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Will Catchum

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Everything posted by Will Catchum

  1. Launching his submarine???? ?
  2. Not a beast but I'll take it for December 13th.
  3. Briery Creek this past Saturday.
  4. I'm leaving tomorrow to check Briery for mermaid's myself. Lol
  5. A buddy taught me a trick to beat the masquito problem. Spray your hat bill. IT works for me.
  6. Last nights adventure in the dark.
  7. Hard to beat a jitterbug after dark!
  8. Night time is the right time!!! Top water yaking!!!
  9. Thanks Wayne. I met you out on one of your favorite haunts a couple years ago. You showed me your electronics and made me a believer in the side scan.
  10. I have a Journey 12 and really like mine too. I got mine from Walmart for $399. I've added a crate (Pepsi crate free from Big Lots for the asking) automatic anchor line reel, and an anchor trolley. Removed the stickers and added some paint and a sticker of my own. Next comes a side image fish finder. Lol
  11. Oops. Didn't mean for that to post twice and now I can't delete it?
  12. I'm considering the Helix 5si for my kayak. My concern is size. Is there any other side scans out there for less than $500?
  13. I'm considering the Helix 5si for my kayak. My concern is size. Is there any other side scans out there for less than $500?
  14. Anyone on here fish in Laurel Bed or Hiddenvalley Lake in Southwest Va.?
  15. Welcome!
  16. Welcome!
  17. Welcome!
  18. Congrad's and welcome back!
  19. I'm new myself! Welcome to us both!!
  20. Here from the big town of Grundy, Va! The site caught my attention after doing a search for Briery Creek. My nephew and I started doing an anual trip to Briery last year and plan on doing it every year for a long time. Cool site and very informative!
  21. Will Catchum

    Will Catchum

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