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Everything posted by Minuteman

  1. I'm just jealous that your going to be able to drive any boat a week from Saturday! Our lakes are just starting to freeze up for the first time this winter. :'( Good Luck and having that warranty really sweetens the deal.
  2. I was watching one of the fishing shows the other day and some US anglers went to Europe or Australia to fish with some Bass anglers. I noticed the one boat over there looked like a mini bass rig, probably was one like these. 2 guys were fishing from it and man did it look tiny. added. On second look, they might be in a foreign country in the picture posted.
  3. You Said: What time does this show come on? I'd love to catch it one day Sorry, it took me so long to type out my response I didn't see someone else mentioned Vs, but them shows are on many times a week. I watch them during the weekdays (some are on now), but they also show them during the weekends multiple times. They have listing on the site versus.com under Field Sports
  4. I can learn more from hearing Bill Dance speaking without a rod in his hands than I can from watching other anglers actually fishing on some shows. Versus/OLN has added some new shows that are also excellent. Bass Pro Shops..Bass Pros show is pretty good. Rick Clunn even appears each week to give some tips including mental preparation for a day fishing. I found that very interesting. Once you understand that all of the shows are actually selling products, you can weed that out and get some info off some of the better shows. p.s. I watch WAY too much TV.
  5. Well, if it had been me........yea, you know what. I'd rather not say.
  6. Chrome Rapala Original Floatant in Schuykill River below a breeched dam. Under 4Lbs, but over 3 1/2. Caught it from the bank and had to hike to the spot. No Cameras or scales. Was able to get back to the spot in a jon boat later, but never caught one bigger than that one.
  7. Saturday it is going up in the 40's here. I've been waiting to install a tow hitch. Figured 20 degrees was too cold to lay on the garage floor, but 40's, I may not even turn the heat on out there. Besides, the instructions sayt it is a 20 minute job!! :
  8. I realized the only pics I have are from the day I got my boat home, uncovered it and unhooked it from the tow vehicle. All my later pics are of individual areas of the boat, like under the dash and in the battery area, where I have or will be doing upgrades. Has Merc Classic 50 and a 9.9 kicker for local lakes. This is my old setup, 10' er with one of my current tow vehicles. Just got the tow hitch for my Blazer, so I can use both to tow the Tracker.
  9. Maybe they don't want someone like me wearing their name brand. If some big company saw me wearing their stuff and getting in some of the predicaments I've been in, they might show up and ask that I not wear their stuff while I'm trying to outdo a Bill Dance Blooper Video. I have nightmares of someone grabbing my rods and snapping them in half and throwing them in a lake, then telling me, "Don't ever do that around here again, boy" ;D
  10. I have a 9.9 HP 2 Stroke mounted next to my 50HP Merc on my'89 TX-17 because of the same restrictions. You might be surprised how well the 9.9 pushes one of them Trackers. I was. The previous owner paid about $2500(incl new engine) just to have that setup added so he could use it in restricted lakes and it was perfect for the area I live (E. PA)
  11. Stacey King seems "laid back" compared to Shaw Grigsby. He gets so excited his voice jumps about 5 octaves when he catches some fish. I think it was the sight fishing episode last year that his voice got so high, I thought my TV screen might crack. Also, he caught his PB Smallmouth this season on TV and I think it was 5Lbs 14oz. I also was surprised about that and the Stacey King PB, but the tournament explanation sure makes sense about why many of them don't have monster personal bests.
  12. Luhr Jensen® Nip-I-Diddee, I was just looking through Bass Pro Shops Topwater and saw that one. Goofy Name.
  13. I think I may have some pics of me fishing in my teen years, but they would be in my our family album and need to be scanned. I scanned these old pics of my dad because the were given to me a few years back by my mom and I don't want to lose them. The top one is a trout from the late 50's and is in my old backyard. The bottom one is from the year he died 1970 and I have no idea where it was taken.
  14. Nice. I too like the notes about North/South timing differences. Many times when reading or watching fishing tips I have to try and sort that out myself. Never really thought much about the fact that since our prime time in north is shorter, that the fish would be in more of a hurry to spawn.
  15. Yea, that is what I have. I think mine is covered up to 90HP. My Insurance company is right next to the guy I bought my Tracker from and I stopped in before I drove it home.
  16. Spring? I'm still waiting for winter to get here. Looks like it will finally come to PA in the next day or so and stay for the rest of the month. Just realized I got my Jeep almost a 1 year and 1/2 ago and haven't even driven it in the snow yet.
  17. Seems like ESPN2 dropped a lot of fishing shows and Versus/OLN added a few more. BassPros and Next Bite are 2 new ones that are good. Nextbite are mostly for toothy fish, but I've read their website for a few years and the Bass Pros show has KVD, Rick Clunn, Jason Quinn and I think Edwin Evers is on there too. Plus the usual shows from last year. Bill Dance, Shaw Gigsby, Hank Parker, Roland Martin...etc, etc. Vs. (formerly OLN) is definitely better than the ESPN shows. They actually have the shows on all different times during the week instead of just Saturday AM like ESPN2. I guess you can tell I watch a lot of TV.
  18. Last years post I hoped for at least a 5Lb 5oz in 2006. I actually caught a 7Lb 1oz. So I'd like to beat that and get my first 8+ lber. I have caught 2 over 7lbs now, but I still haven't caught one in the 5 and 6Lbs range. Now that I have a nicer boat I hope to make a southern road trip sometime and go for double digits. Probably not this year, but my son finished college this year and after he makes his first $million$, maybe he'll pay for the trip. 8-)
  19. We now return you to your regular programing.
  20. Don't know if the link and/or image will get blocked, but looked the story up http://www.joplinglobe.com/local/images_sizedimage_339011110/xl
  21. Jeez, I can't wait to tell my wife that I'm not the only one that does that. Last time she picked me up when I dropped my Jeep off for inspection, I heard so many noises in the Blazer she drives, I kept it home for 3 days to figure out where all the noises where coming from. The final noise was fixed with a new wheel hub and bearing. Now I know why all the speakers are shredded in every car she drives.
  22. After reading the this thread it seems the anger has little to do with BPS service and is all about the evils of Capitalism and free market. With union wages and demands on retailers , Johnny Morris (BPS) would still be selling tackle out of his fathers liquor store and I guess that would make some people happy. Not me!
  23. I heard there was snow flurries and freezing temps down that way earlier this week. Seriously, It's like some of you live on a different continent. Here in PA we get everything you can imagine. Triple digit temps with humidity to almost match and then 5 months later you can drive a Hummer out over your favorite fishing spot. That is why it is important to get advice from people in similar climates. Brrr...
  24. That is why the Beta version has an RFID chip and a command that releases the Radioactivity into the fish. Just track the fish down and scoop him up in the dark.
  25. I picked up a Bottom Line 1100 Tournament (?) the other year for my lil Jon boat. Got it for under $50 from Cabelas Bargain Bin online as "Refurbished". I think someone bought it and returned it without using it for some reason. I'd never used one and that thing was so easy to use and works great. Even has Temp readout. I'm actually thinking about putting it on my Tracker in the spring. The old ones on that boat had some bare wiring and I think I have them fixed. If they don't work %100 come spring I'm putting Bottom Line on my trolling motor. I'm waiting to buy all new Electronics for another year unless I find a 1K Bill that falls out of the sky.
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