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MaineBassMan last won the day on May 6 2019

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About MaineBassMan

  • Birthday 06/29/1981

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Washington County, Maine
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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  2. Downeast Maine...the true Doweast Maine
  3. Yes believe it or not. Two seasons ago at a local bass tournament a team brought in a 28.5# 5 fish bag limit and second place had 20lbs
  4. What a great weekend! We have had a month of rain and clouds with no sun, very depressing. This doesn't hold us back though! Last Friday, May 3rd, father and I went fishing on our favorite body of water. We only went for 4 hours because of other obligations....We got on the water and were a little bummed at the water temp it was 47°f. We checked one of our secret holes and only managed to catch a few small ones. We decided to run the lake looking for the warmest water and managed to find 51°f water. It was game on!! For the next 3 hours we caught 31 bass mostly between 2#12oz and upper 3#. I caught the largest one at 4# 14oz and the day ended with our best 5 going 17#12oz. Then we just had to return on Saturday, now the water temp only got up to 51.7°f the day before and all bites came on jigs or Texas rigged craws. This day the water temp climbed to 53.7°f even though it remained cloudy all day with no sun. This day the hot lures were home made chatterbaits and Texas rigged craws. This was our best day my very first cast landed a 5# 06oz bass!! The rest of the day was amazing we boated 52 bass a lot of 3# plus and my Dad beat my lunker with a 5# 10oz bass and our best 5 totaled 21# 09oz! Lucky our wives love us lol because we returned for a 3rd day. Funny thing is the sun finally showed itself however you could feel a high pressure and there was a halo around the sun. We wanted the sun so bad the previous two days and now we have it and the bass I think were in shock lol. The bite slowed down a lot even though the water temp jumped to 58°f!! The baits that worked the last two days stopped working. I finally figured a bite out and the ole swimbait saved the day. When we caught bass they were over 3 pounds we only caught 24 bass this day but managed to put our best 5 at 18# 04oz and the largest bass went 4# 06 oz. It was still a great day!!
  5. Lucky our wives love us lol because we returned for a 3rd day. Funny thing is the sun finally showed itself however you could feel a high pressure and there was a halo around the sun. We wanted the sun so bad the previous two days and now we have it and the bass I think were in shock lol. The bite slowed down a lot even though the water temp jumped to 58°f!! The baits that worked the last two days stopped working. I finally figured a bite out and the ole swimbait saved the day. When we caught bass they were over 3 pounds we only caught 24 bass this day but managed to put our best 5 at 18# 04oz and the largest bass went 4# 06 oz. It was still a great day!!
  6. Then we just had to return on Saturday, now the water temp on Friday only got up to 51.7°f and all bites came on jigs or Texas rigged craws. This day the water temp climbed to 53.7°f even though it remained cloudy all day with no sun. This day the hot lures were home made chatterbaits and Texas rigged craws. This was our best day. My very first cast landed a 5# 06oz bass!! The rest of the day was amazing. We boated 52 bass a lot of 3# plus and my Dad beat my lunker with a 5# 10oz bass and our best 5 totaled 21# 09oz!
  7. What a great weekend! We have had a month of rain and clouds with no sun, very depressing. This doesn't hold us back though! Last Friday, May 3rd, father and I went fishing on our favorite body of water. We only went for 4 hours because of other obligations....We got on the water and we were a little bummed at the water temp it was 47°f. We checked one of our secret holes and only managed to catch a few small ones. We decided to run the lake looking for the warmest water and managed to find 51°f water. It was game on!! For the next 3 hours we caught 31 bass mostly between 2#12oz and upper 3#. I caught the largest one at 4# 14oz and the day ended with our best 5 going 17#12oz.
  8. Yes but Northern bass like to bite you don't like catching bass dont come up here.?
  9. The first one of the season it's the best bite all year.
  10. She saved the Day!! Plenty of water to go around and non-pressured bass! Most places I go if I see another boat I'm like "dang lake is getting crowded"" Its only going to get better too! Once the water hits 50°f this will be considered a slow day.
  11. It's been a long winter, and the weather still stinks!! After a rough start yesturday, meaning halfway to the lake Father's Toyota died, bad alternator. We had to call my wife, she drove 30 min to us picked my father up they drove a half hour back to town bought a new battery then we limped the truck back to town to drop it off at the garage. Remember this is our first trip great start? We almost said forget get it but I couldn't not go lol, so my wife drove me all the way home grabbed my old reliable Chevy and went back to garage. Hooked up the boat and went fishing. We got on the water around 1:30pm , it was 50°f out foggy, windy rain and water temp was 45.6°F. Well let's just say that on my very first cast I caught two 3 pound smallmouth at the same time on a 9ft diving crankbait!! They day ended up being awesome! We caught 35 smallmouths and 12 largemouth, biggest smallmouth was 4 pounds even, caught a bunch of 3s and high 2s. Our best 5 went 17 pounds. We fished to 6:00pm, the day ended up being way better then expected.
  12. Hmm, I don't care about Ike, it was a good day lots of nice bass caught and in my great State. No it's time for me to go fishing!
  13. It's been a long winter, and the weather still stinks!! After a rough start yesturday, meaning halfway to the lake Father's Toyota died, bad alternator. We had to call my wife, she drove 30 min to us picked my father up they drove a half hour back to town bought a new battery then we limped the truck back to town to drop it off at the garage. Remember this is our first trip great start? We almost said forget it but I couldn't not go lol, so my wife drove me all the way home grabbed my old reliable Chevy and went back to garage. Hooked up the boat and went fishing. We got on the water around 1:30pm , it was 50°f out foggy, windy rain and water temp was 45.6°F. Well let's just say that on my very first cast I caught two 3 pound smallmouth at the same time on a 9ft diving crankbait!! The day ended up being awesome! We caught 35 smallmouths and 12 largemouth, biggest smallmouth was 4 pounds even, caught a bunch of 3s and high 2s. Our best 5 went 17 pounds. We fished to 6:00pm, the day ended up being way better then expected. Caught them on a bunch of lures jerks, cranks, swimbaits, tubes and Texas craws. It's only going to get better.
  14. All I can say is did you see the monster Hackney caught!! Almost 7 lbs. That's an old northern bass right there.
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