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About JonnyBoy

  • Birthday 04/07/1986

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  • Location
    <p>Culpeper, VA</p>

JonnyBoy's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Well today after work i had planned on hitting up a private pond just down the road. Unfortunately weather was dreary and conditions were a little more chilly than i had hoped for. Nevertheless, sprinkles of rain, 50* cloudy windy weather and all i went. I caught a few dinks and two 2 lbrs but nothing to really brag about and then as i was packing up to leave i hooked this 4lb 10oz near some cover about 5 ft off the bank. Visibility was limited so i had started to throw a 3/8oz bass colored rat-l-trap. I took the pic by setting my cell phone up on the hood of my car and using the self timer! lol I hope i can do this well (and better) in my next tourny
  2. thanks, all good replies and i will be sure to remember these opinions next time i hit the water later this month
  3. What do you find to be the best water temps for fishing in the shallows (water 5 ft and above)? I have my own preferences but i want to see what everyone else in the VA and surrounding regions think.
  4. Thanks, if im ever headed that way i'll be in touch.
  5. What can i say, i love to fish! i was a born fisherman, ever since 5 years old i've been fishing. my hometown where i was born and raised is culpeper Virginia, a small town not too far away (maybe 90 mins) from our capitol Richmond. as a younger boy i used to go to alot of local rivers and whatnot with my father and we'd fish for hours. over time i developed a larger interest and a deeper love for the sport. currently im 22 years old and am starting my season a bit early this year, i hit the water in late February and attended my first tournament last Monday, March the 8th. i love to fish just about anywhere theres water and i've had certain amounts of personal success in my life but i have yet to catch that bass i've always dreamed about. my personal record for LMB is 5lb 9oz. on another note nowadays i enjoy hitting alot of the local lakes and private ponds more so than the rivers anymore, although the Rappahannock river here has some prize small mouth to be caught! tournaments have really caught my interest this year and i enjoy the competition so i plan on being involved in alot more of them. top water lures and among that particular style is probably my favorite way to fish, theres nothing like seeing that bust the surface to get what its going for! i love this sport, live fore the sport, and cant stay away from the water. born as a fisherman, i'll die a proud fisherman! lol.
  6. Honestly depends on how warm the pond is and then whats the natural food source. I get a ton of hits on warm days of dark colored buzz baits and then on the "storm live action" minnows and bait fish lures. Spinners work well for me too. All in all, its hard to wrong in a pond! I caught this fish last Saturday the 7th and it was on a black buzz bait! It was a nice 3lb fish, my only regret is not having some one with me to help take the picture lol
  7. I have not fished there nor do i live close but since no1 else has replied i'll just throw in my 2 cents about lake fishing lol. First off judge your simplest conditions, water temp, wind, light, visibility, basically weather as a whole. Water temperature will help you select the lures you'd want to use. Colder than 60* will lead you more towards slow retrievals and bottom baits as the fish will more than likely be in the deeper parts of the lake, drop offs next to shallows, sand banks, dams and so on. If the water temps happen to be 65* or warmer you may consider some more active and faster moving baits, possibly even a buzz bait or other top water lures near the warmest shallows. In warmer water, bass will move a little closer to and even sometimes into the shallows, so keep that in mind. Wind will effect light conditions under the surface, a little wind may break the surface causing the light not to penetrate it as it normally would. These conditions would probably provoke you to use colorful spinner baits or anything that makes a little noise. Light will play into the same role as the wind basically, if visibility is good dark colors and even shiny baits may attract more attention than usual, however in low light and murky conditions, bright colors, spinners (producing vibrations) and noise makers are your friends. Be confident in anything you select, dont give up on yourself or the fish, they're out there, all you have to do is find out what they want you to throw at em! Let us know how it goes, good luck!
  8. Thanks for everyones opinions. Its nice to see the compliments, the big tourny fish fell to a shaky head work (believe it or not! lol) and as you can see the other fell to a black buzz bait. I was a bit surprised too that he hit on the buzz but it was just a hunch, so i threw it out there and got a few good bites! The pic was the only one worthy of talking about. Unfortunately i was alone so i had to take the pic just holding the fish lol the only scale i have is my hand to his mouth lol. Yeah it feels great to knock down the early catches, this is the earliest i've ever started the season and the first season i've really hit up any tournaments, its going well so far! Thanks for the compliments, good luck fishing to all of you as well!
  9. We hit local Lake Pelham here in Culpeper VA this morning at 7:30 and fished until 3 this afternoon and the pic of me in the hoody (not the best facial expression of mine lol) was my biggest fish of the day. In 47 degree water temps i think i did pretty decent. The second pic was taken just a day b4 (saturday) where i snagged it on a buzzbait and the very next cast afterwards, another just like it! Comments welcome, thanks for lookin!
  10. Another vote for the buzz bait i was pitching one this morning at 9:45ish and within 10-15 mins i already landed two 3+ lb fish. IMO any bait you do choose to toss, do it with confidence and be patient for that one big one! Im headed into my first tourny Sunday and will probably be throwing a buzz first thing. Good luck to you and everyone else!
  11. What is the best time of the year where u catch fish? I put up five seasons reffering to "pre-spawn" as the time kind of like now where the cold is still here but starting to break, kind of that time between winter and the transition to spring. please only chose one, and if you vote it would be nice to post what you voted for and why in ur opinion that is what does best for you. I will already say my vote would go to the spring season. during or right after the initail spawn i seem to catch alot more numbers and bigger bass. I love fishing all of the seasons and sumtimes (depending on the day) the outcome is different, but all in all i would say i have my best luck right in spring.
  12. culpeper - close to fburg and faquier counties. i fish lots of private ponds as well as public lakes. lakes include orange, brittle, crocket park, mtn run, pelham, anna, and motts run. The only river i really get into is the rappahannock but even then i dont pitch there much anymore.
  13. Last season my biggest catch was a 6lb 8oz, but on average i was probably close to the 2lb range like urself. I didnt get to go much last season and that kind of disappointed me, but this season im trying a little winter fishing as well as gearing up for what i hope to be a good season. I plan to enter a few local tournaments, more or less a bunch of guys who get together, throw money in a pot and hold 1-3 place prizes. Im confident of a good seasos.
  14. When i was younger (probably 15 ish or so) i remember seeing this bait on TV. I had a job at the time, so i bought this "magic" minnow kit and gave it a shot. Once i finally learned how to properly use the minnow i've had lots of success with it! It works almost exactly as it was advertised. I recently bought the "006" Banjo Minnow kit to replace my depleting supply. I just wanted to see how many other people have tried this lure and compare what kind of success (if any) they've had. If i get sum pics anytime soon, i'll be sure to upload
  15. I like talking to many other fisherman of all different styles and prefferences, so this is a good way to start. Where do you most prefer to fish? What size fish have you been landing lately? And last but not least, whats ur favorite "season" to hit the water in? To start off the discussion i really dont have a season preference, catching fish anytime is great!. This year my first real attempts at winter fishing has challenged me and i am beginning to really like it. I most prefer lakes and ponds, rivers never yield much for me in my area and i've seen an average size of 12 - 16 inch fish so far...tho not bad, to me they are only shadows of the one i hope to land this year!
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