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Big Mike in Fl

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Everything posted by Big Mike in Fl

  1. agreed on pleasing the other half, I'd take my girlfriend out for a nice evening (a nice evening out is our favorite japanese steak house,running about $50 total), then probably grab another revo S, and maybe some more skinny dippers
  2. did you get a girth measurment? it's definitely a hawg, but I'm tihnking around 9lbs...but I could be wrong.
  3. why not? it worked great on my power pro! mater of fact, it worked great on all of my lines, and I was skeptical at first!
  4. The second you catch a big fish on an UL you'll be a fan, I caught a 12lb mudfish on mine once, man, you wanna talk about a rush! even a 2-3lb bass feels like a monster on one.
  5. thanx big mike..... i was totally confused man!!! and,,, by the way..... i know your down the road a few in palm bay, but possibly blindfolded, and if you made the trip...... i might take you to lunker lake, as you wish. either way im down to do some fishin if your in town.... or if im in your area, as we talked about many months ago. I will have to take you up on going out there one day,even if you have to put a burlap bag over my head (that's a leap, as I'm very clostrophobic)... perhaps the next time I head out to BPS in orlando, I go about twice a year...
  6. Dude, seriously, your gunna make me call in to work tomorrow!!!! ;D MWAHAHAHA. I've got tomorrow off.
  7. the thought of this made me sick... I'm such a dog lover and can't understand any reason why they would do this, even if the dog is suffering in some way,spend that money, find a way, have it euthinized the right way! worst case, drop it off annonimously at a humane society and they'll do it when they discover the animal isn't in good health!
  8. Dink,if you like that, you need to make your way over here and fish garcia, we've got matted hydrilla that looks like a well manicured lawn.
  9. looks like a sweet setup, eventually I'll be on the hunt for a UL combo as well.
  10. EFF ELL = "F" "L" = Florida its ok, i missed it at first too.
  11. awesome, I love a good frog blow up!
  12. I think this may be a more regional thing, this past weekend, fishing grassy area with pads, we consistantly caught fish on topwater, as well as senkos, however t-rigged worms and jigs didn't produce well. I tend to believe here in florida,and the areas I fish are always shallow enough that topwater vs. bottom isn't the debate, its slow vs.fast presentations. that being said, my topwater plugs were consistantly catching larger fish than the senkos, I believe because of the noise factor and the agressive striking fo the bigger females my biggest bass of my life (7-11 lbs) have come on: -Spooks (or other topwater plugs) around 10 fish accounted for -Spro frogs, a couple -clacking buzz baits, again, a couple bigger fish -Tiki stick, my biggest bass ever, around 11lbs (my avatar fish) -t-rigged weightless ribbon tail (caught one a few years ago about 8lbs this way) I've never caught monster fish flipping, working t-rigs or carolina rigs. I would say that my fishing is probably 60% topwater, 30% underwater tactics, and 10% flipping/pitching. but this is because i can constantly catch fish, and decent sized fish, this way. again, I believe its a regional thing. EDIT: CATT, I thuroughly enjoy reading your posts, and you are a wealth of information, therefore, I am most certainly not trying to argue the point, but rather give you an alternative theory, from a florida guy.
  13. I expect to one day fish that lake with you, even if I have to be blindfolded when you take me to it...
  14. thanks for the replies guys, That is my absolute favorite spot to fish on that impoundment, and really ranks up there with anywhere else I've fished. While its never produced a monster fish for me,it consistantly gives me a fun day, and thats what is important. and Big-O believe me when I say in most cases, I like being as big as I am, just sucks when I think I have a pic of a nice fish and it looks like a dink when all is said and done. oh well, such is life. Bass_fanatic, yea, I am definitely loving that bait, and for what ever reason I seem to get better hook ups than the original spro's
  15. you're doing quite well for yourself my friend...and apparently, so is she
  16. a fluke... yea... try it... you'll thank me for it.
  17. I know of a few spots that I'd love to get a line into, but are off limits, namely local farm ponds, out in the middle of nowhere... you talk about Florida large mouth that have never seen a lure,and have populated those ponds for 100 years or more... this is why I believe the world record bass could come out of florida. but another one that I know of, I tried to fish,I had just seen it through some woods,saw a trail back to it, no signs or anything denoting it being off limits, got to it and it wasa beautiful, maybe 50 acre little lake, with pencil grass lining the whole edge...caught a couple dinks, before the land owner promptley kicked us out, and called the cops > seriously, if you don't want people fishing your land, put up signs, or even better, a fence!
  18. because the fish I always catch look small compared to me, no matter how much I hold them out. Here are a few fish I caught last friday, we wound up bringing 51 to the boat between two of us, most small,but a few got into the 4lb range. sunday we repeated the onslaught with 59 between 3 of us. again, up to about 4lbs. mostly throwing Tiki sticks, floating worms, top water plugs, and frogs. these fish came from the garcia impoundment, which for those of you who don't know, is just south of the stick marsh, and though it doesn't produce the consistant size of the stick marsh, it has plenty of fish to play around with, and the occasional lunker. This fish was about 3 lbs This one a little over 4, please excuse the beer gut hangin out, its hard to find shirts tall enough, and wide enough for me...
  19. Chris, if this new record bass is beaten out of cali, I hope you're the man that gets it, your wealth of knowledge about bass and fishing for them is unsurpassed as far as I'm concerned.
  20. for the record, fish it with whats comfortable for you... this past weekend, I fished a popping bronze eye on a 6'6" MH/F spinning outfit (stradic 2500) with 20# braid, I liked it better than throwing it on a bait caster, and did just fine in heavy pads, reeds, and other cover. I'm a mostly baitcaster guy, but something felt right about throwing it on that set up. and I really don't think you *need* 50+ lb braid, it may be a bit of over kill
  21. I'm with ya about not wanting to cause a problem on the water...but,I woulda said something about it once i saw him using my good rod. actually no,I wouldn't have said anything, other than I hope you can swim...
  22. bps extreme 7' heavy/fast rod, with an abu garcia revo S or a shimano citica. something in the 6.x:1 speed should serve you well for this purpose.
  23. my opinion is look at the features of similar models, how big are the live wells, the storage, the dashboard setups. ease of use of the controls, the size of the decks, both front and back (if you frequently have co-anglers in the back) I personally would take a triton over a nitro any day, as I believe the nitro leaves something to be lacked as far as quality (I've looked at a few at BPS before and wasn't impressed) but I'm sure many people love them. if I were buying a brand new bass boat today, it would more than likely be a Ranger, with a triton as my second choice, I do like the feature of the emergency stairs on the new tritons also.
  24. I love and hate how aggressive those little gators can be, they are fun to mess around with when bored, but when you're on a good spook bite and they won't leave you alone, it kinda sucks.
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