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byram bassturd

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Everything posted by byram bassturd

  1. Based purely on appearance, 1 vote for orange as it goes better with the gold trim parts
  2. The millionaire/monoblock platform is my favorite. You're gonna really enjoy it.
  3. I have had my rattleviper for 3 seasons now and primarily use it for jerkbaits and topwaters although it's definitely versatile enough to handle much more. It can handle a vision 110 just fine but feels slightly under powered for anything over 1/2 oz. as the tip is kind of soft. Fantastic jerkbait rod for between 1/4 - 1/2 oz. Have an IS 71HL on mine and really enjoy it.
  4. I prefer the Black Jungle Power Versatile over the X7 AM if I want to "bomb" a frog. I like the AM for close quarters frogging like getting under brush and overhanging trees.
  5. In the XX line the PP is a GREAT frog stick.
  6. Two in the $400 range for me considering where my collection stands today. I started with $20 rods a long long time ago and slowly upgraded one by one gradually over the years to what I have now. Didnt know then that I'd end up spending what I have! If I could go back I would buy the best that I could afford instead of upgrading slowly. I would have probably ended up with the same gear a lot faster and saved a lot of money along the way.
  7. Casting: 1st gen Cumara 68MHF/Metanium Mg7 Spinning: Loomis SJR 782GL3/Daiwa Ballistic 2000SH
  8. You would have to get something like this. http://www.hedgehog-studio.co.jp/product/1651
  9. Bend? At a sharp angle? Pics would help. Without more info, I would probably send it back and request a refund.
  10. Agree with most that NRX is hard to beat but when you get to GLX level sensitivity which IMHO is similar to that of most top end offerings from each company you're really splitting hairs and it boils down other factors and personal preference.
  11. Comfort will also depend on the size of the reel. A 100 size round reel feels great in my hands and a 50 size is simply amazing. I have large hands though. Different strokes... Try to handle and palm both low profile and round versions and see what is the most comfortable for you.
  12. Depends on the X4 model IMO. Have the rattleviper and destruction and they're both great sticks for moving bait presentations. If you're looking for contact rods, the P3 and x7 series have more choices with true fast/x-fast actions.
  13. I have never handled the XX shakeyhead rod but have used the ronin that I bought for my wife for a year and a half now. Great all around lighter powered stick. Ok up to 1/2 oz with 1/4-3/8oz being the sweet spot. I would classify it as between a fast and mod-fast. Very sensitive and definitely feels crisp and responsive. I "borrow" her ronin frequently over my nrx 822s.
  14. Haha. Would let you fish them if you are nearby! Both sticks feel great casting and pitching various lures in the yard. Crisp and really clean builds. Going out on Friday hoping to test out sensitivity and feel under a heavy load!
  15. Wait is finally over! Poison glorious 610M/Conquest 101DC and 610ML-BFS/Conquest 51DC.
  16. Hey Incheon Basser! Just noticed your screen name and Singal Reservoir in S. Korea as one of your favorite locations. I was out there for a while too and Singal was a pretty awesome fishery for sure! There were some good spots close to Incheon as well as well as more south of Seoul.
  17. Gotta agree with Nick here. Had 11 total Avids and LTBs but went in a different direction after I called requesting a couple of replacement tip guides that had fallen off and was told to check with a local shop to fix as the guides would cost over $20. Not sure what 'being taken care of' means.
  18. Nice! The price drop on the new Destroyers is nice compared to the previous Phase 3 and X7 lines. Curious as to the performance. Give us a report on the new sticks when you can.Great looking reels by the way!
  19. Sweet! I have the Themis and Mephisto in the new Evo line and love them. What happened to what's left of the poor Jabberwock Evo?
  20. That is awesome! I assume that it will be 6'8" and have similar specs? Cant wait to see the final result! Matt does amazing work for sure.
  21. The Calais/Antares has the 4x8 system and the Cq 101DC has the 3x8 system. I call the conquest the best DC system as I have a soft spot for round reels! Although the Cq 51DC has the newer i-DC4 system which doesnt give you as many options and the opportunity to fine tune your setting, there is something special about a 50 sized round reel.
  22. Not on your list. Conquest 51 or 101DC.
  23. Braid in grass. FC for finesse and around rocks or deep structure.
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