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Everything posted by rodmaker65

  1. thank you spoonplugger1
  2. as to your second question a 6'.6" rod can be extended to a 7' by removing the handle andor reel seat putting in an extention then installing a new handle and seat different rods may vary on methed of approach for doing this
  3. casting rods are built in the conventional style with the guides on top of the blank.... if you have this on a two piece rod the tip section will try to twist to bring the guides to the bottom under a load or fighting a fish..( thats why you dont see rods built in two piece) think about it it really makes sence if you really want a two piece casting rod search for a rod builder who will make you one custom.. or better yet look into a spiralbuilt rod or aka acid rods these rods are built on one or two pieces but the guides are on the bottom just like a spinning rod at the tip then spiral around to end up on top for the first and second guides ( the ones closest to the reel)
  5. hi i was wondering how many different ways you can build this blank its an all star be845p 7' 1/4-5/8 oz 8-17lb fast action medium power rod its supposed to be a popping blank but i know the blank dosent care what it is, iam thinking of building it into a spinning rod ,has anyone built this rod if so how did you build it , i would like to hear comments about this rod thanks in advance Sante Morrone the fisherman ;D
  6. iwas there over a month ago caught only one good size bass 4 pounder seen a lot of fish but it was too early still this lake is so big and deep that it takes time for the water temp to change one bad thing is the water level has really dropped i have a cousin that lives about 3 miles from the lake he told me yesterday that the water level has dropped even more from last month you can rent their boats only the boat dock is way out there that private boats cant even be launched, however they opened up 5 miles of shore fishing
  7. hey fishing buds ive been building rods for about 6 years now and let me tell you its not about saving money building a quality rod , a cutom rod, a rod for a specific pupose, its about you,and what you want endless possibilities, its addicting and i keep building them and wont stop .as you buld you have more confidence and they get better and better, then you start buying tools and lathes and other equipment ...its not cheap but it sure beats the production rods you see in the stores . one thing i can tell you learn about the spine of a rod go into a store that sells rods and check the spine on those rods you will be amazed at how many rods are not built correctly on their spine... you can build a far superior rod yourself
  8. hi all my name is sante iam from rancho cucamonga ca (san bernardino county) ive been fishing since i was a little boy probably 4 or 5 years old iam 44 now been doing it for a long time ,i grew up using spinning gear, learned how to bait cast , learned how to fly fish, surf fish, pier fishing all types of ocean fishing, but there is nothing like bass fishing, ive caught a few big ones lots of throw backs i started in rod building about 6 years ago ive built my self a complete set of rods for all types of fishing that i do .... never ending.. after reading some posts on this site about bass fishing well the fever is back... i went into the garage pulled out one of my bass rods and bass fever has taken over .iam going to put new line on the reel today ive been out of the loop for a year now iam going thru a divorce iam long over due to go fishing,i woke up to a dream this morning about bass fishing ..spring time is here just cant wait to go i usually go to local lakes like puddingstone res, perris lake, diamond valley lake. but i love to go to the sierras and camp out for a few days of trout fishing well thats all for now
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