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Everything posted by senile1

  1. Dawn Direct Foam Dishwashing detergent will remove the smell. It can be hard on the hands.
  2. Whoops, I gave the next line. D@@@ Same song, lets try this again. Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to the fight?
  3. Oh, God, please won't you help me make it through Rooster - Alice In Chains Time will tell on their power minds Making war just for fun Treating people just like pawns in chess Wait till their judgement day comes
  4. I think everyone's suggestions are good, but those who suggest using something different (like RR's post above) are getting to the heart of the matter. Use something different on a highly pressured lake. Old baits that no one use anymore can give you some big surprises.
  5. Exactly!!!! At no time does that ad say anything about sex. We are the ones that automatically relate an assumed naked body to sex. I agree with KU_B and SFC_AL. I don't see anything sexual in this ad. As I said in an earlier post, though, companies who use inferred nudity, inferred sex, etc. assume that we are idots and that this is going to sell some of us on their products. There are much worse things that our children see and hear. Fortunately my daughters are 20 and 17 so this isn't a big deal. (Funny, though, I worry about them now more than ever.) SFC_AL said: SFC_AL, I think alot of the guys who don't like this aren't necessarily close-minded. There are guys on this site who are old enough to have seen the desensitization of our population to many things that were once offensive, but are now accepted. People can dislike something and still defend your right to say it and do it. That is called freedom. For instance, I don't like the degrading manner in which women are described in gangsta rap, but I defend the artist's right to produce what they wish. I just don't have to listen to it or buy it. It isn't close-minded to say I don't like it, just as it isn't close-minded if someone tells me they don't like my boat or the music I listen to. It becomes close-minded when you prohibit someone from doing something. I'm sure there are things you don't like. Does that make you close-minded? It's a preference, not a closed mind.
  6. Thanks, BassPro. I fished Camp Branch and a small cove in Crow Creek. I wanted to put in off of highway W and go up to Twin Coves but the ramps were so busy and there were so many boats up there I went to Camp Branch Marina. I'm surprised Rock Creek didn't catch more anglers.
  7. BassPro05, I like reading your posts since we both fish Smithville. Since some of the bass at Smithville are still spawning I didn't try c-rigging this weekend, though I was only out for a couple of hours. Sounds like you had some luck with the c-rigs. Do you think these were post-spawn fish you were catching off of the points and were these secondary points you were fishing? The 5 lb'er I caught was in wood off a secondary point.
  8. My answer was neither, but with caveats. What has always offended me regarding commercials like this is that it is an insult to my intelligence. It's the same with movies. If a sexual scene doesn't add to the story line in a movie, it doesn't need to be there. It is just gratuitous. I'm sure all of us like sex as much as the next guy, but there is a time and a place for it to be exposed. The ad in BasssMaster didn't bother me that much, but I have to ask, "Does Berkley think I'm stupid enough to buy their product because of this ad?" Are they targeting women or those with "alternative lifesyles", and if so, do they think women are so shallow they will buy their product due to this ad? Also, is this something I want my kids to see? It's not showing anything, but what message does it send to them about what is acceptable standards of conduct?
  9. This is a hoot!! C'mon guys. In this age of gangster rap videos, victoria secret commercials, erectile dysfunction, and our favorite.....the internet, I just can't get all worked up about a couple guys doing an ad like this? I thought it was funny. As far as emails and complaints, yeah if they get a couple of million it might work, but the real test is the direction sales take. It it's up expect more and worse to come. If down, then who knows? You know, Avid, you're right, at least to a point. What has always offended me regarding commercials that use sexuality to sell things is that it is an insult to my intelligence. It's the same with movies. If a sexual scene doesn't add to the story line in a movie, it doesn't need to be there. It is just gratuitous. I'm sure all of us like sex as much as the next guy, but there is a time and a place for it to be exposed. The ad in BasssMaster didn't bother me that much, but I have to ask, "Does Berkley think I'm stupid enough to buy their product because of this ad?" Are they targeting women or those with "alternative lifesyles", and if so, do they think women are so shallow they will buy their product due to this ad? Also, is this something I want my kids to see? It's not showing anything, but what message does it send to them about what are acceptable standards of conduct?
  10. I think that's a great idea, KU_B. I fished Smithville Lake after the tournament on Saturday. Water temperature was 77 degrees and stained. Wind was 10 - 15 mph, but closer to sundown, I found some still water in the coves. In the last two weeks Smithville's temperature has gone from 65 degrees to 77, so there is still some spawning going on. I could see bass in the shallows but it was very tough to get a bite. (I like to believe that was because of the Thursday night and Saturday tournament pressure and not my fishing skills. 8-)) I fished from the bank to 8 feet deep. I landed 3 bass from approximately 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The first bass was approximately 15 inches and on a watermelon black fleck senko t-rigged with no weight. The second was between 12 and 14 inches on a Rapala original floater. The last bass was over 5 lbs on my cheapo scale and just over 21 inches. I caught it on a pearl colored Zara Puppy. She was in 2 - 3 feet of water next to a stump. In the interim time periods between catching these fish, I tried different colored senkos and brushhogs, with no takers. The fish were grabbing the tail of my 5" senkos but they wouldn't commit.
  11. I use a spining rod/reel. I was casting over head. Never put my thumb on the spool. A flat trajectory cast would still eliminate the lure hanging up most of the time. If you cast with a quick, continuous motion and whip the rod forward towards the target it will load the tip and the lure will be stretched out straight from the tip of your rod, keeping the trebles away from the line.
  12. Regarding the rear treble on the jitterbug hanging on your line, are you feathering the spool with your thumb just before your lure hits the water? Also, are you making looping casts? A flat trajectory cast with feathering of the spool before the lure hits the water should eliminate this problem.
  13. Here's another choice for you, Lang. I use light spinning tackly like everyone else but I use Southern Pro Triple tail grubs mostly. The tail wiggles like crazy with the slightest movement. I think Walleye is some of the best fish I've ever tasted but I"ve never eaten a large one.
  14. Blanked, I got a kick out of your quote. If a lake is only a few miles from your home and you can keep your boat at your home or near the lake, I can see getting out and fishing in the evenings and getting a few trips a week even if you work a regular schedule. I know what you mean, though. Between kids, work, and work around the home it can be difficult to fish more than once a week. I've managed *** trips since the beginning of March. It does take time to learn a lake that is bigger than a couple hundred acres. Smithville Lake in Missouri is approximately 7200 acres and I've learned some of it in the 3 years I've fished it, but there is much left to learn.
  15. The Garmin 250c is color with 320 x 320 pixels for around $350. This is the best resolution I've been able to find for under $400 and these are good equipment. The Lowrance 67c and the Eagle FishEasy 320c are pretty decent and are about $75 - 80 cheaper but their resolution is only 320 x 240.
  16. I would have a difficult time picking just one. I didn't see Stratos listed anywhere. I chose other because I haven't experienced enough of these boats to differentiate between them.
  17. Texas, Florida, or California for Really Big Bass.
  18. Avid, I thought you would throw a Senko?
  19. What Roger said.
  20. It's all here under the Tips and Tactics section. This is the link for flippin' and pitchin'. http://www.bassresource.com/fish/flip&pitch.html You'll want to practice before you do this on the water.
  21. Well . . . you got me there, Avid. I have to agree with you.
  22. CJBasswacker is correct. Keep the rod down.
  23. I mean no offense to those who compliment Marcia on her good looks as I'm sure she appreciates the compliments that I've read in these threads from time to time. However, I would bet that she would prefer to be recognized for her accomplishments, and, especially on this site, for her bass fishing expertise. Great article. Keep on keeping on, Marcia.
  24. Good info, bigtex. After all these years of trying to decipher new lakes on my own, you have opened my eyes. You can't be shy. Gotta' talk to the aged locals. Thanks.
  25. Glad you found what you needed. I run a 65 lb thrust motor on my 15 1/2 foot bassboat. It trucks.
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