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bassin is addicting

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Everything posted by bassin is addicting

  1. i think the Strike King Rage Hawg may be heavier/bulkier and its about the same as the brush hog... i fish from the bank alot myself and know what you mean by needing to fish weightless. i have a lot of luck with a Yamamoto Hula Grub as well for something a little bulkier....just a suggestion
  2. same as mentioned (and i learned it here) Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, wood filler and U40 did this for the first time on all my cork handles.....they look and feel brand new..
  3. Zoom... speed craw and ultra-vibe craw...both come in white texas rigged on bedding fish, a swim jig trailer and as a trailer on a chatterbait. sometimes i'll dip the tips in chartruese JJ's.
  4. before i got to really "know" all my crankbaits..... i used a fine point sharpie and put the depth # on each one on the back/tail section on the side or underneath i still do that with some.
  5. great show/tourney... having them tell what and why they are doing what they are is interesting. and them knowing where they stand and what all the others are catching is pretty cool too. i'm sure they are pretty intense but they seem to have more comments and insight than a regular tourney.
  6. i use a duo lock snap. i've used Danielson from TW and some from BPS . never had a problem with either. i retie before every outing/tournament and check the knot and a few feet up from it frequently during the day.. if it is really windy i may use a duo lock snap with a swivel to help prevent line twist as much as possible..
  7. i usually only take 4 rods maybe 5 depends on time of year and where we are fishing 2/3 bc and 2 spinning and i know some/many may not agree...but... i'll usually have snaps tied on to the spinning gear so i can change baits quick when needed.
  8. so... with the Aero press..... you heat up the water yourself and pour into the press....correct? you only make enough that you will drink at one time.....one cup at a time? do you need a certain coffee cup? or will it fit most sizes?
  9. i've used the YZ Ultra-soft for the past 3 years on all my spinning gear and have had no problems. sure.....some coiling. but KVD line conditioner takes care of that. i find its breaking point well above the rating. i would recommend it. i use both 6lb and 8lb. mainly 8lb.
  10. all the above suggestions are good.. my suggestion would be to wait until they have their next sale and then load up. some items are on sale now....but...they will have a 15% or 20% sale like they did for black friday. you may have to wait a little while. but may as well get the most bang for your buck. i just bought a $100 gift card for $90 for myself...after i had spent a bunch on their black friday sale... now i have a discounted gift card to use for the next big sale... (like i really need MORE stuff) if you buy now...tell us what you decided on..
  11. thanks Chris At Tech... looks like some big fish baits... excellent choices.. you did good.. Merry Christmas to all!!
  12. i just picked up the BPS crankin stick in MH ($59) and the BPS Pro Qualifier in the 5.3 ratio ($79) i'm real happy ......for the money ($140) i think i did pretty well. it's not that often that i get a chance to throw deep divers but this setup seems to handle everything i throw.
  13. Cavitron Buzzbait is THE best.... imo i use Megastrike on most every soft plastic i use...i also put some up on the line about a foot or so to help it come through grass..etc. the jigs stand up like no other jig i've used. i'm curious about the spinnerbaits.. the 25% sale might cause me to try them out
  14. RW.... those numbers have my head spinning.... i can't wait. i realize those numbers may not be equaled...but anything close sounds awesome!! this will be my first trip and i'm looking forward to meeting/making some new friends. gotta admit i'm a little intimidated but have been told by a few that there is no need to be.... i realize its early...but if someone needs/wants a roomie. let me know.
  15. i watch it every chance i get. i really like the laid back feeling and they always tell the "real story" of how they do. very refreshing..
  16. oe "series of modifications"? it's a one step process...and i use line conditioner on all my lines....simply put........ it works.. fyi..i also change the treble hooks on most of my crankbaits.....guess i am a "modification" freak??
  17. i was a trilene user until i tried the yo-zuri ultra-soft recommended here.. since i can't find it anywhere around here and TW doesn't carry the 6lb i went with the 8lb and i use the KVD line conditioner....and am very happy... in fact i just ordered another 600yds when they had the 20% off. try it...i think you'll like it...
  18. ok... good. i was hoping you were just giving me a hard time.... i truly was having flash-backs as i was typing when i expressed the pain.... it is baaaaaad.
  19. hey, i'm glad you are doing well.... i truly wasn't trying to be mean in any way at all.... i was just trying to be honest with what to expect. i'm sorry if some took it as being over the top. i really meant no harm.... unless you've had them there is no way to explain the pain... glad you are past it all now...
  20. oops...sorry.... and it gave me flash-backs.... should i delete that and hope he doesn;t read it....??
  21. at one time i had 2 55 gallon and 2 30 gallon freshwater. i had all cichlids. primarily south/central american and some african. i would have some pair up. they would clean out an end of the aquarium, moving the gravel and cleaning a flat rock and lay eggs....i could watch them go thru the whole process. the would get very aggressive toward the other fish, keeping them all away from their "spot". once the eggs hatched they would protect them..even if a few of the small fry would wander off they would suck them up in their mouth and then spit them out with all the other ones back in a small group. when they were big enough but still very small, i would siphon them out with a hose into one of the smaller tanks and raise them and then sell them to the local pet shops. convict cichlids are real easy to breed. i would think that would be very interesting for your class to watch.
  22. i feel your pain.... i've had 3 bouts with kidney stones....passed 2 and had surgery on 1....not sure which result is better....the pain is indescribeable.. not to scare you but... i can tell you that the the first time you take a leak after the surgery it is knee buckling burning pain and you will swear the inside of your manhood is being ripped out...not to mention the removal of the cathater. i hope you are doing ok.....
  23. form completed and sent in... this will be my first trip.....very much looking forward to it!!
  24. i just bought one....hope i made the right purchase.. i picked one up over the weekend to pair it with the BPS Crankin' Stick i got on sale. i got the 5.2 ratio. i paid $99 and was told they expect them to go on sale since they just got in a large shipment and if they do go on sale within 90 days i can take in the receipt and get the difference refunded. i based my purchase on all the good feedback i had read here and on BPS' site. i can't afford a high dollar reel so i thought this was a good reel for the $$... i hope so...
  25. thanks guys... based on your comments it sounds like a good rod for the price...i'm gonna pick one up this weekend....
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