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Bull Hurley

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Everything posted by Bull Hurley

  1. I believe I could do an SML trip.
  2. I live a few minutes away from the holston but never fish it Its a nice lake though. He's talking about the Holston river not South Holston lake, in particular I believe the south fork of the Holston near Kingsport.
  3. Why was she going to see a PHYSIC? And what exactly is a PHYSIC anyway?
  4. The precident has been set (see Michael Vick) and this woman should get 2 years in jail for animal/dog abuse. Do not even think of trying to spin it around and say this is different, abuse/neglect is abuse/neglect no matter what form and this was just plain abuse/neglect.
  5. Nobody else noticed that's not a Ford but a 1988-1998 Chevy truck.
  6. So that's what that plug is for huh?
  7. I guess it would be allright if you could here anything besides the mandolin and the snare drum. What I could make out it has a real jonas meets good charlotte meets all american rejects vibe to it.
  8. I guess y'all just don't live far enough out in the country. I was drivin the farm truck around when I was 13.
  9. Tell her you'll pick her up at 7:00 saturday to be ready.
  10. You shouldn't have any problems at all trailering with either car. Even at 600 lbs. the braking wouldn't be that much of a concern as long as you remeber and start braking ahead of time and don't do what most people do and run up to a stop and slam on the brakes. What you really want to do is balance the load on the trailer and not have to much weight on the tongue pushing down on the ball and rear suspension and not to much to the rear of the trailer pulling up on the ball. I have put many hitches on small 4 cylinder cars most of the time the people were going to be pulling a motorcycle or two on a trailer that would range anywhere from 800-1500 lbs.
  11. Forget both of them and do yourself a favor and get a Daiwa Tierra and live the good life. And yes I have had a revo and the citica.
  12. I have 3 that get used heavily and regularly for the past 2 years and have had zero issues. One of them I use braid exclusively and the guides are still perfect condtion with no signs of wear.
  13. Clothes don't make the man, the man makes the clothes.
  14. Make that "another" little girl. Congrats AJ!!!!!
  15. I'm not that far away either and looking at the schedule of the rest of the schedule all the places are around 3-3.5 hours away. So if you need a partner just give me a holler, not gonna say I can do any better than PitchinKid or Burley but I will dang sure give it my all.
  16. I'm not sure where you are reffering to Dan. Bedford is nearly centrally located in VA not really in any corner. Although I do agree that I believe it would have seen alot more visitor traffic if it were located in the Norfolk or Arlington areas. But it had to be somwhere and why not give a boost to a small community.
  17. Run down the road a little ways to GoosePond, great ramp and plenty of parking. Pretty good fishing close by as well.
  18. We have a winner!!!!!!! To add went out on the water with the wife saturday. Didn't have much expectations other than I figure I would catch some. Was on the water around 6:30am fished till 8:30pm. Got 2 fish in the boat in 14 hours, my wife got one and I got one. We did have quite a few come unbuttoned. I don't have alot of confidence in this lake yet but I have also only fished it twice.
  19. Screw you guys, I'm goin home. Die Hippie, Die I am just as bad as Cartman when it comes to hippies, I hate'em. Trapped in the closet, where they got on the scientologists is a good one too.
  20. I use braid on my topwater Carrot LTX 6'9" MH and have had no issues at all in 2 years. Hooked a nice 7 lb'er in a local pond on a scumfrog and handle it with ease. Put new PowerPro 60 lb. on it Friday and fished it in a tourny on Saturday and it performed well. I wouldn't have used 60 but I was out of 30 lb.
  21. I have the new Daiwa Mike Iaconelli signature cranking rod and love it. Not heavy and doesn't have the huge blank like the KVD rod. Has Split grips with cork at the handle and foam at the but and noting in front of the reel. I have thrown everything from a 2-4' shallow laser lure to a 3/4 oz. HotLips Express (with extra weight added to make it sink to the bottom in 30+ water) and it handled them all with ease. And it is $30 less than the KVD rod. Only drawback is it doesn't have a hook keeper but one off a broken Carrot Stix works great.
  22. I said it's great....to be....a Tennessee Voll!!!!
  23. Sure it don't have something to do with inhaling a bunch of feathers and sharting your briches.
  24. AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Enough said.
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