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Everything posted by fishinTexas

  1. All right guys, I have just been informed that I am going to be doing some night fishing tonight. It will be at on a pond that is about five acres (bank fishing ). What do you guys recommend? Thanks
  2. Well no wonder I haven't been catchin to many w/ this rig. I have been doing it wrong all along. I been lifting and dropping w/ a lizard instead of dragging. Yet another reason why I love this website. What about weight size? I think I have missed a few because the weight I used was to big.
  3. I never can remember the lure colors that I should us in relation to water colors. Is there a place where I can print off a list and put it in my tackle box? Also what is good to use in windy situations?
  4. This pond that I fish is a spring fed pond and the water is very clear. Anyway I can go out in midday and on the edges in shallow water all around the pond you can see bass (large ones), perch, and thousands of baitfish all sitting there together. I run my bait through very slow, but they just get out of its way. I am thinking I am just going to have to wait until spring and water temps come up. It just stinks to sit there and look at them.
  5. I was wondering if you guys could help me w/ some slow fishing presentations from the bank. I don't think jigs are very effective because you are not vertical. If you guys have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate them.
  6. I fished with a jig for the firtst time last week, when the pressure was way down and fishing really slow. I caught one that was about for pounds and I think it was on accident. I fished it like I do w/ my other slow fishing technique. That is a large brass weight so that it will slide up and the line and a lizard. I cast it let it drop, and the weight slides down pretty quick while the lizard just floats down. I let it set for a ten count and lift my rod tip up from 9 to 12 o'clock pretty slowly then I reel the slack in pretty quickly. The reason I say the one I caught w/ the jig was an accident was because I thought I had a bite and when I reeled in half of the craw was gone. So I got a trailer hook and put the craw on the trailer hook. The next time I was able to set the hook. I know this is the wrong technique for jigs because when I test it out in clear water it looks like it is coming up way to high. So what is the proper technique to fishing these guys? Thanks
  7. I have recently been blessed w/ the oportunity to fish some private ponds. I have only fished them three times, and caught about 20 fish. They are consistently some of the biggest fish I have caught (keep in mind I've only been fishing for two years). My questions are in relation to these small ponds, the biggest is about two acres. The deepest is about 60ft. Is there a time during the winter when it will be to cold to fish? I'm in the panhandle of Texas, and don't know if smaller ponders get to cold to fish. The second time I fished there (late October) I was catching a lot off of a whie H&H spinner. I went back yesterday no luck w/ the white H&H, but switched to a black and chartruse H&H much better results (7 fish). Is there certain colors that are better than others? How do I judge water color and selection? Has anyone ever used a color collector? And lastly how do I know when spawn will occur in these ponds? Thanks in advance
  8. Matt, I had really good fishing when I was out there last week. I started out w/ the slow presentation, and was getting nothing. I switched to the old reliable H&H white spinner. Caught three four pounders that last ripped the blades and the skirt of the spinner. When it got warmer in the afternoon I put on a senko three more 3+ lbers. Early in the evening switched to a Hart's white spinner. Two more 2+ and one 3+ lber. I would have thought that the average nighttime temperature being in the thirties would have pulled the water temp way down, thus slower fishing. But, I don't guess that this is the case yet.
  9. I have recently found a new place to fish. It is about five different ponds all that are within a half mile of each other. Now I know when I am on a boat the fish locator can give me water temp. But what about a pond that is all bank fishing? These ponds are in the panhandle of Texas, and in this area it can get close to freezing at night and then in 70's during the day.
  10. I have that same hat. ;D ;D Gotta love the John Deere mesh caps. There is a resevoir where I fish that is similiar as far as hydrilla is concerned. We throw buzz baits, and reel like mad when we get on top of the hydrilla. This works great, we catch fish almost anytime of day doing this. Do a search on ebay for "hydrilla gorilla". It is a buzz bait that is altered for hydrilla. I haven't ordered one yet but am going to next week.
  11. "Water Wagon" is just a large piece of styrofoam, that is shaped somewhat like an "H" w/ cross bar a little thicker. You sit on it w/ the your legs in the water from a little below the knees down. Most guys in my area just use flippers to get around. I have putting a trolling motor on mine though. I hope that discription makes sense.
  12. I recently had the oppurtunity to fish a resevoir that is heavily covered (at the banks) w/ hydrilla. After having very little success w/ working a senko around the different holes, I switched to a buzz bait. A friend had been telling me about this, casting on top of the hydrilla and reeling as soon as it hits. It was awesome to see those bass bust up from under the hydrilla and hit the bait. Between the two of us we landed five fish in about 45 minutes (I had another but lost it). My question is this: is there any way to alter a buz bait so that it doesn't snag as much? Although we had success I also reeled in a lot of hydrilla. I fish on a water wagon which I am almost sitting even w/ the water. I hold my arms up high to keep try to keep the bait from hanging.
  13. This may be an elementary question: but what do you use super glue for?
  14. I am looking to perfecting more than just soft plastics. When it comes to crank baits, husky jerks, spinners, and buzzbaits. Is there any hard and fast rules when it comes to color that I need to apply? I just see so many color selections that I find myself sitting in front of the Rapala aisle at Gander Mountain for half an hour w/ no idea on what to select. I usually walk away afraid that I will be wasting my money.
  15. Since I have coming to this site, my fishing production has in increased by over half. Thanks especially for turning me on to senkos and fat ikas. A funny story happened this past weekend. I had the opportunity to fish a little private pond that was about 3/4 of an acre. The story is that it had been stocked years ago but hadn't been stocked or fished in a least 6 years. As my friend is taking me out there I am telling him of this forum and all the great advice, he refuses my offer to let him try a senko, or a fat ika. I push him a little and he says "they (senkos) sound like one of those as seen on TV scams, and that he has got a tackle box full of worms already". So, naturally I just drop it. I use the new pumpkin w/ the chartruse tail senko. The results in 45 minutes of fishing: ME: 4 Bass (1-2lber, 2-3lbers, 1-5lber) ;D ;D ;D MY FRIEND: 0 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( Later, said freind tells me he might have to come check bassresourc.com out. Me being polite offer to leave a bag of senkos. My friend accepts.
  16. What is the number on the color chart for this color senko?
  17. I am a new poster to this site. I have been reading the forum for months now and must say I love this forum. It is great to get all the different experiences and try them out. Special thanks to roadwarrior, I always seem to catch a fish when using his advice. I have read quite a bit about going to deeper water this time of year. How deep? I am in the panhandle of Texas w/ no depth finder. Is there a certain water tempature range that I am needing to locate?
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