i have fished in 3 different clubs over the past 9 years. this year i am fishing in 2 different clubs, one in Indiana and one in Ohio. these are not high dollar clubs.
i am a non-boater. before i joined a club i had never fished in a boat. my thoughts were this;
be courteous and respectful of the the boaters boat and all his equipment, know how back up a trailer and to unload and load the boat
at the end of the day, leave the boat as it was before i got aboard. leave nothing behind. do not step on the seats, try to not track in mud when boarding, if i did, clean it up. ask the boater how he wants me to net his fish, when the boater has a fish on, drop my rod and immediately grab the net. do not cast over his line, parralell is ok and may cross the center line depending on the speed he is fishing and technique, do not cast behind the boat (unless you are sure to not get hung up), i try very hard to not get hung up, period ( i think this may cost me some fish) but kinda keeps peace. when the boater is hung up, i do not cast, i wait until he retrieves his bait/lure. as for gas money, the clubs i fish in, it is pre-determined what amount to pay the boater for gas for the tourney. if i ride with the boater to the lake, i split gas. if i feel the boater has used more than normal amount of gas, AND he has treated me fairly, ie, not back-boated me all day, i will offer him more money for gas (or leave some in the seat of his truck)
with that said. i have read a couple comments on here that i am not sure i agree with.
ie; if i get hung up "expect to break it off" ? really? so i am to be totally courteous and respectful to you, but you "expect me to break off my bait".
if the non-boater doesn't ride with the boater to the lake still pay for half his gas to get there ,"not sure how he thought i was going to get my boat to the lake" ? seriously, so i pay for my gas AND half of yours to get there?
the gas thing seems to be a sticking point for some boaters. most are totally ok with what is worked out ahead of time. those guys i typically give them more at the end of the day. it is the ones who gripe that they "ran all over and used so much gas" kinda fishing for more gas money that i don't understand. 1st of all, it is predetermined by clubs rules, which the boaters far out number the non-boaters and they set the rules, what amount for the non-boater to pay. 2nd, you are determining where we fish all day ( i have no input), if you chose to "run all over the lake", that is your choice. 3rd, i pay the same entry fee and am competing against you. you have chosen; where we fish, at what speed we fish, how long we fish there and get 1st shot at every piece of cover. insinuating that i should give you more/extra money is not fair. most everyone in all 3 clubs have been really good to fish with, but some back-boat a guy so bad it makes it no fun. certainly don't expect it to be 50/50, that is not realistic. i knew that going in. i just want to be treated fairly and have a good time too. don't treat me as 2nd class because i am a non-boater. 90% of the guys are great. 10% are not, probably goes the same for us non-boaters too.
i have and always will, totally respect the boater, his boat and equipment and give fair amount fo gas money. many times the boater has turned down money and i have left some on his truck seat.