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Everything posted by boneil

  1. bass tournaments have been going on for many years during the spawn and yet the bass still manage to thrive across the country. I don't think a tournament has that much of an impact on a fishery.
  2. 7" power worm w/ 3/8 weight on a med/hvy kistler micro mag. I put 10lb. floro on by mistake meant to use 12. You guys think that could be part of the problem, too light of a line?
  3. I recently bought a 2009 revo and I am having a major issue with over run on the cast. I've played with the magnetic spool braking system, with little effect. I have to tighten the mechanical brake to the point where I can feel tension while reeling in, for the overrun to stop. I've taken the reel apart and everything appears to be fine. And before you ask, I do have experience with baitcasting reels and I own plenty of makes and models. Any ideas?
  4. i guess kvd isn't using his bsx this year.
  5. "I'm In"
  6. you're not alone with this fear. I've seen snapping turtles big enough to take your leg off, thats why I fish from my boat.
  7. here in MD a big bass is "bucketmouth"
  8. coming from mt airy, im not sure, maybe the upper bay, from middle river on north or the potomac. either way a long drive
  9. sounds like you're arguing about global warming.some scientist say this while others say that. There may never be concrete evidence to prove one way or another. Personally, I think there is a higher mortality rate in bass that are kept and eaten.
  10. the wait really depends on what you choose. You can buy a boat off the floor or get custom paint which may take a long time. I think it was like 8 weeks or more with custom paint, but don't quote me. Bp will also check other stores and dealers for the boat you want.
  11. I bought a Nitro Z8 last spring from the bps in MD. I went through my own bank for financing, better rate than the banks from bp. There was no negotiating when it came to price no matter what I tried. The sales department wasn't the best, they always seemed to rather be doing something else than work with me. The service department, which is on site, was good and handled my issues promptly and treated me very well.
  12. I hate the guy that brings an old pontoon boat with the ancient motor that leaks oil and gas everywhere on the ramp and parking lot, pulls his boat out of the water and parks at the top of the ramp to pack everything up. And since there is oil every where, everyone else including myself now has to check there boat and truck to see if anything is leaking. Plus it's slippery as you know what. >
  13. So now we know why there was a fish kill recently, I t was that time of the month. I know, it was bad. With the lack of reproduction, and the growing number of snakeheads it won't be long before the potomac is no longer the place to go for bass fishing in MD and VA.
  14. Thanks guys, I guess I never really payed too much attention to if the motor was trimmed all the way down when taking off.
  15. been there before. I weigh 250 and my buddy weighs 300+. We've been in small john boats getting to the duck blind with us two, decoys and other gear in the boat. Needless to say we moved very slow, we were way over the capacity. Very dangerous and stupid and I wouldn't do it today. Get yourself a boat big enough to do what you need it to do.
  16. Correct, it's close but not all the way.
  17. Plugs? there are no plugs, should there be? Next time out I will try trimmin down further
  18. I have a 2008 Nitro Z8 with a 200hp merc. When I go to get on plane the motor revs up significantly just as it gets on plane. It feels as if the prop is spinnin but not pushin water. It only lasts for a second because I let of the throttle for a moment. I was just wondering if this is normal or do I need to change something? I have a 26P fury prop. Thanks
  19. boett, I Know how you feel. I felt the same way when I first started out. Taking your deer to a butcher is not lazy or ignorant as some might think, but don't worry about that. And what ever you do don't parade your deer around town. You will actually have people, especially here in MD, call and complain to DNR. I know from personal experience. Keep your deer covered if it's in plain sight. DNR/NRP will pull you over to check your license and weapon. When you take the deer to the butcher, they will have options and prices for different ways you want your deer done. You might want a regular cut or maybe the whole deer ground The butcher will explain the cuts and then tell you aproximately when the deer will be done. They will usually call you when it's done. Oh, and when you get to the butcher shop ask where to place to the deer first instead of just dragging the deer out acroos the lawn or walk way. They don't want blood stains all over the place.
  20. read this post yesterday, went out today to check out a new place to hunt in Cecil county and came across several of these trees. The fruits were all over the ground covered with bugs and bees. I was skeptical at first, but I picked one up, cut into to it to check it out and took a bite. I was surprised how sweet it was. Next thing you know I'm shaking trees and picking fruit.
  21. all I know is that there is going to be allot of upset fittsburg fans this year
  22. Good luck with purchasing a bow from any chain store. Seriously, if your going to spend that kind of money, go to a pro shop, even if you have to drive an hour away. I have never heard anything good about buying a bow from BPS. I have been in the store and overheard some bad info from the salesman to the customer.
  23. Ravens 13-3, I just can't figure who we'll loose to. definately not the the steelers.Big Ben will fall!!!!!! ;D
  24. sounds like you just about made up your. Good luck on getting your boat and keep us updated
  25. hey 420, just curious as to why you are not giving nitro any thought?
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