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About acmaul13

  • Birthday 05/12/1967

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  • Location
    NW PA

acmaul13's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Fishingkid, Head north to around the Franklin/OilCity area.French Creek&the Allegheny have great smallies all over
  2. Kiss Alive 1st double album 8-)
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2519inCar3w&sns=fb Nuff said from crickside ;D
  4. 19 hand holding : Actually 43
  5. sorry but children of the sun was by Billy Thorpe
  6. My favorite would have to be Thank You. But I also have some love for down by the seaside
  7. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/eticket/story?page=110126/OklahomaState
  8. Whadd'ya think is there a chance?
  9. be careful might be what they want
  10. Did you know?: The trend of wearing pants below ones bum started in prisons. This particular trend became popular as a way to signify to other inmates that you were "available" to take on a new lover. ****Think about that the next time you consider wearing your pants around your thighs instead of your waist****
  11. http://occupyfun.com/videos/video.php?title=TV-Host-Blows-Turkey-Call
  12. http://www.jackdaniels.com/singlebarrel/default.aspx Nuf said
  13. Just so ya know.it's PITTSBURGH
  14. My goals are fairly simple. #1-To pass on my love for fishing and the outdoors to my kids and grandkids. #2-To continue to learn and evolve as an outdoorsman. ac
  15. Just remembered one Arc Angels self titled.For those of you that are to young band members include Charlie Sexton,Doyle Bramhall III,and the rythym section known as Double Trouble
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