bait fall to the bottom and twitch it. If that still doesnt work I move on and hit the spot later.
  2. Here in California you have to pay at just about All lakes. There are a few ponds and the ocean that dont cost anything but lakes are $5 for a permit and $5 to launch. There are some private lakes that cost a lot more. The fishing liscence only allows you to fish. You still have to pay each time you go.
  3. all those pros would be kinda fun I guess. But I already know how to catch small fish. All they could teach me is how to catch more small fish. I would like to fish with the late Bill Murphy. Obviously I cant because he passed away so I would have to choose Mike Long. He has caught more then 50 bass over 15lbs and a few hundred over ten. Now he could teach me something. My next choice would be Crupi. He is the crawdad master. If I had to pick one of those small fish pros it would be Aaron Martins. He dominated out here.
  4. As far as swimbaits go, they are on the small size. Most guys that fish trout baits out here will use 8in baits minimum! I know a guy who uses a 15 in 2lb rubber trout bait! It is huge. What I am saying is those little bass and bluegill baits will catch any size bass. I have caught many 3lbers on The 8in Hudd and on the Mattlures. The reason I only throw them at 8lbes and above on beds is because I wont waist my time on smaller fish unless I am posative there are no big ones up. Even then I usualy keep looking.
  5. The bluegill sit in an upright position on the bottom. It is almost cheating when you put them on a bed. I will only throw them on beds with bass at least 8lbs on them. (Dont worry, I take a pic and put them back) When casting them I like a steady slow retreive. Sometimes I will give it a little jerk and/or pause. I get bit a lot when I hit a rock or tree and kill the bait. I am a firm believer in realism and I dont like to "overwork" These baits. I think the fish eat them because they look so real. I fish the bass the same way as the bluegill. If I graph some fish at 20ft I will cast way past them let it sink to the right depth and slowly reel them in. Because these baits are soft, the bass can clamp down on them and you cant use a regular hookset. When you get bit, reel up the slack as fast as you can and make a big sweeping hookset. Also If you can help it, try not to let them jump. When you feel the fish coming up, push your rod under water and reel hard. The smaller fish I like to horse them in. I button down the drag and crank. I am usualy using big gear and 20-25lbtst. BTW this is how I fish 90% of the swimbaits. Not just these
  6. I have used just about every type of swimbait and I narrowed my go to baits down to 3. I just started using the mattlures baby bass and I caught fish my first time using it. The bluegill I have been using for about a year and I just kill big bass on it. I also use the Huddleston trout. The best trout bait on the market. Actualy all 3 are the best baits on the market in thier class. I know alot of guys dont think realism is important but if you came out here to southern Ca. you would learn real quick. The water out here is crystal clear and the lakes out here are arguably the most preasured lakes in the country. You can catch fish on swimbaits that arent realistic but its real tough and usualy they are the smaller ones. For me the diference comes when the fish gets a real good look at the bait and still eats it. That just doesnt happen with baits like the storms ond other non realistic baits. I have actualy caught several bass over 8lbs on both the bluegill and the Hudd with the bait sitting on the bottom. I have watched fish come up to them and stare at them for a minute or two and still hit it. These fish were not on beds either. With the other baits it is usualy a reaction bite or they were on beds or caught at night. The realism is the diference between followers and biters. Now before you guys start debating the importance of realism, Remember I am specificaly talking about swimbaits out here in so Cal.
  7. WHOA!!!!!!! GY invented the Senko. He tested it, perfected it, and marketed it. Then He set his price. All the companies and individuals that copied and sell the copies are a bunch of theifs!!!!. They took the easy route and copied an already proven and established bait. They do not have the time and money invested in the senko like Gary does. They couldnt come up with thier own idea so the copied somebody elses. I dont care If he never pattented it it still doesnt make it wright! I will only buy originals. How would you guys like it if you spent years designing perfecting testing and marketing an idea only to have it knocked off by somebody who sells it cheaper. So what if GY is getting rich. he deserves it! Suport inovation not thieves
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