boett, I Know how you feel. I felt the same way when I first started out. Taking your deer to a butcher is not lazy or ignorant as some might think, but don't worry about that. And what ever you do don't parade your deer around town. You will actually have people, especially here in MD, call and complain to DNR. I know from personal experience. Keep your deer covered if it's in plain sight. DNR/NRP will pull you over to check your license and weapon.
When you take the deer to the butcher, they will have options and prices for different ways you want your deer done. You might want a regular cut or maybe the whole deer ground The butcher will explain the cuts and then tell you aproximately when the deer will be done. They will usually call you when it's done.
Oh, and when you get to the butcher shop ask where to place to the deer first instead of just dragging the deer out acroos the lawn or walk way. They don't want blood stains all over the place.