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Everything posted by Bochafish

  1. One of my best friends is a PETA activist, and we had a conversation about fishing. I let her know that I catch and release, and she insisted that it still harms the fish mentally. I said that a fishes brain is not complicated enough to be mentally damaged by being caught and released. She responded with, "you don't know that." I said, "You're right, I don't, but I figure if it was ok for Jesus to be a fisherman, it's ok for me too."
  2. Hello everyone, new to fishing and new to the forum. I used to fish with my dad about 15 years ago, and liked it a lot. I really enjoy fishing shows on tv too. I've never caught anything but bluegil in Illinois. I lived in Tampa, FL for 2 years, and fished off of the skyway pier a lot, but only caught 3 fish, none over 1 lb to be honest. I just like being outdoors and love the feeling of being around water. I hope to learn a lot from you guys, and start landing some fish! I probably will be much more of a researcher than a poster, but I'll let you all know when I land my first bass! And to any fellow musicians out there, I also post under Bochafish on talkbass.com, a bass guitar forum lol.
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