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bassin is addicting

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Everything posted by bassin is addicting

  1. KVD line conditioner works....it will take the coils/memory out. i usually put some on the night before and then again about an hour before i leave the house. that might be overkill...but it works and i use it every time on all my lines except braid. i don't use straight mono anymore on my spinning reels...i switched to Yozuri US. and last year i bought some McCoy co-polymer when it was on sale at TW. i like it alot too.
  2. what color would you recommend?
  3. is it better than the Spro Dawg?
  4. I'd say you retie before fishing again; whether you leave the bait on the set-up or not. X2
  5. looking for opinions from those who use this and how effective it is and wondering if the Gunfish is worth the $$ or is there a similar lure that works just was well thanks
  6. since i don't own a boat....i fish from the back every club tournament. (finished 3rd yesterday) and it's every guy for himself. i wish it was boater vs boater and non vs non but i can;t get the needed majority votes from the boaters to go for that (wonder why lol!!) most of the guys are pretty good about not "back boating" me too bad. i certainly don't expect if to be 50/50 for the best spots. if i can get 65/35 for a decent shot then i feel like the boater is being fair. it's not like either one of us is fishing for big money in our club. i certainly have had to adapt how i fish since i was used to fishing from the bank and really working the areas i had walked to. i mainly had used plastics either weightless or very little weight, spinnerbaits and topwater since cranks or jigs would get hung up too easily. since joining the club i've had to learn to fish much faster and i've had to invest in a lot more cranks to be able to effectively fish the areas and keep up with the speed that the boater is going since most of the guys are like you say "going 90 mph" . there are a few that fish slow, but not many. i sometimes think if they slowed down they/we would do better but i'm at the mercy of the boater. a lot of the time i'll try to throw something a little different than he is. it just depends, if he is killing them, i'm not too proud that i won't use the same bait. and i'm always looking at what we are approaching and if i can cast on the other side of the boat to something good like a stump or a point as we come up to a cove. i'm interested to hear what others try too.
  7. I know nothing about the rods, but I have a couple of President reels that are excellent values IMO. X2
  8. I would like to keep it $10 or less Hard to beat a Bandit or Bomber Fat Free Shad for the money IMO
  9. I keep the rod tip as low as possible, even underwater, to keep the fish down and reel as quickly as possible. This is mostly a concern when fishing with treble hooks. X2 not sure if this is the "correct" technique...but it works for me...
  10. great technique... been using keel weighted hook last couple years on Zoom Speed craws.... and now on the Rage craws... etc.
  11. i've fished both. Yamamoto worth the extra money.... IMO Chompers just didn't have the action...again.. IMO The Yamamoto hula grub is one of my go to baits.... I like it on a bare football jig as you mentioned..as well as texas rigged.
  12. i own 2 Presidents and both have performed excellent for the past 5 years. no worries/no problems. a great value. imo
  13. thanks... i really like the looks of that MScrack too.
  14. i meant in store. they are going to be on sale as part of the Classic sale. i'm wanting to know what 4-5 colors i should look to get. thanks
  15. ok... i see the LC 1.5's on sale as part of the Classic sale at BPS. i have decided to splurge and get 4-5 of them. what are your favorite colors/ what would you suggest thanks....
  16. ok. i can see/understand your point. i use braid primarily for the strength and the manageability is just a bonus. i would definitely agree that if a leader is used it is an easier break off and saves the braid.
  17. i use straight braid for flipping and pitching or with a scrounger head and other single hook swimbait types as well as frogs. i use yozuri US for all other applications..crankbaits, etc. the leader thing has me perplexed...when it comes to overall strength... if you use 30lb braid and 10lb leader....with it being only as strong as the "weakest link"....aren't you actually using 10lb line? and if there is no stretch in the braid....when you hookset...aren't you putting more stress on the leader...thus reducing its actaul lb strength??? am i missing something??
  18. i was one of the lucky winners from here last year. i won a DHC681SPM and i love it! it was my first what i consider a "high-end rod" as well as my first split grip. i couldn't be more pleased. i've had many club members want to buy it....but that is not happening. its a great rod.
  19. Cavitron 1/4 black has worked best for me Jitterbug pop-r hollow bodied frog had some great blow-ups on the Rage Shad but missed them all... guess maybe they weren't so "great" eh?
  20. i agree with last post. try downsizing to 75% then back to 100%.
  21. KVD line conditioner, works! X3
  22. Its very simple: Black skirt/Red blades - 3/8 oz. - Low light conditions White skirt/Gold blades - 3/8 oz. All other times This is what I have found to work, so I have no need to change it up! X2
  23. I fish them as a trailer for the Sworming Hornet...KILLER! X2 my favorite is on a Scrounger.....best producer for me last year... I like the magic shad and barfish colors
  24. i checked my Dick's... Rage Craw $1.74 Anaconda $1.74 Thumper 73 cents i'm going to check another Dick's and hour away tomorrow...... it's a date....
  25. zoom ultra vibe speed craw and larger speed craw produced well for me last year. mainly rigged on a weighted swim bait hook. i FINALLY picked up some rage craws late last year but didn't get the chance to really give them much work, but they did look good and get great reviews here. i also like the netbait paca. they have a great color with orange in it for the the river here.
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