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    <p>Newport News, VA</p>

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  1. That usually works pretty good until you start getting older and you start running out of memory. Restarting your brain doesn't sound like fun.
  2. So any ideas on something new you would like to see or use besides a collection of articles on your iphone. Or just a better polished version of the other applications all tied into one. I was thinking of a better expert system than the one found in the software links. Maybe one using all the valuable information the users here at bassresource.com have contributed. Something like this would allow you to fill in information about the situation and the application would let you know what the bassresource community would suggest when the internet is not available.
  3. OK so I have gone through the links provided for fishing software. I am not too impressed by what these companies have to offer. Most of the software has an old windows 95 look and feel. Some also have a ridiculous price for what they are offering. Most are crowded with options on one page and not a nice guide you as you go type GUI. I have a few questions: Do you use any fishing related software (excluding games)? What would you be looking for in software? (expert system, tournament management, tackle tracking, something not already done) Do you feel the same about the problems listed above (ugly, cluttered, pricey)? I have also seen websites that offer what some of these programs offer. I don't know about you, but I don't have internet when I am out on the water so they seem pointless to me. So basically I saw the software section on the links page and wondered what fishermen use software for. :-?
  4. The RC boat idea is a good one, however I read that the wireless reliability of the humminbird is low. For plotting the topo maps yes it would be good, but it won't give me a nice idea of whats on the bottom. It tends to get fish and grass mixed up. As for the 35 foot cable there should be no problem. If I find it to not give me the distance I need I can easily modify the cable. Adding an extension to a cable is very easy to do.
  5. So I was looking for a fish finder/depth reader that I could use from the bank. I came across two different devices, Humminbird RF35 Smartcast Series and Norcross Hawkeye FF3355P. Based on the reviews from amazon the Hawkeye is way better. Besides using the device to find fish I want to use it to hand draw some topo maps (and add honey holes ;D) of the few small ponds that I go to. I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with either device or something similar targeted to bank fishers.
  6. Thanks Sam. I will definitely pick up a copy the next time I am in Wal-Mart.
  7. Burley thanks for the link! I see they have the regulations and what not posted for each lake. drmnbig you are correct I do not plan to do any saltwater fishing. Thanks for the help, guess I will be making a trip to the water on Sunday if the weather is fair.
  8. OK so this might sound like a dumb question, but like all questions you won't know the answer unless you ask. I was raised in Louisa County and for the most part my fishing experiences consisted of private pond fishing at friends/family ponds. On few occasions I've fished off a dock at a friend's house at Lake Anna. What I'm saying is I have never gone to a public lake to fish. :-[ Besides having a statewide freshwater fishing license is there anything else that I need? Do I just show up, walk up to the water and cast? Do I need to purchase a daily license for that specific lake? Are their time limits to when I can fish (sunrise to sunset)? Can I fish from any location I can walk to or is their specific locations for bank/docker fishers? I ask all these questions because I am currently living in Newport News and I do not know anyone in the area that has a pond that I can fish in. I am having a terrible itch to get out to the water and can not make the two and half hour trip back and forth to Louisa each weekend. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
  9. Hi everybody! I have been reading through the resources and forum posts for the past few days and now I got the itch. I can't wait to get out and get started bassin' with all the new knowledge that I have gained. Hopefully I'll get to show up my friends when I reel in bass after bass. I am currently using a hand-me-down rod (w/ spinner reel) and a tackle box of mixed lures from my father. I mainly do fishing off the bank or docks at ponds. Once I find some more change in my pocket I hope to stock my box with the proper lures. Currently I have a bunch of small hooks, plastic worms, grubs, and bobbers (no wonder I only catch crappie and blue gills). I know I'll be back with some questions once they come to mind. Anyway glad to meet you all.
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