Marsh Creek Park in Chester Co. is one of the most popular Bass lakes. It is electric motor only as is most of the better places. Nockamixon is 20Hp max and Blue Marsh near Reading is unlimited HP.
French Creek State Park near Birdsboro has 2 small lakes. 1 is were the State Record Smallmouth was caught, but we usually go to the lower Hopewell Lake which is bigger. I think it is only 68 acres, but it has boat rental.
Montco has Green Lane Reservoir which has 2 lakes also, but you must quarantine your boat for 10 days unless you rent one. Deep Creek in the lower end only allows unmotored boats, but I think is better for shore fishing.
Lake Galena is near Nockamixon and is also good for many species besides bass. Chambers Lake and Struble are also good bass places and are in lower Chester Co.