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bassin is addicting

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Everything posted by bassin is addicting

  1. wacky works almost all the time. i use a weedless 2/0 Gammy. can throw it anywhere. funny story(at least to me) took my son fishing about 4 years ago. he had picked out some worms that he liked the color of. i let him do his own thing down the bank from me. all the sudden he had a nice 3lb bass hooked! i helped him get the hook out and then watched him hook the worm.......he did it right in the middle....wacky style!! all on his own. before i had ever heard of it!! i made fun of him at the time. we laugh about it now. bassin is addicting.
  2. i have found a long stretch of very clear shallow water.. approx 2-3ft. deep on the edge of a lake here in indiana. as i walk down the bank i can see some rocks but the bottom seems to be pretty clear of much cover. long flat bottom appears to extend out about 20-30 yards. i will be bank fishing. ideas what to baits to use? thanks
  3. senkos/dingers...and very soon to try *** salty stick i've heard so much about them here and love the colors and price. i really like the Yamamoto double tail hula grub. that seems to work every time. and can fish it a few different ways.
  4. i agree. slow and steady. the "blurping" noise will let you know. i was told to hold rod high so there is a nice bow to it. that helps to get the "bug" making all the noise. i love fishing my bug. my boater made fun of me last year when i kept throwin it in a night tourney. til i caught 3 nice keepers. he said he hadn't seen anyone throw one for a long time. would like to know if he went and bought one. ha!
  5. is there much of a difference? what is your preference? thanks for your input
  6. thanks. they aren't totally dried up. still a little slimy. so i think i can salvage them.
  7. i take a few out of each store bag and put them in ziplock baggies before i go. that way i don't have the whole package of each. i seperate them by color and/or type and then put them in a bag together. of course my wife thinks i'm anal....but....then...maybe i am.. ha!
  8. anybody tried these. they look really good. i just got some in yesterday from Cabelas. the reviews were good on Cabelas wb site. just wondered if anyone had tried them.
  9. basic scum frog works for me in the slop. key is to wait 2 seconds to set hook. and i love the 'ol black jitterbug at dusk
  10. i went to use a package i bought last year. not the kind in the jar. it is pretty dried up. can i do much about it to bring them back to life? maybe put some Megastrike in there with them? thanks.
  11. fishin in a tournament sunday at patoka lake. it looks like it is cooling back off. maybe rain. any ideas or suggestions on what to use? i'm thinking; red rattletrap red/orange deep crank blue/black jig w/black/blue rage chunk trailer and colorado white/chartruse spinner do i have my bases covered? or other ideas? maybe fluke or suspending gold husky jerk thanks for any help.
  12. ok. thanks for the advice. i kinda figured if it was that easy, i would have read/heard about someone doin it.
  13. Lucky Craft- Sexy Chartreuse Lucky Strike- Golden Shad Tru-Tungsten- Chartreuse Shad Bomber/Heddon/Xcaliber/BooYah- Foxy Shad Noman-Chartreuse Sexy Shad That is all I could find. But don't forget about the Strike King "Sexy Spoon" -gk Cabelas- Bombay and Lime
  14. just wondering... since many products claim to have garlic scent. has anyone ever tried using/soaking plastics in a bit of minced garlic? especially for use this early in cold muddy water. thanks for any feedback.
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