This is a hoot!!
C'mon guys. In this age of gangster rap videos, victoria secret commercials, erectile dysfunction, and our favorite.....the internet, I just can't get all worked up about a couple guys doing an ad like this?
I thought it was funny.
As far as emails and complaints, yeah if they get a couple of million it might work, but the real test is the direction sales take. It it's up expect more and worse to come. If down, then who knows?
You know, Avid, you're right, at least to a point. What has always offended me regarding commercials that use sexuality to sell things is that it is an insult to my intelligence. It's the same with movies. If a sexual scene doesn't add to the story line in a movie, it doesn't need to be there. It is just gratuitous. I'm sure all of us like sex as much as the next guy, but there is a time and a place for it to be exposed.
The ad in BasssMaster didn't bother me that much, but I have to ask, "Does Berkley think I'm stupid enough to buy their product because of this ad?" Are they targeting women or those with "alternative lifesyles", and if so, do they think women are so shallow they will buy their product due to this ad? Also, is this something I want my kids to see? It's not showing anything, but what message does it send to them about what are acceptable standards of conduct?