I don't believe that anyone down on their luck relies on fishing to make sure they don't starve to death in their sleep. Fishing takes time and money to do - unless they are using a tree branch, the seemingly always available on shore discarded Mister Twister curly tail, and discarded braid line that always seems to coil around my shoes when I'm fishing. Also, fish is a poor calorie ratio to the amount of work it takes to get fish. A roll of French bread or pack of Hawaiian Sweet Bread (mmmmmm...) provides more calories, costs less, and less work to prepare. Potatoes and rice are also dirt cheap in terms of price per pound. And if someone is really that famished, time and money are not to be wasted driving to a lake and fishing. Throughout human history, when times are tough, humans always relied on starchy carbs, broth, and vegetables/roots, all of which are cheaper, more energy-rich (sugar/glycogen), and less work than meat-based diet. Corn, beans, rice, potatoes - these got humans though famine.