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Bernie Mac

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Everything posted by Bernie Mac

  1. Fishing on Lake Anacocco (MS) back in like 2000. First time used a wacky rig during the sumer. My partner and I caught like 30+ that day.
  2. Fishing isn't my "main" thing but I would like for it to be since (besides my family) fishing is all I really think about. But I do love to work out and want to start riding motorcycles again, love to cook, haven't sketched in a very long time, pro football with some college (just about any sport I love to play), and a lil bit of a gamer too.
  3. Nice Fatty Matt... what a
  4. Those are some real beauts there...Great fishing in Oneida! Besides the Bass...nice PumpkinSeed too
  5. OH yes it was...wish I could go back into it.
  6. Thanks IB, I never had problem with digging on my first B/C using original SW, so maybe just a bad spool of PP cause it does fray pretty easly. And using a stick or something stiff to wrap the line around to pull loose a lure is smart idea as so to take the stress off the rod and reel. Thats what I actually did and it felt like it just came loose, I didn't think I pulled it that hard :-? to break a piece of the treble off.
  7. I agree with the others, make sure you tie the palomar right, or you can use a uni knot or cinch. I just bought some of the SW EZ Braid and I think it's nothing like the original SW Stealth Braid. I would say change your line, I am.
  8. So I went fishing off and on throughout last week and this Labor Day weekend. Now it's been over a year last time I fished with a B/C and it really didn't take me long to get back on the ole' horse. The Loomis (MBR843 IMX) w/ Quantum Code setup I have is pretty nice. After a couple of easy casts I was able to put any lure tied on in any place I wanted and with some good distance. No backlash or overruns at all. After I was use to it even more I pretty much had the ACS set to free and was whipping lures all over the place. (spooled w/ 14lb SW XXXMono) Now on handling fish, very nice, nothing heavy yet but a 16" Brown in white water current was no match at all. Now the other set up is a 6'6" MH Berkely Lighting Shock Rod w/ a Quantum Code Red spooled (at first) 40lb PowerPro. Rod is almost as light as the Loomis and the blended tip didn't make it slow or moderate. It actually has a fast action and just (IMO) as sensitive (but not as) the Loomis. Now I was able to start whipping lures left and right put when I started to put some umph into it...backlash. I set the cast control to were the lure would creep and the same thing. Now I had the ACS set to about 3 or less. When I would set it to 6, no backlash but no distance on the cast at all. I noticed the PP was digging into it self so I decided to change lines (thinking that was the issue). So yesterday, spooled with SW EZ braid (50lb), off to the river I go. And as you guessed it, same issue, I had to get down a whole new technique to fish with the braid. And to me the SW EZ Braid was the worst thing I could have ever bought, it was like spooling my reel with reach dental floss w/o the mint flavor and not very abrasive resistant at all. I will say one thing about it. It's some strong stuff. I had a spoon hung on either a rock or something next to this bridge pylon I was casting too and while seeing if I could pull it free the treble hook snapped and almost completely straightened out the split ring too . All and all I'm enjoying both reels and both rods. Both reels do cast smooth and quietly. And both are really smooth on retrieves too. Just need to re-spool the red with some better line (want to keep it with braid of course).
  9. Got a PM from Nick, should be receiving it soon
  10. Thanks all...my family and I apprieciate the comments and the very warm welcome.
  11. Just to let everyone know I came back from Iraq on Friday (08 May, and my sons BDay too)...had fun reunioning with the fam and all. Relaxed all weekend and strung up two new reels (Quantum Code Red w/ 40lb PP [left over from what my Dad sent me] and Quantum Code with 14lb SW XXXMono). Both are 6.3:1. I put the Code on a GLoomis MagBass 844 IMX and I'm putting the Code Red on a Berkley Lighting Shock 6.5' (I know, one side of the spectrum to the other but it goes with my earlier post bout sensitivity plus I just have to try one out and Herb Philipson has them for $40 bucks). There's a local fishing derby on Saturday that I'm gonna take daughters too and I'll put a couple of threads on how the combos worked out. I'll say this about the Code on the Loomis....playin around with it while waiting for the kids to get off the bus....reel cast smooth with very lil to no noise at all. Now just need to put them in the water and catch some fish. P.S. To all those that are still serving over seas in our War on Terrorism...stay safe and come home soon.
  12. PM sent to Nick...Would love to get into this action.
  13. I just might, what's his name? As we all say, it's a small world, smaller military, and even smaller army. I don't think I'll be flying with him, sounds like he's coming home for R&R. Hey Colt...you have a link to those videos...would love to see them?
  14. Great review Bro (enjoyed the read)...great pics too... way up!!
  15. But still Thanks Man...I'll CK out your post real quick (before my time is up on the computer, shared internet :-[)...Already got one present waiting, MB843GLX custom , been itching since the ole lady said it arrived at the door, have another B/C needing a home :-/ on a new rod and looking to good ole Loomis again (hince the reason I started the post).
  16. Man I'll sure try....thanks for the support from all
  17. I'll try man...14 hours is a long..........long plane ride. Thanks
  18. Thanks for the input everyone...I appreciate it alot (may be I should have polled this :-?). I should be back from Iraq by the 11th of May...can't wait to go wet a line (after the family reunion and all )
  19. Great tip Fish...need to try that.
  20. You sure love your Fireline
  21. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm right handed, cast right handed and control the fish right handed, but crank with my left hand. All my reels (spinning or B/C) are lefty. That's what I was use to fishing when I was a kids and still to this day. I hate casting with my right and then having to switch hands just to reel it back in, then back to my right to cast and back (wow, this is going on and on
  22. Wrong Rod Muddy... ...but thanks for that advice (been married for 7 years + and in my early 30's, but that's another post and another site ) There are alot of opinions that I agree with from my OP here (thanks Snook for the comment). When I first fished with a Loomis, there was nothing else but Loomis that I wanted to fish with, but I've been off and on fishing and wanting to get back solid and see bout going pro (all a dream) and say for the amount that I might pay for 1 GLX I could get say 2 Carrot Stix (not trying to start a new thread on which rod is better). I'm self evaluating with other's opinions and it's been a big help, even with Sam's simple, "YES". (plus the laughs too ;D)...that's why I love this site and these forums.
  23. Thanks Lucky, that's the kind of reply that I was hoping to get from this thread. I can relate to not knowing what my bait would be running thru to knowing hey, that's a log I just bumped. Thanks Man
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