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bassin is addicting

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Everything posted by bassin is addicting

  1. split ring pliers won't cut a hook off ??
  2. ok.. thanks J. the linesmans pliers is the answer to my question... thanks..
  3. strike king baby rodent....double header candy....rigged on its side on a scrounger. the color looks just like a small bluegill and has been deadly for me the past few times out. the tails have great swimming action on that scrounger head. these have been inhaled by almost every one i catch. i cast out, let it hit bottom, lift it up and vary my retrieve speed.
  4. how do you do it? short of a hack saw... obviously the ones with split rings are relativley easy to change.. but the lures without split rings.... ?? is there a certain tool you use to get the hook off the lure? i know i'll be adding a split ring to attach the new hook. thanks..
  5. My only real option for a heavy pole is a baitcaster right? no. although some may say yes.... but if you struggle with a baitcaster why punish yourself? i've got a heavy action BPS Extreme rod and i use it with a 2500 spinning reel and for me it works fine to haul them out of the slop or steer away from laydowns, etc.. yes, the ideal option may be a BC...but you can still accomplish what you need to with a spinning outfit.. imo
  6. my opinion.... you'll be fine unless the water you fish is super clear...even then if you are fishing a fairly fast moving bait...crankbait..etc. you will be fine. i have a set up with that type line for my night tournaments and i was using that rig when i fished a super clear stripper pit this week and caught 10-12 using a scrounger head rigged with a strike king baby rodent...sideways.. so i think there's no reason to take that line off. imo
  7. there will ALWAYS be a place for Zoom plastics in my tackle bag. i've tried (and use) other brands but will continue to use Zoom. the variety of different baits and colors are virtually unmatched. never had a quality issue.. i could almost name every one of their baits that i have caught fish on. right now i've been doing real well with the speed craw and ultra-vibe craw.
  8. thanks for the feedback.. i picked a few up on ebay as well... DC2,3,5 and 8 got a tournament on the river here in a few weeks and there are a lot of laydowns and branches etc.. i'll see how they do.
  9. ok... so i read the article about crankin' in the gnarly stuff... and the Timber Tiger seemed to do quite well... anyone use these? any luck? thanks...
  10. a suggestion...if it fits.. those hi dollar frogs are great don't get me wrong.. but you can also use a Scum frog (for about $4) and have some good luck too... imho warning******you will become addicted...
  11. Yamamoto double-tail hula grub, green pumpkin w/black, 1/8 oz texas rigged. dipped in clear JJ's. very versatile....fish it like a jig or swim it....
  12. what chatterbait do you use/like the best? ones that are available now...not out of production ones.. my BPS has the original Z-man...seems like the hooks are dull out of the package... easily fixed i guess and booyah...which has the flexible hook...i'm not sure if that is a good feature or not? what are your opinions? thanks..
  13. i've got the Excel 703 spinning rod and love it... picked it up on sale last year on TW. great rod for the price! imo would def recommend..
  14. i don't use EWG for the 7" powerbait worms. i usually use a 4/0 offset gammie hook.
  15. good starter list... i would add a few curly tail worms....powerbait 7" or zoom u-tail work well for me good luck..
  16. does color matter below 10ft at night? in most water...?? i'm not sure?? does it matter during the day below 15ft?
  17. Bomber FF Shad Spro little john DD
  18. i assume you're talking spinning reels.. don't have a Supreme.. but have 2 Presidents... and they have worked flawless for the past 3 years.. can't beat them for the money.. imho
  19. thanks for the input. i'll pay more attention to my knot.. and i agree.... it doesn't seem as expensive if i can get the long term use out of it. the "take it off the spool and use the back end as new" is a good idea too.
  20. kinda the way it seemed to me... i haven't noticed any wear...fraying or really any reason to even retie my knot (do you retie?)
  21. Zoom ultra-vibe speed craw. or plain speed craw...great action. and a lot more for the money than the Rage (although they work well too)
  22. just started using some braid Power Pro 20lb on my spinning gear about 2 months ago. wondering... how often do you change it out? how do you know when to change it? thanks..
  23. Exact same thing, Palm Tree comes less in a pack X2
  24. Berkley power worm in Camo and Motor Oil Zoom dead ringer in Red Shad Strike King Anaconda in Green Pumpkin w/black and Junebug Zoom u-tail in Watermelon seed and Motor Oil chartruese Culprit in Black w/blue tail and thats just the curly tails
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