I have not fished there nor do i live close but since no1 else has replied i'll just throw in my 2 cents about lake fishing lol. First off judge your simplest conditions, water temp, wind, light, visibility, basically weather as a whole. Water temperature will help you select the lures you'd want to use. Colder than 60* will lead you more towards slow retrievals and bottom baits as the fish will more than likely be in the deeper parts of the lake, drop offs next to shallows, sand banks, dams and so on. If the water temps happen to be 65* or warmer you may consider some more active and faster moving baits, possibly even a buzz bait or other top water lures near the warmest shallows. In warmer water, bass will move a little closer to and even sometimes into the shallows, so keep that in mind. Wind will effect light conditions under the surface, a little wind may break the surface causing the light not to penetrate it as it normally would. These conditions would probably provoke you to use colorful spinner baits or anything that makes a little noise. Light will play into the same role as the wind basically, if visibility is good dark colors and even shiny baits may attract more attention than usual, however in low light and murky conditions, bright colors, spinners (producing vibrations) and noise makers are your friends. Be confident in anything you select, dont give up on yourself or the fish, they're out there, all you have to do is find out what they want you to throw at em! Let us know how it goes, good luck!