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Everything posted by bowman30

  1. OOPS! You'll be out of the doghouse soon enough. Lol
  2. Glenn that was a great interview with Gary. You are correct you're not catching as many as you can if you are not using Senkos ?
  3. I never get to sight fish as all the lakes around me gets to muddy that time of year. Would like to try it to see if I'd like it!
  4. Little jealous there Caliyak ?, one day I do plan on moving to a lake I can fish year round. I know we needed the "moisture" this winter, but the next person that says it-is gonna get slapped ?. Looks like we are on a warming trend here for the next week or so! Polar plunge! Accident or on purpose? Besides making a lot of my own baits that bait monkey gets me too.
  5. This winter has drug on for me... I've organized my tackle 3 different times now while staring out at the snow. Yep I might have cabin fever! I have poured and painted so many extra baits that I'll have enough to last me 3 years. Anybody else ready for fishing weather?
  6. Welcome neighbor!
  7. Making me pretty jealous! I still have 30" of the white crap on the ground... Very nice fish!
  8. I like to draft or draw a design on a piece of paper, once I have that I will take a tin foil pan or some type of glass cook wear and mix up some plaster of paris. I will let that set up and then bake it in the oven at 350 for 20 minutes to complete the cure, I then grab my design and copy that unto the POP grab my dremel and grind and shape it the way I want (outside of course) ... After I finish with that I mix some water and wood glue (one part water to two parts glue, regular strength glue is a little to thick) and paint a couple layers over my new mold (helps the plastic from sticking and keeps a glossy finish to the finished baits).. This is a one part hand pour mold so you will have a flat side! Give it a try very easy and inexpensive.
  9. Awww memories, the next great bassmasters
  10. If you can get to that point in the Y you wont be disappointed!!!
  11. Thanks guys for the info. I did find the one from Minn-kota and it is just to short for what I need. I also thought about useing some cord and a thermometer, but when you get down 50' or so you have to pull it back up through the water column, which will change the temp to some degree. I will do a search on the cline finder. Gary
  12. I have been wanting to check water temps at different depths. I have been searching for a temperature probe and the only ones I can find go to about 20', in my price range ($50), I would like to find one that goes to at least 50'. Any ideas? Thanks
  13. lmao ;D Thanks Glenn and breakyourrod ;D
  14. Yep, with the extra 10% and the $20 rebate TW just got $176.21 from me, hope the wife isn't home when UPS delivers :-X
  15. Ah yes, I just clicked on the coupon link and read the info . It is to good of a deal to pass up and with the extra $20 back, I'll just have to get a couple more baits with the order 8-). Gary
  16. I am getting ready to shut the monkey up (for awhile anyway) ;D and purchase the STX, my question is, does the STX still qualify for the Wiley X coupon, being on clearence sale? Thanks Gary
  17. Give Frank Ramsey a call @ 915-526-3374. He lives in El Paso and is New Mexico Division 60 director for the AFT. Great guy and we have a bunch of great guys and gals. Gary
  18. What he said.
  19. The one in the pic was 3.2 and the rest was between 1.5 and 2.5, but I took her out again on Sunday and she boated a couple nice SM, the first one was 3.8 and the last one she caught was 4.6, almost broke her light rod (time to upgrade her tackle ). She caught both of them on a watermellon black flake 4" trick worm texas rig. Thanks guys
  20. How far do you want to travel? Mcphee res , by Dolores has some good sm and trout fishing.
  21. Little story coming..... I have always taken my kids fishing (4), when they became old enough to understand the basics, well on with the story. Last year I loaded my youngest son and girl up and headed for a lake in a near by state that has a healthy population of LM bass, once there they were so excited to start fishing, well it was a rough day on the lake, finally I found them some crappie to have fun with and boy did they have some fun(32 fish in an hour), as I was searching for the right bait, I found this lake also has a VERY healthy population of Northern Pike , after I landed the second one (38")she was done fishing and went and sit down in the very middle of the boat. I just thought she had gotten tired from catching all those crappie. The next fishing trip I asked if she wanted to go and she said NO WAY daddy, so I asked why not, well she brought it to my attention, did you see how big that fish was and all those TEETH it had . That darn pike just scared the heck out of her (she thought that toothy fish might just pull her in and eat her for lunch)and she stuck to her guns and did not fish with her dad for almost a year to the day :-/. Yesterday I had a talk with her and reasured her that the lake I was going to today ONLY had trout and bass in it, well she gave in to dad and went with him this morning . I set her rod up with a weightless trick stick(*** ;D) and after giving her some pointers she was on her way. I was up front flipping some brush and from behind I heard this very SCARED little voice say, DDAAAADDDDDDYYYYYYY, so I turn in a hurry to see if she is alright, and what I see is her holding her rod and it is almost bent in two, with the most frightening look on her face. I turns out it was just this little baby SM. ;D After she finally landed it in the boat and got to see what it was, she went on to out-fish her dad 12 to 9 with the big bass of the day. 8-) She is (at this moment) pleading with me to take her again tomorrow ( boy is it a tough decision ). Thanks for listening.
  22. Nobody?
  23. I was looking around the net and run across this site for flip clips http://www.flipclipfishing.com/ . Does anybody have any feedback on these? If they work it sure would be alot easier and safer for the fish... Thanks, Gary
  24. I am planning a trip to a lake that is a 3 hour drive from where I live, and it looks like there will be a cold front coming in the day before I get there. The temps have been in the high 70's and low 80's and the forecast is for a high of 50 with rain all day, and the next day its suppose to be in the low 70's partly cloudy with wind coming out of the West 10 to 15 mph. My questions are,where would you go first, what lure or technique would you start with? Water is stained to muddy, water temp in the 50's, might be able to find some muddy water in the low 60's. I love being out on the water no matter what, but sure would be nice to catch and take pics of a couple of fish, for the 6 hour round trip. Thanks for any info.
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