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Bull Hurley

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Everything posted by Bull Hurley

  1. You were looking for an excuse to buy some real equipment anyway.
  2. I guess you can technically call it a "quad" since it has 4 wheels but there is nothing quad about it. That is just a motorcycle and really not much different than this.
  3. By a vast margin.
  4. You may want to consider all the BS and 1000 tards before you the dealers have been having to put up with. I have been reading on a couple of dealer forums and you would not believe the horsepoop that they are having to go through with customers and Big Brother at the same time over this hairbrained scheme.
  5. Don't forget you can't just go take off in it, the motor has to be broken in properly to last.
  6. What needs to be done is set a rookie salary cap and it doesn't matter where you were drafted you will get x amount till you prove you are worth more. League minimum ($285,000) is far and away more than fair for someone that hasn't proven themselves at that level.
  7. Exactly, that's what I did. I didn't use as long as you did and it would take me 2 weeks to go through one can but now I can't even stand to smell it hardly.
  8. Exactly, I have a 2007 Chevy Uplander van and run only 89 octane non-ethanol gas in it and I get about 2 mpg more than a friend of mine that has the same van and runs whatever gas he finds the cheapest. I could get better than that but my driving habbits prohibit it. Also making sure you keep your tires properly inflated with the correct air pressure makes a big difference, and believe it or not using a good quality 10w-40 oil instead of the "recommended" 5w-30 will make a big difference as well.
  9. Our club is renowned for it's 12 hour marathons during the summer at night, till this year that is we are only having one. If the fish are biting and you can get 3-4/hour and keep your interest peeked then it will go by fairly easily. I do recommend taking along a couple of 5-hour energy's and not RedBull or any of the other dozens of "energy" drinks. I usually wait till around 3:00 or later to drink it since it is not usually hard to stay up that late without getting tired. Also don't forget the drinks (water) and something to eat.
  10. Waterboy was great, I was extremely dissapointed with Pineapple Express seeing it the first time I dang sure don't want to see it again under another name.
  11. All of Rogens Characters are pretty much the same I didn't expect anything different in this. Of course that is what people watch Rogen movies for. I look for and expect good things from Sandler in his movies. I don't know how he got so far away from the idiotic crap on his albums.
  12. My thoughts exactly, saw a preview watching tv with the wife over the weekend and said pretty much the same thing that I would reserve total judgement till I actually watch it.
  13. The Jeep is still a Dodge and everything but that 4.0 motor is absolute garbage.
  14. Ever heard of a Chevy Trailblazer?
  15. This is another program that is gonna turn out just like the housing program where people that can't afford the payments on these cars will be getting them and they will be repossesed within a year. Can't trade a class 3 for a class 1, horsechit either you can trade in an old 10-15 mpg clunker for a new 25+ mpg car or you can't. Heck they said the program was out of money in 5 days and had to pump more into it. This was 103 page bill that was screwed up and they think they can do something with a 1000+ page helathcare bill and not turn this country into a third world cesspool????
  16. They are showing them as a lead in to his new show Lock and Load with R. Lee Ermey premiering tonight at 9:00. I watched an episode one day this past week on cannons that was great.
  17. I thought it was, Hey yuze guyz, grazie!
  18. A 14' boat you could haul with anything you buy, it need not be a truck. I pull my 17' BassTracker with my Chevy Uplander van with ease. I love the van it gets 25-26 mpg on the highway and 21 around town and I have all the room I need to carry my rods and tackle and the ability to lock them up inside if I am leaving it setting in a parking lot. Of course I say this while I own 2 trucks that I can use to pull the boat if going to a questionable ramp.
  19. Daiwa Mike Iaconelli Signature series MI781MRB 7'8" M 1/4-3/4 oz. $130 and worth every penny, pulled many fish ranging from 1 lb to 12 lbs with ease. Have it matched with a Zillion Crazy Cranker. I will put it up against any $200 rod on the market. It is based off the Steez rods, not the same components but the same overall design.
  20. "Under the program, if a parts maker completes the EPA process of self-certifying its parts, the vehicle manufacturer cannot void the warranty even if the certified part has failed and is directly responsible for the warranty claim. In cases where such a failed aftermarket part is responsible for a warranty claim, the manufacturer must arrange a settlement with the part manufacturer, but the new vehicle warrant is not void under the law." Did you miss this part? You still can't void the warranty, to explain it the work is done under warranty and the dealership has to go to the cmanufacturer of the programmer and get reimbursed for the cost of the repairs.
  21. No. Federal law prohibits a dealer from voiding your warranty just because you are using aftermarket speed equipment, with only two exceptions: the warranty can be voided if the aftermarket part causes damage or adversely affects the emissions or the emissions system. In recent documents produced by the SEMA (Specialty Equipment Market Association), a trade association-representing specialty automotive parts manufacturers, and the following quotes have been extracted: "The vehicle manufacturer is not allowed to void the vehicle warranty just because aftermarket equipment is installed on the vehicle. This protection for consumers is the result of a parts self-certification program developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA). "Under the program, if a parts maker completes the EPA process of self-certifying its parts, the vehicle manufacturer cannot void the warranty even if the certified part has failed and is directly responsible for the warranty claim. In cases where such a failed aftermarket part is responsible for a warranty claim, the manufacturer must arrange a settlement with the part manufacturer, but the new vehicle warrant is not void under the law. "If the failure to honor a claim involves the new-vehicle warranty, and it appears that the manufacturer is improperly denying a claim, the incident should be reported to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC is responsible for monitoring compliance with the warranty law; the agency's telephone number is 202/326-3128." fatmanslim247 you may want to have your dealership reconsider this practice of voiding warranties since it is illegal.
  22. When Pete got disrespected the way he did (and the 1994 strike) is when I really stopped caring about pro baseball much at all.
  23. I thought you might change that. Expecially after busitng Burley's chops a couple months back when he was complaining about the amount of rainfall he was getting. Or should I put it another way. Oh nanny nanny boo boo! If you haven't lived in Pheonix or Houston, then you don't know what it's like to live with constant heat. You're just experiencing minor warmth. Cowboy up dude!
  24. Bass-Mike True that is the best way to go but most people aren't that inclined to go pulling the PCM out of their vehicle themselves. I have a place here in VA that does custom tunes but they take the vehicle in and do it off of a in house dyno per vehicle. Even ordering a new "custom" tuned PCM like you were talking about you are still getting a generic tune and not one actually tuned to your vehicle specifically. There are alot of different paramiters involved that each vehicle will react differently to each cahnge. For most people this is to cost prohibitive.
  25. Bassn Blvd--That would be the only case where a warranty would/could be voided. The part about being able to look at the pistons and tell there was a program installed is hogwash as well. Any number of things could cause adverse scarring on the piston cap such as a faulty O2 sensor which would cause the engine to run to lean. The dealer did have a case with that one and can say that the program did lead to the failure, but if you had known about the program and was able to reflash the ECM then they wouldn't have known or been able to prove that it just didn't fail on it's own. South FLA-- First things first, I'm not Burley and I'm not real sure if I should be insulted or not. Now for your programmer yes you can switch it between you Frontier and Pathfinder no problem. It does vinlock to whichever vehicle it is in at the time and you have to return one back to stock to put it in the other but your plans will work. As far as getting you a deal I can't really do anything. As a Superchips MVP dealer I have to sell them for the price set by Superchips at $429.
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