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bassin is addicting

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Everything posted by bassin is addicting

  1. i just bought some of the hardheads last month.... i think i'm gonna try the damiki air craw. seems like it would work well...the claws would stand up well with that.. i think??
  2. brian...and brian... i agree....i think we are on the same page... hopefully i can persuade enough boaters at the rules meeting in Feb. if not...then i'll just not fish in that club...and hope to find another one that is more non-boater friendly. needless to say... i can't wait for the Roadtrip!! there is no back-boating there at all....it is truly the fishing highlight of the year!! everyone was awesome...
  3. sam... how is it a "great deal" to pay the same tourney fee and get back-boated? it is not a $25 issue. it is the principle. the club is supposed to be for boaters AND non-boaters. i just don't think there is much sportsmanship involved. it is all one-sided in the boaters favor. if i am going to have to compete against them, fishing 2nd to everything and fish at their speed out of the back...reducing my chances. then the non-boater's fee should be less. i know....it is hard for a boater to be on my side....but i am sure many of you have fished out of the back....and understand....this is not a team thing... i just would like the rules to be not so heavily weighted against the non-boater... and if the answer is "buy a boat"....then i am definitely in the wrong club and that perspective is one-sided too... imo.. i thought that most people started out as a non-boater and could appreciate where i am coming from....it is not a "fun" tourney or a "team" tourney.... i respect everyones opinions...that is what i ask for. thanks...i really do appreciate all your comments.....
  4. i agree.... it is NOT the money...either the club is for boaters AND non-boaters...or not. and with only 3-4 non-boaters...and 12 boaters...changing the rules to be more equitable for the non-boater is probably like "spitting in the wind"...(keeping it clean)...lol.. i'll find out in a couple weeks at our Feb meeting and i'll let ya'll know....at the same time, i'm looking for a club within an hours drive that is more hospitable...
  5. triton guy.... it really isn't the money.... it is the principle....$25 is not the issue. it is simply the fact that non-boaters pay the same fee as the boater....fish against the boater and get back-boated. if it were a team tournament...that is a whole different animal...
  6. CD.... i'll check in to it....thanks for the idea/suggestion...
  7. kent...."fun" tournaments are different......or just "outings".... $25 plus money for gas is not an issue in those cases... fishing against the boater(s) paying the same money and getting back boated is my beef. i probably just need to look for another (more non-boater friendly) club. when there are 12 boaters and only 4 non-boaters, they aren't gonna see it my way....from a non-boaters perspective...
  8. i guess i need to mention that the non-boater does (per club rule) pay the boater for gas.. i know...5 years... i joined because i was new to the area and just wanted to meet some guys who fish and have a good time..and the years have gone by...i realized how bad i was getting back-boated...and it reached its bad point last year.. there is not another club within an hour. the solution should not be....buy a boat. IMO i know...lowering the entry fee by $10 doesn't amount to much.. i guess it is a principle thing... i pay the same...and then get back-boated.
  9. hmmm... food for thought... i guess i am looking at it as though...the boater has his boat....his choice...and the clubis for boaters AND non-boaters....not IMO for the non-boater to subsidize the boaters... and i am paying to get "back boated"... not like i am paying to just "fish with a buddy" which at $25 for a day on the lake with a buddy....fishing...would make total sense... this is a tournament...and i pay the same to get back-boated...?? just doesn't seem right.. and yes, i can see where i might be sounding like a "whiner"... lol just tired of paying to get back boated..in a club that is supposed to be "of high sportsmanship" yes...ranting...just seeing if others are of the same opinion or not.. i do appreciate all the comments... i need to have my opinion solidified...or swayed... before our rules meeting in february.. if i am wrrrrrong... i need to know that....
  10. I would like everyone's opinion... I have fished in a small club for the past 6 years.... as a non-boater. there are 12 boaters and 4 non-boaters. the non-boater is paired with a different boater for each (8) tournament. we all fish against eachother, no teams. the non-boaters compete against the boaters. the club rules are that all members pay the same entry fee ($25) for each tournament. so, me, as a non-boater pays the same as the boater. needless to say, i don't feel like i have near the same/equal opportunity to catch fish as the boater. especially since everyine "beats the bank" and i end up fishing 2nd to every piece of cover. here is where i want your opinion... i am going to propose that the non-boater pay $15 due to the fact that we don't have near the same chance. we have to fish....where, how and at what speed the boater decides. what do you all think??? am i being reasonable or out of line?? thanks....
  11. stick with the same size. you don't want to mess up the action/suspending of an LC pointer... that is why they catch so many fish.
  12. if i am following your question... you want to rig it so the flaps/appendages lay flat out to the side after rigged. not inline with the hook so the hook will be entered and skin hooked/tex-posed on the the sides without the appendages... does that make any sense? i know what i mean..but typing it can be difficult at least that is how i do it...
  13. I personally use Pflueger President and love them. Best spinning reel for the money in my opinion x2 i own 3. they are all over 3 years old...i fish them usually 3 times a week...no problems with anyof them best value... IMO
  14. Siebert jigs.... you cannot go wrong. there is a ton of info here on jigs. maybe not go overboard to start with.... i'd get a few in; 1/4 oz, 3/8 oz football head is a good all purpose head (imo) green pumkin and black/ blue that is just for starters. trust me...after that 1st jig fish, you'll be addicted the jig...
  15. i own a couple...for the money..a pretty good bait. i haven't had to "tune" any of them....yet. i store all my jekbaits like the rest of my cranks....in a plano...one with just jerkbaits in it..
  16. 1st there must be fish where you are....otherwise it makes no difference what rig you are fishing.. 2nd...it has got to be your presentation... use as light as weight as possible, i use 1/8...and a i do like the Zoom u-tail for fun fishing for numbers.......i don't hop it.....i have had the most luck just reeling slowly... watch your line and wait for the tap...tap.. i don't know that color makes that much difference. i've had the most luck with either watermelon seed or red shad. depending on water clarity. good luck.
  17. i have back pain every time out..at different levels.....some days not too bad....others....bad... real bad...but.. i have lessened it with stretching... primarily with the simple "bend over and touch my toes"...trust me...i couldn't come close at first but gradually it is amazing now....i can almost lay my hand flat on the ground. i stretch every morning....while the coffee is brewing... i also stretch while i'm fishing.... i used to use a heating pad....because it felt so good....but my chiroprator said that was the wrong thing to do...now...ice is my best friend..... and if you try it.... it makes a huge difference... good luck...
  18. What was said above. Apply liberally and often. I even use it on my braid X2 i give a good soaking the night before.....if i'm fishing within an hour or so from home if i'm fishing farther away.....i'll give a good soaking to each reel before i leave that morning. i think you need a pretty good soaking to get it down in the spool. otherwise, with just 2-3 squirts you really don't penetrate down in the spool very much. i want to make sure it gets to at least 50 yards of line.
  19. would be awesome to have Mike D. from Lunkerville attend.... c'mon Mike.....you'll have a great time!!
  20. i think yak do better in northern climate.... lol....
  21. awesome!! just made my day..... already marked myself out for those days at work... last year was my 1st trip, it truly was an incredible experience. everyone was very kind to a "1st timer" looking forward to seeing everyone again....
  22. just watched it..great show...gotta love Mike's enthsusiasm....every show...it is a blast to watch. wondering....how long did it take to film the show??
  23. Glenn.....thanks....for having an awesome site....i have learned so much.... and thanks.....for costing me so much money..... new rods, reels, line....etc...etc... can't wait for the next roadtrip... i want your autograph....
  24. have to tie it perfect, lots of spit to ensure that line is wet and slides good to not burn it. I dont understand those who just lick in the line, I wont risk it. practice tying that knot over and over, sometimes I have to tie a knot 4 times before I am willing to fish it. you'll get there. i give it a good tug once i'm done to make sure it holds. improved clinch is the only knot i use...
  25. mike's jigs are awesome!! not to mention.....he's a great guy too....
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