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About landscp24

  • Birthday 09/12/1950

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    <p>S E Missouri</p>
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  1. I've never had a problem with snakes in the forty some odd years I have fished a tube. Yes, I have seen many out there for sure, but never a problem. I think its more fear factor for some than others. Alligators? There is no way in hell I'm getting in any waters where those things exsist. I depend alot on my legs for getting around lol ;D There's another smaller leg down there I'd like to keep also. Gary.
  2. I guess we fish different lol. I fish slowly and make several cast at each location. then I move on (backwards or sideways) and make several more cast. so I'm not spinning and casting. I would look like a top out there lol. Another tip some of you might like to know. I don't use a stringer to hold my fish. I find that they get tangled arond your legs, or when you least expect it and your concentrating on your technique one will jump up out of the water and scare the hell out of you. Here's the best thing I have found to solve those problems. I attach an allagator clamp to one of the metal rings that holds my shoulder straps on. The clamp must be one of the bigger sizes. Now take a burlap sack and squeeze the clamp and attach it to the top of the sack. let the sack hang in the water. You can attach a longer cord to the clamp (six to eight inches) if you want it to hang further over your tube. The fish don't jump, and when your getting out of the water, its a lot easier to carry them. Have problems getting holes in your wadders when fishing alot of stickups and logs? Bob Brown came up with this one. We wore what we call "cover pants" over the top of our wadders. I prefer plain old Sweat Pants. Comfortable and roomy. I guarantee, you can crawl over logs and never tear your wadders again. Gary.
  3. BUY ONE Don't have enough small water near me to invest in one. I have fished texoma in one. Find a nice cover out of the wind and enjoy:)
  4. When I am wanting to move forward slowly to fish. I just bend my knees and move forward. The problem I have with kickers is when I set the hook on a good bass, forward is the only direction you can go. With fins I can propell myself backwards. Or I move my legs in either direction to move left or right. 360 degrees. Even if the wind isn't blowing, I can get across a cove in no time, or when I am ready to go home, I'm there in 1/5 the time it takes me with kickers. Why would you fish over your shoulder? Simply turn around in a fraction of a second and your fishing straight ahead. Want to make the longest cast you have ever made? Throw that worm out and slowly kick the fins backwards as you drag it slowly along with you through cover. You never have to reel it in until your ready.
  5. Yes, take your time and enjoy it. You'll find that the wildlife are not as afraid of you, and you get to see some spectacular sites. I noticed you said you kick like hell. So my next question is what exactly are you using to propell yourself along? If its what they call "kickers" (or the little plastic side paddles that come out when you move your legs) Then I understand why. I dropped those a long time ago and went to divers fins. Yes, when you start out across a cove, you are moving backwards, but you'll get there in 1/5 the time. What I love about fins is the fact that once you start fishing, you can move your float 360 degrees in any direction. But the kickers limit you to forward motion only. Pick your area wisely when you head to the lake, don't waste your time in unproductive waters. Find a place that holds fish like creek beds, standing and laying timber, etc. All the forementioned would be ideal. I better shut up now, I could write a book on this subject lol. Hope that helped. Gary.
  6. Well, thats nine hours and fifteen minutes I'll never get back.
  7. If anyone is a tube fisherman (bellyboats) and you have any problems with anything associated with them, ask me. I consider myself quite an expert. (pat on back) I have been fishing in them for 40 years. I learned from the best. Bob Brown who owned "fishmaster" out in Oklahoma City. He was the inventer back about the time I was born. Gary.
  8. landscp24


    Sorry about the test, I had to make sure I was getting through lol. My name is Gary and I now am retired to the S E ozarks of Missouri. A small town called Black. (Named after the river) I've been here for three years now and am dissapointed in the fishing lakes so far. For the last 37 years, I was living in Oklahoma, and the fishing there is spectacular. I mainly fish from a tube, and prefer it that way. One thing about Oklahoma, the lakes there have brush and logs in-which to fish. The lakes around here do not, or so I have found so far. They tell me they have long since rotted out. I love to flip, and there is nothing to flip to. Also the lakes are really clear here, and in OK. they were slightly stained. (perfect for sneaking up to flip into) But, thats my problem, I'm sure I'll adapt. Mainly I came on here to say hello to everyone. Now I think I'll head towards bed. Night all
  9. landscp24


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