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    <p>Chicago, IL</p>

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. went there the water was high and i couldn't get to the back end of the pond. Went over to turtlehead and no luck.
  2. In burr oak park i found it....you going out there today?
  3. Zero limit maybe there is another arrowhead lake but when i google mapped it, it was 5 hours away i can't drive that far to fish unless its a weekend i have kids that need to be picked up from school.
  4. I'd be interested in starting a club for the south suburbs too.
  5. I live in Homewood so i'm looking at southern cook and northern Will county. I fished the Izaak Walton preserve today and caught one on a rat L trap. It looks like these are the closest to me. Wampum lake, Sauk trail lake, Monee resevoir, Tampier lake and all the lakes/ponds/slough around it, wolf lake, midlothian reservation, and of course the izaak walton preserve and homewood ponds.
  6. Does anyone here make lumaflex skirts and sell them.
  7. I don't understand is there open water somewhere in this state?
  8. Thanks J-Bones i'll look at those places to fish. I've been staring at the ponds around here for about a week and i've reorganized my tackle boxes more than 10 times. I can't wait for the ice to go away.
  9. J your on the other side of I-80 so where do you fish? you are like 15min away i am willing to travel to get my fishing fix.
  10. In the NE corner of OH you should go to lake la-su-ann. You have to make reservations to get on it b/c it's state run. Best LM bass population in the midwest. Everything is regulated and monitored. you have to keep a record of all the fish caught and bring back certain ones. But it is quiet due to the reservation situation and the fishing is great.
  11. Ok fellas need some help. I just moved here from Ohio. I live in homewood and i've don e my research on fishing in my are. However, i can't find any feedback on how the fishing is in any of these ponds/lakes. Any suggestion and help you can give me would be great. Gonna be bank beating it sold my boat to get my wife through law school. So looking for places that are good from shore.
  12. Mine is a buzzbait. Not b/c i can't catch anything its just when me and the old man get to fish together we have a freindly wager about most fish caught. He uses two lures buzzbait and a t-rigged 8" paddle tail. He beats me when he uses that stupid buzzbait everytime.
  13. The vendetta's have a two yr warranty. Mojo's have a 5 yr warranty, not sure on the falcons...might be different for each rod. I think the bucoo rods have a one yr warranty. The bad i have heard about the vendettas is too much backbone not enough tip. The falcon rods are said to be softer than they are rated. I own some mojo's and to me they are a bit tip heavy and feel unbalanced with certain reels.
  14. I use the Plano 1349 Magnum tackle system and a 8" by 10" worm binder for tourneys. I have everything i need for a day and it fits in the small storage boxe behind the live well. The anglers I have fished with always wanted my box in a compartment so they don't have to worry about it when they want to move. I have never been told i have to much gear by a boater but i have been thanked many times for not bring a small foot locker and 10 rods.
  15. Getting ready to purchase three new rods. Looking for rants and raves on the brands I've narrowed it down to. I'm looking at Falcon BuCoo/Lowrider, St.Croix Mojo, Abu Garcia Vendetta. I need to feed the monkey soon.
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