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Everything posted by MaineBassMan

  1. Top water this early? Nicely done! I love a top water bite!
  2. Thanks for the replies. The smallmouths were caught on shadow raps and crankbaits. The largemouth were caught on my home made swim jigs and jigs with rage craws and my wife caught hers on a shakey head jig with rage craw.
  3. I haven't fished a buzzbait in along time, but they sure are fun the bass seem to strike them very violently!
  4. Picture heavy have to share
  5. Then this past Sunday my Wife, son and I went to my favorite largemouth lake and slayed them. We caught 51 largemouth all over two pounds and our best five out of the bunch had a bag weight of 21 pounds 01 ounces this is my biggest bag ever. I've come close to this weigh a lot but never broke 20 pounds. We only went out for four hours too! The fishing was amazing we had three fish on at the same time several times, I caught 3 over four pounds. This bass put us at 20# that's what the gang sign means. [/url
  6. Boy oh Boy! did we have a long winter and late Ice out! Been fishing a few times and already got a Second place finish in a tournament and it's only our second tournament of the season. Last Wednesday my wife and I finally got out together and fished one of my favorite smallmouth lakes. The bite was slow but we manage to catch 30 smallmouth with an upper two pound average and at the end of the day we caught a few three plus pound smallmouths. a few pics from that day We even had two doubles!
  7. Awesome!! great job, the smallies are biting real good down this way too, been catch lots of four pounders and a guy i Know caught a 5 pound smallie. Weather sucks but it seems to be getting the bass active.
  8. Very nice! the fishing has been great Downeast. Catching lots of good smallmouths and Largemouths. A few of my club members and I were fishing one of our local lakes, I caught 2 4+ largemouths a 4# smallmouth and and two of the other guys caught 2 5+# smallmouth.
  9. TONS OF BS involved with the closure of GFF. We provided 10 years worth of tournament fishing records (more data than they could provide), all of our records pointed to a thriving fishery that was only getting better, not the .5 fish a day they were reporting! They said that our records only backed their findings...??????????? Then they told us that the fishery couldn't handle one more dead smallmouth killed from C&R tournaments....in those 10 years of tournament fishing records we only had 5 bass die with thousands of fish being caught! Makes no sense at all. Being a bass fishing club we are all for catch & release, but why should this affect catch and release tournaments?????
  10. If I can fit it into my bass tournament schedule I'm in for a get together. ARMY I like him even more! I was a infantryman, "Follow Me"
  11. Series 3 or 5 can't remember, strike king 6-9 foot diving green gizzard shad color. I was catching my bass in 8-9 foot of of water. I would crank it down till I made contact with the bottom. As soon as I felt bottom I would slow my retrieve down as slow as I could and keep contact with the bottom, all of a sudden the rod would load up and I thought "dang I'm stuck".... then you could feel the head shakes!
  12. Crestliner what is the water temp down your way? Have you been out yet? Your fishing must be a couple of weeks ahead of ours?
  13. Glad to see that you got out Marinetech! I've been out three times now and haven't been skunked yet! I have a post in the smallmouth section "I think I got the cob webbs out" One of my favorite smallmouth lake is on fire right now. I'm averaging 3-4 pounds there. I just fished my favorite largemouth lake on Saturday. Caught three but the water was pretty cold. The only thing I don't like this year is the spring water levels. The lack of a snow melt run off has the water much lower than previous years. I always do my best in the spring when the water is flooding into the heaths. Keep hooking them! And thank your son for his service! Is he Army or Marines?
  14. Mountain Angler, yes I had a great time! I went to one of my favorite largemouth lakes on Saturday caught only two. The water there was much colder. It seems winter isn't ready to let go yet! The temps have dropped back down, we were having 60-70 degree days last week, now we are back in the 30's. The big thing is that all of the lakes are finally ice out so all we need is a few days of good weather and then the bass fishing will be awesome!
  15. Well made it back out today. There was a great crank bait bite but the wind was bad 20mph steady with gust up to 30mph. I caught 23 smallies today and my father caught 6. Our average bass was over three pounds, our five best bass went 18 lbs 11 oz. the biggest bass was exactly 4 lbs even. Not too bad considering the wind, I lost one close to five pounds. Water temps were between 46-48 degrees.
  16. Dwight, do you recognize that jerk bait?
  17. Very cool and good job. I just made my first trip of the year too. I'm about 3 weeks early this year, can't believe the ice is out so early.
  18. This is the earlies that I've ever been able to go fishing in Maine. There was still ice covering a quarter of the lake. Got to check out the new electronics side/down imaging, very cool. My father actually caught the first smallmouth of the year. I caught the first pickeral, lol. I have the biggest smallmouth so far this year at 3lbs 04oz, (won't Last very long). I lost another one that was around four pounds, barely had him hooked in the thin skin around the mouth. It was beautiful out there to say the least. If the temps stay up this weekend should be really good. It was a balmy 59 degrees today!! Only a few fish but boy it felt great, and I can't believe that my three pound smally actual jumped twice today even in this cold water. What this toothy thing? lol NOTICE THE SNOW AND ICE AROUND THE SHORE
  19. This is the earlies that I've ever been able to go fishing in Maine. There was still ice covering a quarter of the lake. Got to check out the new electronics side/down imaging, very cool. My father actually caught the first smallmouth of the year. I caught the first pickeral, lol. I have the biggest smallmouth so far this year at 3lbs 04oz, (won't Last very long). I lost another one that was around four pounds, barely had him hooked in the thin skin around the mouth. It was beautiful out there to say the least. If the temps stay up this weekend should be really good. It was a balmy 59 degrees today!! Only a few fish but boy it felt great, and I can't believe that my three pound smally actual jumped twice today even in this cold water. What this toothy thing? lol NOTICE THE SNOW AND ICE AROUND THE SHORE
  20. Saw my first robbin and there was a worm crawling across the road! It is on the way!
  21. I've got the ammo and weapons and living in Maine there is plenty of wild things to live off from. I just hope if the end of the worlds comes that I'm in my boat fishing or out in the woods hunting! If I'm stuck at work I will be very unhappy!
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